Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 These would have to be raised to pay for the damage they caused in acid rain and global warming .
2 In every case the farmer reporting evidence said he was not against badgers in principle , but wanted either adequate compensation for the damage they did or someone to control them , because they had no natural predators .
3 They did so without any regard for the serious injury they could cause or for the damage they could inflict .
4 They would do his bidding , more or less , and for the present they would have to cope with Anne .
5 She knew , of course , that men were driven by lusts of the flesh , desires that they satisfied with little or no regard for the females they wanted , but , strangely enough , she would not have considered fitzAlan to be a man to lose control of himself for that reason .
6 This is because in sentence ( 1a ) the referent for the pronoun they is provided within the first clause , whereas it does not become available until the beginning of the second clause in sentence ( 1b ) .
7 So although those carers in the action sample were grateful for the help they received from the Home Support Project ( and almost without exception carers throughout the action samples expressed the same sentiment ) , there is scant evidence that it contributed to allaying feelings of strain .
8 The real breakthrough will come when the pot plants grown from rainforest seed are sold as such — when customers in down- town LA choose their purchases for the help they give to commercial community-based conservation as much as for their leaf colours .
9 The aim is to raise money for any former resistance workers who 've fallen on hard times and to say thank you for the help they gave to our servicemen :
10 The aim is to raise money for any former resistance workers who 've fallen on hard times and to say thank you for the help they gave to our servicemen :
11 A large number of disabled people take part in the Telethon and are grateful for the help they get from the telethon .
12 Smaller family farmers have been neglected and offered derisory prices for the products they mostly sell ( e.g. cassava and honey , see Chambers and Singer 1980 ) .
13 Once they pass they are given accreditation for the products they are allowed to sell , and that accreditation is available for the customer to see . ’
14 Indeed , one of the key points about Berger and Mohr 's study is that such moral careers are being partly constructed by capital 's requirements for a cheap workforce and one which can be dismissed in line with fluctuating demands for the products they make .
15 These workers will only be employed if there is demand for the products they make — for export , from the government or from the employers themselves .
16 The only financial bonus for the dangers they face is an environmental allowance of £1.14p a day .
17 it means that er they 're in a wheelchair most of the time , but they 're , for the , for the activity they 're , they 're standing
18 Even though international organisations , as international persons , may be held liable under international law for the acts they perform , this can not exclude the secondary liability of the Member States themselves .
19 Watt found great difficulty in working with the Cornish mine captains and obtaining from them full payment for the engines they had built or modified .
20 But again , the presuppositions which produce such doubts do not describe who God is for the god they describe is not God .
21 How can doctors be made more accountable for the resources they use and what kind of incentives are appropriate ?
22 Attempts to make clinicians more accountable for the resources they used , another theme of the Griffiths report , led to pilot projects on management budgeting for clinicians , broadening out to a second phase of pilots in Resource Management in six hospital and six community sites in 1987 .
23 It seems to their Lordships , for the reasons they have already indicated , that these cases provide no support for the decision of the court in Rex v. Sheridan .
24 Erm , I think at the back of some people 's minds there was this pressure , you know that 's why a few did return to work and I mean I can understand some of them returning to work but not necessarily for the reasons they 've stated .
25 Not the actual shots , those the Director decides and works out for the style they 're going to shoot in .
26 They derive narcissistic satisfaction from their cultural ideals when they compare themselves with others ; ‘ … the right to despise the people outside it ( their culture ) compensates them for the wrongs they suffer within their own unit ’ .
27 Other recommendations included the complete withdrawal of allegations against detainees held without trial with a " clear and unequivocal apology for the wrongs they have suffered " and financial compensation for all victims of abuse whether or not it had been proved that they were agents of the South African government .
28 In this way , individual schools and their teachers would be made more closely accountable for the education they provide since their work will be directly assessable against the results of other schools in the locality and against the national standards .
29 For the users they can be more productive by exploiting the of choice .
30 All around her men 's eyes are avidly forsaking their embarrassed girlfriends for the fantasy they have paid the go-go dancer to concoct of herself ; the room contains a crowd of men united in desire and fear of possession of women who are separated from each other by bars .
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