Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The budget figure is what 's been agreed with and it 's a straightforward month by month , seasonally adjusted erm budget which comes to the end result figure that we 're aiming for for this year .
2 And finally , surely at this present moment , only four miles east of Harrogate and about three miles east of Ripon the A s A one is at this very moment in time being lifted to an acceptable standard A motorway standard at this stage and not in the year two thousand which is what you 're talking about for this road .
3 So I started there and they put me on a month 's trial and I dithered about about this month , whether I was good enough , and they 'd forgotten all about it , by the end of month , trial .
4 Er nevertheless , under P P G guidance , erm advice , the new settlement is a strategic issue and therefore it 's right and proper to think about it and look at look at it and try to determine whether it is possible to give guidance on a district location through this through through through this debate .
5 Er we 've used this to analyze the consumer preferences and purchasing questions indicated erm through through this research .
6 ( To appreciate the reorientation that was called for after this period , see Latourelle , 1968 , pp. 207–309 ; on Tradition , see Congar , 1966 , especially pp. 196–221 ; on the trials of biblical scholars , see Levie , 1961 . )
7 The individual is the provider of material and data , is sought after for this purpose , is the bearer of social forces and is the agent of society itself .
8 He was happy and well looked after in this home .
9 The prototype was housed in a plastic instrument case having aluminium front and rear panels , but there are plenty of cases of about this size to choose from .
10 There is now fairly good observational evidence to suggest that black holes of about this size exist in double-star systems such as the X-ray source known as Cygnus X-I .
11 With signals of about this level a signal to noise ratio of 70dB to 80dB should be obtained .
12 Individual Athenians felt no compunction at this tightening of the screws : an Athenian father of about this time called his son Karystonikos , shamelessly exulting in the ‘ Victory over Karystos ’ , and the name Naxiades , which occurs in the same inscribed casualty-list ( ML 48 ) can be similarly explained .
13 Orogenies and accompanying metamorphism of about this age ( that is , about 478 million years B.P. ) have been recognised , for example , in the Massif Central , the Vosges and the Black Forest .
14 There was so much spoil from this Avar stronghold that Charles used it as gifts , and it was some of of this booty that reached the distant King Offa of Mercia , in central Britain .
15 And our classic examples of course there erm of of of this situation in in post eighteen fifteen Europe are Germany , Italy Poland .
16 Very much the view of of this group that we have an excellent planning and environment department service led by a distinguished er director and say that .
17 of of this secrecy that 's apparently surrounded the whole thing .
18 On the other page yeah it had a picture of like this chart yeah and it had the picture of a grapefruit in all this sharing , you had to just draw that .
19 And if you think of what potential it 's got erm sort of like this squirt , if you like .
20 " The Secretary of State shall have the power to direct bus operators operating undertakings disposed of under this Act to implement any recommendations of the Scottish Bus Passengers ' Consultative Committee . "
21 13.2 Each claim of under this warranty shall be sent in writing , by telefax or by telex to specifying the type of Licensed Software involved and the nature of the fault or defect .
22 These matters confirm me in the view already expressed that the disturbance complained of in this case is not actionable .
23 Indeed , in his first reading of the letter Gentle had n't even realized it was Pie'oh'pah who was being spoken of in this passage .
24 Well I suppose a very junior clerk , the first job I was given was , well it 's unheard of in this day and age but what they had was what they call a bundi clock and there every driver and conductor had got a key that was inserted in this clock and on it was his personal number , well when he reported for duty , he inserted this key into the clock , turned the handle and stamped on to a piece of paper , a roll of paper , his number and the time he reported and the next day it was my job to go through and record from this piece of paper how many minutes they were late f reporting for duty and if they erm were more than , I think about three or four minutes we had to send them a memo telling them , that 's how things were in those days that people were , they toed the line or else .
25 Her working-class male counterpart is not usually ridiculed or disapproved of in this way , as someone whose language is inappropriate .
26 This is the first time that books have been disposed of in this way .
27 This is a Catch-22 I do n't think rugby will be able to spin out of in this country .
28 Follow-on milk contains more protein than breast milk or formula , but since protein deficiency is practically unheard of in this country , extra protein is n't really necessary .
29 But it 's cattle you should think of in this country , perfect dairy pasture , rich it is .
30 Erm in places Richmond Park in the economy er of in this country .
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