Example sentences of "[prep] [art] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Which is more than can be said for the other engine .
2 As a result , it is an established convention that the Scottish and Welsh Offices consult their Whitehall opposite numbers ( and vice versa ) before proposing any action which could be the thin end of an undesirable wedge for the other ministry .
3 But permanent replacements for the other posts took longer to fill .
4 There was no way Guy Sterne could be remotely interested in her , and as for the other way around …
5 Yesterday the spirits and beer ration had reached us ; rum for the Officers and beer for the other ranks , but as we were all involved in the war , everything was shared .
6 For the other ranks we took over St Michael 's girls ' school which was able to take about seventy men .
7 ‘ Any amount of cases of champagne for the officers and crates of beer for the other ranks . ’
8 ‘ And , Herr Busacher , I think something must be done about her costumes for the other productions .
9 The week of that first production of Luxembourg , Karl had been absolutely beastly to her — really hurtful about her performance as Juliette which , as she was desperately saving her voice for the other productions , she tended to talk her way through .
10 Now unless there 's a prosecution we have the facts for the other offenses I understand .
11 Nevertheless , the code is universal : that is , GGC is translated as glycine in all organisms from viruses to man , and similarly for the other triplets .
12 A ‘ residence order ’ will say where the children will live ; and a ‘ contract order ’ will set out the arrangements for the other parent to see the children — what used to be called access .
13 And more disturbingly for the other clubs with ambition , the display promises even greater deeds .
14 She ought to leave the field open for the other girls .
15 As for the chasy games ( also too undignified for the other girls to join in ) , it is to that that I owe the mark on my cheek .
16 How does the average er charge for metered water for those compare with the average for the other houses .
17 There are smaller differences between countries for this variable than for the other dependents , and the overall significant correlations are reflected to some extent in all countries except Japan .
18 criticism only improves performance if offered in a kindly way , with a genuine liking or at least respect for the other person
19 Sympathy involves ‘ feeling sorry ’ for the other person — or perhaps , it involves our imagining how we would feel if we were experiencing what is happening to him .
20 Openly explain what you are doing , or intending to do , for the other person
21 This has a more constructive effect in that the explanation becomes the focus for the other person 's reaction rather than the fact of a disagreement .
22 Friendship is about caring for the other person , respecting the other person , sharing your interests with the other person , enjoying just being with the other person — but not about suffocating the other person with big slobbering kisses !
23 It stops INTERRUPTIONS If you take turns in listening to each other you will wait for the other person to finish before you come in .
24 Make it possible for the other person to change what they do .
25 Non-assertion shows a subtle lack of respect for the other person 's ability to take disappointments , to shoulder some responsibility , to handle their own problems .
26 The other is that he heard me following , and staged the attack on himself , with the help of some accomplice unknown — for it could n't have been done alone , could it ? — to put himself in the clear , and immobilise me long enough for the other person to get away , and the body to be well downstream .
27 The frontier AB shows the maximum quantity of goods which the economy can produce for one person given the quantity of goods being produced for the other person .
28 If the person that has had , been made redundant to make the claim , can claim for the other person and there 's no red
29 It took weeks for the other prisoners to get over that ; they would just come up and touch me .
30 Whenever I hear Chris I 'm illumined for three quarters of the time , and dazzled for the other quarter .
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