Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] time [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 One recommendation has already been implemented : the agreement by the BMJ and the Lancet to include a separate heading in the classified advertisement for part time posts .
2 Further , the amount of time available in practice for part time Masters level courses makes it unlikely that occasional work will give awareness of language as strong a base as was provided for first degree work in other areas .
3 The process of applying for part time jobs is long drawn out and tedious .
4 There are two comfortable lounges for relaxing in , a bar , a delightful panoramic restaurant , a lift and provision for lunch time snacks .
5 The hotel is typically Italian in design , and among its facilities offers a side dining-room , restaurant ( this is also open to the public ) , large first-floor sun terrace for relaxing on , a small outside bar for lunch time snacks , TV lounge and a lift to all floors .
6 From 1 April 1993 all the costs of part time posts ( at all grades ) will be held by regional postgraduate deans .
7 The rules governing payment of UB and DB were changed in April 1991 to reflect the eligibility of part time workers but the Regulations to bring those new rules into effect were not made until the end of December 1992 .
8 In spite of trade union protests , not just by representatives of this union , but by representatives of a number of unions , all within my hearing , the public heard little about our vote winning policies for full employment , or a minimum wage , or decent rights at work , the Party said next to nothing in high profile terms , about child care or maternity rights or the exploitation of part time workers .
9 The salvation it proposed was based on a reduction in the amount of first-class cricket to a 16-match one-day competition without over limitation , a reduction in county staffs and the involvement and use of part time cricketers .
10 Er I mean I 've the number of part time centres
11 Erm number of part time centres , half day sessions ,
12 Besides general criticisms about the framework , some specifically focused on the undue emphasis on subjects , the neglect of a consideration of teaching methods , the specification of percentage time allocations , and the dominance of national needs as a criterion for selecting or determining the curriculum .
13 If the presence of Amy eating her food is the signal ( antecedent ) for Keith to take it ( problem behaviour ) then the change of lunch time arrangements leave Keith without the signal or the food to steal .
14 Some , mainly those of war time subjects and taken in the 30 's and 40's were given to the National Portrait Gallery , but the best were retained by the V. and A.
15 We were we were instructed to dig for victory and so we 've got er erm a gardening guide And a book that I 've also got called We 'll eat Again which is full of war time recipes .
16 Indeed , it is very clear from our studies that to define curriculum balance solely in terms of subject time allocations is both superficial and misplaced .
17 Dolcelatte gets rid of meal time blues .
18 A series of gruellinng time trials will decide who goes to Henley .
19 Faecal samples were stored at -20°C before being radiographed ( for transit time studies ) , homogenisation and freeze drying .
20 In short , there appeared to be a cutoff at five years , such that those with responsibility time spans of less than five years felt they needed a manager with a responsibility time span of more than five years .
21 Meetings with lunch time supervisors can be held just after afternoon school starts and meetings with cleaning staff can occasionally be held before they start their shift .
22 Less than a third of the teenagers questioned earned any extra money from part time jobs .
23 Labour leader John Smith , in Question Time exchanges on freedom of information , demanded to know the cost to Britain of the ‘ fiasco ’ of Black Wednesday , when the pound was forced out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism .
24 Pensions as a form of work reward suffer from an absurd time-lag ; no one at 25 years of age thinks in 40-year time horizons .
25 you should also consider putting in lighting time switches .
26 How can we appeal to part time workers and convince them that we can change things for the better , many of whom are home workers who are working in appalling conditions and often for less than fifty pence an hour ?
27 ‘ Under Labour policy those rights would be given to part time workers from day one , ’ said Miss Armstrong .
28 There 's there is often something on distance time graphs and also quite often it 's like that .
30 But he feared the bill could be lost because the Government , by including the words ‘ any subsequent development of such embryos ’ in the bill 's long title , was permitting debate on abortion time limits .
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