Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] the same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 're laying down here … — that our marriage is rather like the summer , day after day the same , very still , very peaceful .
2 Although in this article I am talking specifically about green manures for winter the same principle applies during the remainder of the year .
3 I mean , Gary says you dream about marriage the same way you dream about someone coming down your throat ; it 's not something you 're going to actually do , not these days , but that does n't mean you do n't dream about it .
4 Is the appeal of physics the same for women as it is for men ?
5 This ability to form a mental map and then formulate behaviour ( perhaps by imagining various alternative scenarios ) seems very like the ability of chimpanzees to imagine the solution to the hanging-banana problem by stacking the boxes in their minds before performing the behaviour for real , and of course the same process goes on in our own minds all the time .
6 Those thoughts in themselves are sufficient to turn the occasion from a loving one into some sort of physical test — and of course the same thing happens again ; the man feels so tense and anxious that he is simply not able to perform sexually .
7 This line of argument supports , as beneficial to all , a certain kind of individualism , which is not of course the same as egoism .
8 Then , a few months later quite by chance , of course the same painting came onto the market . ’
9 But of course the same could be said of the situation in Lace v. Chantler [ 1944 ] K.B .
10 Well Mr , of course the same argument could be put forward in er to justify reading all proofs of evidence in full , and er that would lengthen an already very long enquiry to er er erm a quite grotesque extent .
11 And of course the same is true of shop assistants so do please make allowances for human error .
12 And of course the same thing applied with clothes and shoes , they always inspected the cleansiness and if your shoes had holes in or anything then once in a while there were new ones came in and y you were fitted out .
13 Aye and of course the same with the
14 of course the same thing happens in Hatfield which is done within about a stones throw literally fifty yards of that field market and town centre and such like and it 's very unpopular .
15 They were given no votes or erm opportunities and of course the same thing will happen if and when the Parcelforce is sold off from the Post Office er there 's twenty thousand people there .
16 Not only is the method of demonstration the same but , given the research that novelists do , it can not be claimed that their dialogue is wholly invented .
17 If you are satisfied that you have spirited away all possible clutter and still do not have adequate preparation space you could cover a sink with a portable chopping board , or turn a drawer into an extra work surface by fitting runners to a block of wood the same width as the drawer , so that it will glide in and out of the unit , resting on the top of the drawer when it is pulled out .
18 To make up a box , get a piece of hardboard the same size as the panel for the box bottom .
19 There the indigenous law was unwritten , and although the Board of Kandyan Commissioners , relying on assessors , at first attempted to enforce Kandyan criminal law , within fifteen years of annexation the same mixture of Roman-Dutch and English law which prevailed in the Low Country was generally applied .
20 We will give the outcome of treatment the same importance as the throughput of treatment .
21 New tees lurked in the trees on several holes , and were skilfully placed to bring into play the same hazards which threatened the club players from their tees .
22 Oh , why could n't life be uncomplicated , so that the man you fell in love with felt the same way ?
23 When a penalty is kicked directly into touch the same team will have the throw-in .
24 210 In all cases between landlord and tenant , as often as it shall happen that one half year 's rent shall be in arrear , and the landlord or lessor , to whom the same is due , hath right by law to re-enter for the non-payment thereof , such landlord or lessor shall and may , without any formal demand or re-entry , serve a writ in ejectment for the recovery of the demised premises , which service shall stand in the place and stead of a demand and re-entry ; and in case of judgment against the defendant for non-appearance , if it shall be made appear to the court where the said action is depending , by affidavit , or be proved upon the trial in case the defendant appears , that half a year 's rent was due before the said writ was served , and that no sufficient distress was to be found on the demised premises , countervailing the arrears then due , and that the lessor had power to re-enter , then and in every such case the lessor shall recover judgment and execution , in the same manner as if the rent in arrear had been legally demanded , and a re-entry made ; and in case the lessee or his assignee , or other person claiming or deriving under the said lease , shall permit and suffer judgment to be had and recovered on such trial in ejectment , and execution to be executed thereon , without paying the rent and arrears , together with full costs , and without proceeding for relief in equity within six months after such execution executed , then and in such case the said lessee , his assignee , and all other persons claiming and deriving under the said lease , shall be barred and foreclosed from all relief or remedy in law or equity , other than by bringing error for reversal of such judgment , in case the same shall be erroneous , and the said landlord or lessor shall from thenceforth hold the said demised premises discharged from such lease ; provided that nothing herein contained shall extend to bar the right of any mortgagee of such lease , or any part thereof , who shall not be in possession , so as such mortgagee shall and do , within six months after such judgment obtained and execution executed pay all rent in arrear , and all costs and damages sustained by such lessor or person entitled to the remainder or reversion as aforesaid , and perform all the covenants and agreements which , on the part and behalf of the first lessee , are and ought to be performed .
25 The Canine Defence League refuses to find new homes for abandoned animals until well after the holiday , in case the same dogs are given as presents and then dumped again .
26 The climatic boundaries of this graph are in part the same as those given by Penck ( 1910 ) , Davis ( 1912 ) and Troll ( 1947 ) whose influence is acknowledged by the writer .
27 This seems to have been the only time that the English king led his men to victory : had the negotiations which preceded his return from exile the same year included a stipulation by those who complained about his previous behaviour ( see below ) that henceforth there should be more determination in dealing with the enemy ?
28 And , since this new bill is in essence the same as last October 's , a veto is what it will probably get .
29 Tallymen and check traders , and perhaps to some extent local moneylenders ( sometimes in practice the same individuals ) , exercise — on a very much smaller scale — an influence opposite to the one which will be described below under ‘ Banks ’ .
30 Professor Elton believes that they are part of the revolution in government carried through by Thomas Cromwell , that they produced an entirely new kind of Council — a formal governing board instead of an informal inner ring — and that they achieved a clear demarcation of function between administrative and judicial business , with the Privy Council attending to administration and the Star Chamber in effect the same people afforced by two judges — carrying out conciliar jurisdiction .
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