Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] to [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Hamilton submitted that there were situations where injuries could continue to be sustained , such as damage to hearing from excessive noise levels over a lengthy period .
2 acting as official or sponsoring broker for admission to listing on LSE or USM
3 Parish councillors are to write to the borough council for permission to fell the tress because of the risk of root damage to nearby houses .
4 The malignancies in children whose fathers were monitored for exposure to ionising radiation were not unusual .
5 No mother of a case had worked at a nuclear establishment before her child 's conception , and no mother had a record of being monitored for exposure to ionising radiation at any time before diagnosis ( table V ) .
6 All four case children whose fathers were monitored for exposure to ionising radiation were born within this 10 km circle .
7 The questionnaire administered to parents included specific questions about work at nuclear establishments and monitoring for exposure to ionising radiation .
8 Employees ' reports of monitoring for exposure to ionising radiation agreed with the industrial records , except for one mother of a case who reported being monitored , but there was no record of this in the industry databases .
9 Our results can be interpreted as supporting Gardner and colleagues ' finding in that the fathers of three ( out of 54 ) cases and two ( out of 324 ) controls had been monitored for exposure to ionising radiation before their child was conceived ( relative risk 9.0 , 1.0 to 107.8 ) .
10 Information about parental employment and monitoring for exposure to ionising radiation was obtained from nuclear industry files and is likely to be complete and unbiased .
11 On the basis of estimates of the size and composition of the nuclear workforces in the study area , national fertility rates , and local migration rates , we estimate that the expected numbers of control fathers who were employed and monitored for exposure to ionising radiation are in broad agreement with the numbers observed .
12 The malignancies of children whose fathers were monitored for exposure to ionising radiation did not seem to be atypical : all had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia , their ages at diagnosis were not unusual , and the time of their diagnosis was not concentrated in any particular period .
13 In its more specific uses it has much to contribute by way of correction to generalizing uses of culture' .
14 Under the Listing Particulars Directive , it is a condition of admission to listing that the issuer publishes listing particulars which contain , in as easily analysable and comprehensive a form as possible , the applicable items listed in the Directive .
15 Later , and also accidentally , they were found to damage and destroy living tissues , so they were applied as a kind of cautery to ulcerating cancerous growths as well as to other conditions such as inflammations and tuberculosis .
16 There is evidence of damage to spawning grounds , caused by forestry flash-flooding ; hills are scarred by new roads ; locked gates and electrified fences bar the way across the moors .
17 Minor splits will heal but beware of damage to leading hard rays of dorsal fin
18 In 1908 it assured shareholders that it was ‘ now remunerative ’ , the prelude of course to going out of business in 1910 .
19 There was also a lot of resistance to moving from the church to a new permanent home .
20 Governments would find it easy to cut taxes and unbalance the budget when unemployment was rising , but there would be a lot of resistance to raising taxes to create a surplus of revenue when prosperous times returned .
21 Staphylococci have some degree of resistance to killing by phagocytes and yo you should recall that phagocytes er , one of the mechanisms by which phagocytes kill intercellular organisms is the production of reactive oxygen intermediates and catalase is one of the ways that these can detoxified and th there 's fairly good evidence that the catalase enzyme enables er , staph orius to persist .
22 In addition , microtubules may be involved in the internal alignment of platelet organelles before the release reaction and , furthermore , may help govern the degree of response to circulating agonists ( White et al , 1981 ) .
23 The meeting was also addressed by Dr Michael Blade of Shangarry , who outlined the health effects of exposure to mining dust , and Chris Murphy , a vet from Tullow , who warned of the mining 's effects on animal health .
24 After a period of exposure to grazing one can then test for the frequency of the various types of damage to clover leaves with the different genotypes and afterwards reconfirm the cyanogenic or acyanogenic status of the plant ( Fig. 16.7 ) .
25 Now , in 1980 , having largely escaped the first round of cuts by the Tory government , the Housing Corporation , which is a major source of funding to housing associations and co-ops , has been cut too , leading to an ever worsening situation for those ineligible for council housing or unable to buy into the private market .
26 During the first government of Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson , one of whose election slogans had been that he was going to introduce a white hot technological revolution , AEA was empowered by act of Parliament to undertaken R&D on non-nuclear topics .
27 At the same time , he has put a warning shot across the bows of the rightwing pro-Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ) , which has already committed its 88 members of parliament to supporting the minority government .
28 In doing so we are going beyond the consideration of the facts of disadvantage to uncovering the mechanisms through which it is produced and perpetuated .
29 That point enables me to raise with the Minister the matter of aid to mining areas , which was also referred to by my hon. Friend the Member for Hemsworth .
30 There was a great deal of opposition to requesting X-rays when it was first proposed as part of the ENP 's role .
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