Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] should [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ANYONE who thinks the 44-game season is worth preserving should have heard the Thistle assistant manager , Gerry Collins , describe this disappointing match as ‘ an end-of-season-game ’ .
2 But tourists who want value for money should avoid buying a postcard in Bahrain or hiring a deckchair in Japan .
3 Equilibrium in the money market requires that the demand for money should equal the supply of money .
4 Graph ( b ) represents the equilibrium condition that the sum of the speculative and transactions demands for money should equal the given money supply .
5 The guide-lines also set out a number of general principles to be observed , of which the most significant ( and conten-tious ) is that the grounds for committal should relate solely to the seriousness of the offence in question , and not the offender 's previous convictions .
6 We have seen how structuralism showed increasing signs of unease concerning the nature of discourse about literature , and we noted the solution proposed by Barthes , namely that discourse about literature should take the form of the discourse of literature .
7 The crew greeted my arrival on board with facetious comments : " Anyone going trawling for pleasure should go to Hell for a pastime , " was one of them .
8 According to the EIT , funds for research should rise to Ecu5m next year .
9 The preliminary step to any change of educational practice as to how pupils are introduced to and learn about industry should involve direct experience and regular industrial updating for teachers .
10 Once re-investigation becomes routine , the fact that a case has been referred for re-investigation should attract no more concern than the fact that a medical diagnosis has been subjected to the test of a second opinion .
11 It was totally dark , blacker and denser than the darkest night — even after dawn should have come — as the thick cloud of ash hung over them , cutting off the light from the sun .
12 However , a well looked after culture should last at least three to four months , at which time it is probably best to dump ninety percent of the medium and to then add fresh medium .
13 Consequently , at this year 's International Council Meeting , it was decided that the quest for sponsorship should follow the same guidelines as fundraising in its pursuit of funds .
14 Only text authorized for publication should go forward for final make-up .
15 Cohen sets a standard toward which any film about architecture should aspire .
16 We also consider that requests for assistance should come through the Deputy Director Operations as arranged and not be dealt with in a haphazard way between unit commanders who are presumably not in the full operational picture . ’
17 Mr Reynolds stated that getting the talks underway again was now a priority and the search for peace should proceed without fear or the threat of violence from any side .
18 Neo-classical models of the labour market contend that equilibriating mechanisms such as migration should work to eradicate spatial variations in unemployment ( Gleave and Palmer , 1980 ) , but the continuation of wide regional variations in rates of joblessness through the 1980s suggests that these mechanisms are not working very efficiently ( Gleave and Sellens , 1984 ; Green et al. , 1986 ) .
19 It proposed that the maximum for rape should continue to be life imprisonment and the maximum for non-consensual buggery where the victim was over 16 should be raised from ten years to life imprisonment .
20 Copy for inclusion should reach the Editor not later than 14 February 1994 .
21 It held that any system of assessment should –relate to expected routes of development' ( DES 1988a : para. 91 ) .
22 Whenever possible , notices of change should precede the event ; ( 2 ) identification of the partners who will continue the practice under the original or a new firm name ; ( 3 ) notification of the outgoing partner 's new address and firm name ; ( 4 ) invitation to the client to indicate which of the firms referred to he wishes to instruct .
23 So although Attlee 's cabinet of the post-war years was instrumental in promoting and drafting the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms , few thought it necessary or desirable that this guarantee of freedom should become part of English law .
24 The Power of Attorney is given to a relative or solicitor to act as Attorney or donee , but this power ought to lapse if the donor is mentally incapacitated , and the Court of Protection should step in .
25 For a given herbivore pressure , the advantage of defence should increase as the potential maximum growth rate declines .
26 Galadriel seems to know in advance that Aragorn will take the Paths of the Dead , Aragorn to know that he and Éomer will meet again , ‘ though all the hosts of Mordor should stand between ’ .
27 The report recommends that the Ministry of Agriculture should take an active role in preventing unnecessary loss of farmland to development , and explore ways of finding more non-agricultural uses of rural land , as well as encouraging a reduction in the intensity of agricultural production .
28 It is ironic that Holmes 's acceptance of the meritocratic possibilities of democratisation should have led to an Act which allowed for the creation of the comprehensive school — but in fact the ideology he shared with other administrators was one that could embrace the comprehensive , which was , at times , argued in the context of a more successful way of providing a selective education .
29 and that , that 's why their er you know , Shaun , erm , Amelda brought erm Moyra down with the babies , you know she was up there and she could help her down , but Shaun is coming down now wi , this weekend in the car and of course they 'll be able to go back in the car , erm there 's , there 's gon na be a party for erm , of course should warn the girl Of course that 's the awful thing about it is n't it ?
30 If so , it is perhaps surprising that a threat of a mere breach of contract should give rise to liability .
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