Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Such firms must , however , maintain a list of all the partners at their principal premises for inspection by interested persons during normal business hours and a statement that such list is available for inspection must appear on business correspondence .
32 A method for inspection will avoid duplication or omission .
33 It is far from clear that the necessary Listed Building Consent for demolition would have been forthcoming from the local authority .
34 From the early days , the children destined for university would have acquired at least the rudiments of Greek and perhaps even a little Hebrew : books in all three languages had been left to the School by William Nicholson , the Master , in 1597 .
35 If the referendum does not result in a reform of the constitution , a rare opportunity for decision will have been wasted .
36 Any note from me about progress will follow next Month 's meeting not today .
37 It was unclear where responsibility for child-minders , registration of playgroups , etc. would rest in the new organisation , but it was possible that the new provisions in the Children Bill going through parliament would allow for those services to be provided through education departments .
38 ( And the Children 's Bill currently going through Parliament will seek to give them more rights and protection . )
39 The guaranteed customers ( even if at cut-price ) twice daily during term-time can assist the financial success of many rural bus routes , which can sometimes also be used by adults to travel to nearby centres .
40 The next day , Mark told Millie , his secretary , that the Corporation 's plans for reorganisation would involve the elimination of regional management .
41 That two of his sons had fought for Parliament may have played a part in this transfer of loyalty .
42 The £500 deposit would hardly pay for the barristers ' lunches at the public inquiry , whereas my standing for Parliament will concentrate the other candidates ' minds solidly on the issue and emphasise the public 's outrage at National Grid plc 's proposals .
43 Both Bryant families were strong Methodists and those who complain today about racism can have no idea of the gulf between Church and Chapel only seventy years ago .
44 Under the terms of the deal purportedly sealed in Paris , the Iranians would not free the US hostages until after the 1980 presidential election , thus ensuring that President Jimmy Carter 's bid for re-election would gain no credit from an " October Surprise " release .
45 I was sort of hoping any other people who were interested in standing for re-election might have came along to this Committee to show their
46 Complacency about recession could destroy the Tories yet : they have been given a sharp warning by the electorate and they disregard it at their peril .
47 The fact that in these experiments there is no evidence for differentiation may mean only that differentiation produces less powerful effects than does mediation .
48 So we for instance will enable you to use decision support tools against any of that information in a seamless manner .
49 Caesium-137 for instance can stay in the body of a child for 30-50 days and in that of an adult for 70-100 days .
50 A simple cleaning kit for instance can include rubber gloves , disposable masks and goggles if necessary .
51 The book of Kings for instance must have been written after the last event it mentions — the release of King Jehoiachin from prison in 562 BC — yet it also relates the accession of Solomon , some 400 years earlier , as well as numerous events in between .
52 We might expect the throne for some generations to be occupied by a more or less yellow king ; but can any one believe that the whole island will gradually acquire a white , or even a yellow population , or that the islanders would acquire the energy , courage , ingenuity , patience , self-control , endurance , in virtue of which qualities our hero killed so many of their ancestors , and begot so many children ; these qualities , in fact , which the struggle for existence would select , if it could select anything ?
53 ANYONE who thinks the 44-game season is worth preserving should have heard the Thistle assistant manager , Gerry Collins , describe this disappointing match as ‘ an end-of-season-game ’ .
54 Brussels concedes that government pressure for payment might force CNP into receivership , but has nevertheless launched legal proceedings which may have the effect of forcing the government 's hand .
55 ‘ Capital ’ may be defined as money used to finance the production of commodities for private gain .
56 Further pleas for macro-geomorphology have been made by Summerfield ( 1981 ) arguing for a more secure basis of geophysical , sedimentological and geochronometric , data and the potential for megageomorphology may remain ( Gardner and Scoging , 1983 ) .
57 Better value for money would result from less use of custody for many classes of offender .
58 Note that for a given level of income , the transactions demand for money would rise if more households were paid fortnightly or monthly rather than weekly .
59 Rational arguments and the need for money may keep it submerged but from time to time it is so inflamed that it can no longer be suppressed .
60 Some have intimated that these contacts , while not illegal , raise suspicions that the superfund 's huge cache for money may have turned into a political slush-fund , spread around to fertilise the candidates of loyal Republicans .
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