Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 As a possible source for Loulou we can , I think , eliminate the mother of a ‘ hideous ’ English family encountered by Gustave on the boat from Alexandria to Cairo : with a green eyeshade attached to her bonnet , she looked ‘ like a sick old parrot ’ .
2 Competitive Bowling : Having developed a taste for bowling you may wish to consider bowling in a league .
3 If you are to succeed as Chairman you must be well versed in what the committee 's task is supposed to be .
4 As chairman you can make or break the meeting by rewarding the wrong kind of behaviour by participants .
5 As chairman you should be asking yourself three key questions throughout the meeting :
6 As chairman I shall be working to ensure that the business voice is clearly heard in any discussions on any issue affecting the economic well being of this area , ’ he said .
7 Under Options for Change we could see there was going to be a reduction in defence expenditure .
8 Yeremi almost clung to the former undercity dweller , whether out of strange fellow feeling or only for support he could not have said .
9 Now if the minister is right and a partner in the firm or indeed an assistant in the firm a acting as a tax advisor or financial planner , might come across something er tha that er if er he were acting as auditor he would be bound to report .
10 The process is satirically described by Nashe in the Anatomie of Martin Marprelate : ‘ Having bestowed his bowels in a ditch … and filled his hungry belly … with coal dust , for spice they could not bestow ( his carrion being not worth it ) and sawdust they could have none ; they wrapped him in a blanket … for that all others are lapped in sheets . ’
11 As camouflage they must obtain local clothing .
12 If the police were thinking about blackmail it would n't be long before they got to Barbara Porter .
13 For income I 'd again select a combination of funds .
14 If it is possible to show that existential propositions are equivalent to denials of the validity of inferences of a certain kind , then instead of talking about existence we can confine ourselves to talking about the validity of inference .
15 As secretary of state for defence you could never have afforded a position like this .
16 This is a vindictive and intolerant motion it sets an unfortunate precedent and in this debate about freedom we should support the rights of our tenants to choose .
17 If Brian sued John for negligence he could be met with the defences of volenti non fit injuria and contributory negligence .
18 Pausanias thought Myrtilos was under the heads of Oenomaus 's horses , but since he certainly took the girl for male he may have meant her .
19 I was a New Man before New Men had capital letters , but I feel like an Old Man these days , and all I can think is that by the time this one is through university I 'll be nearly sixty .
20 If she could get there before the long closure for lunch-hour he would make her up a preparation , and Peony could get it back to her mother and possibly get back again to the harbour for the Swimming Gala .
21 Word counts can show remarkable discrepancies in the vocabulary control that is typical ; for instance they may contain strawberry but not orange .
22 Hardly anybody would think of Richard Wilson or Wright of Derby for instance they 'd think of Turner or Constable .
23 We introduce the term transput from the Algol 68 language to cover both input and output : thus for instance we will talk of a transput device instead of a peripheral device , and a transput operation instead of an input/output operation .
24 For instance we can suggest ways of rescheduling the payments over a longer period .
25 For instance we can tend to :
26 Right we can supply bank information for instance we can supply you with the balance , erm we should be able to let you know what sort of standing orders there are , erm but that would be charged at an extra rate because
27 For instance I might go erm that one that one and er that one .
28 All of the sources on the on the network look like so for instance I can do joins across two heterogeneous R D B M Ss. you can have a table with departments in , employee 's in Oracle , and salaries in D B two and I could use a single select statement and join all that information together in a single request to the Omni SQL Gateway .
29 For instance it might be suggested that action sample clients were less likely to be admitted straight away to long-term institutional care than control sample clients , for service-providers might have felt that with the Home Support Project such clients could be sustained at home whereas in its absence in the control areas they were not sustainable .
30 If Microsoft is found to have a case to answer , the minimum possibility is that the company is forced to sign a consent decree under which it has to unbundle , and agree not to bundle in future — for instance it might have to dismantle Windows for Workgroups and sell the networking elements as a separate product ( similar networking code will be an integral part of standard Windows NT ) ; at worst , the company could be forced to split itself into two completely different companies , one for operating systems and languages , the other for applications .
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