Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To be used initially by SuperJANET , the Joint Academic Network , it will carry speech and data between university local area networks .
2 ( ’ Canny ’ is echoed in the findings of a Gallup poll carried out for Shell last autumn which revealed that 60 per cent of Scottish motorists said they would buy a diesel car , compared to the national average of 49 per cent ) .
3 The standing orders committee is made up as follows Birmingham region , John Lancashire region , Noel Liverpool , Les , London John , Midland Paddy , Northern Jerry G M B Scotland John Southern Peter , South Western Keith , Yorkshire Kevin and I am delighted to tell you that the standing orders committee have elected as chairman this year , John .
4 ( ‘ They 're trying to fit me up for burglary this time ’ .
5 Very few of those people work at Stansted Airport and I 'd suspect that living in Stansted Airport would n't be an excuse for building new housing .
6 Apparently there have been big extra bills for Saracen this year : this place costs a fortune to run . ’
7 During replication each strand of DNA generates a new strand complementary to itself .
8 A recent survey has shown that most American urologists will also test for prostate specific antigen in any patient in that age group who walks into their office .
9 One trial ( 25 patients ) also required transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate and a serological test for prostate specific antigen whereas the other ( 30 patients ) required further investigation only if malignancy was suspected clinically .
10 Awarded ten gold medals during his studentship , despite neglecting practical work , in 1856 he obtained his MB as university medical scholar , with prizes in surgery , physiology , and comparative anatomy , and MRCS , and in 1857 his LSA and MD ( London ) .
11 The family will include a 100MHz P54c Pentium ( compact ) done in 0.5 micron technology and P54cm ( multi-processor ) which will feature a new type of vacancy socket to allow for user upgradable drop-in chips .
12 I was about , I du n no about primary four age and someone in the playground , I think it was ca n't remember exactly what I was told , obviously , but it was something silly , you know , like
13 ‘ What 's so advanced about Shell Advanced Diesel ? ’
14 of course our members er of which we 've got a hundred and twenty three thousand , flood the lines into Luton wanted to know what happens they imagined a surplus as being some pot of er big tub of notes that they can dip it and we can dip into , but of course the surpluses have been used basically by British Telecom in particular for funding early retirement schemes er we 're in no way in knowledge whether the money 's every been paid back .
15 Pindar 's poetry , celebrating the values of old aristocratic Greece , did not have to be adapted much for west Greek consumption .
16 ‘ The Bristol sector controller neither complied with the co-pilot 's specific request for radar navigational assistance , nor did he advise the flight of its position or give any relevant information regarding Southampton , such as current weather , runway in use , pressure settings etc . ’
17 The deliberate breaking of goalkeeper John Slack 's arm by Proby , putting Slack out for the rest of the season , may well sound the death knell for Division Three football at ‘ The Tip ’ .
18 Do you remember we did a bit about noise last year ?
19 These language varieties are known by various names , such as West Indian Creole , Black British English and Patois .
20 KENYA is drawing up a list of pesticides and medicines to be banned under laws that will pass through parliament this year .
21 The Pesticide Products Control Bill should pass through parliament this year .
22 THE LATEST in Ulster 's fast-growing line of new , privately-owned golf courses will be open for play next week-end .
23 At Blackawton , near Totnes , the first nine holes of the Dartmouth Golf and Country Club course will be ready for play next month , and the second nine should be ready by July .
24 Residential Homes provided by the regional councils are known as Part iv accommodation .
25 Due to the changes made to the Constitution at the last A.G.M. the position of Teachers ' Representative comes up for election this year .
26 This implied that eosinophils in normal gut mucosa generally do not express class II molecules , which was directly confirmed by paired staining for eosinophil cationic protein ( EG2 ) and HLA-DR ( median number of EG2 + cells examined : 101 , range 64–280 , n=4 ) in which only four double positive cells were found .
27 A TORY county councillor will not be standing for re-election next month because he fears his business affairs could lead to his disqualification from office .
28 Not the other day , when I went home for Easter last year
29 I shall go down to the coffee morning at playschool when they break up for Easter next week
30 Did you know , for example , that there is a difference between raspberry flavoured yogurt and raspberry flavour yogurt ?
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