Example sentences of "[noun sg] both to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 prepare for entry both to employment and higher education
2 In a speech to mark the first anniversary of the overthrow of former President Mohammed Siyad Barre , on Jan. 26 , Farah Aydid stated his readiness for a truce , but reiterated his implacable opposition both to Mahdi Mohammed and to the idea of an international peacekeeping force , which he said would serve only to protect the " self-appointed " interim President from the Somali people .
3 The collection and computerization of data will form the basis for investigation of six areas of Korean development which are considered to be under-researched by both Koreans and Korean specialists , and which are of relevance both to development policy and to the identification of future potential economic opportunities for Britain in South Korea as well as the future impact of Korea on the world economy .
4 His attitude both to life and art , charming enough in him , when taken up by others as a general cultural ideal becomes something deadly , especially for the English , an intelligent but very lazy people , far too easily bored , and persuaded beyond argument that they are the Herrenvolk .
5 I believe , however , that over the past 20 years an important body of evidence has emerged which strongly suggests that schools do make a significant difference both to pupil attainment and pupil behaviour .
6 Without doing so , we could miss vital factors of detriment both to water voles and other wetland wildlife .
7 This hatred of Lloyd George on the part of both Baldwin and MacDonald made it very difficult for the Conservative or Labour Parties to contemplate either coalition with the Liberals , or even a tacit understanding with them to sustain a minority government ; and the politics of the 1920s can not therefore be understood without appreciating the widespread antagonism both to coalition and to Lloyd George personally .
8 His sexual script employed the language of moral outrage both to fuel growing demands for law reform and to present a lurid , titillating account of the prostitution trade .
9 One is provided by the National Consumer Council in its report Ordinary Justice , with a proposed network of general advice centres with access both to specialist advice agencies , with salaried staff and volunteers , and the legal profession .
10 This is drawn up by the curriculum committee , which argues that since God , death , suffering and the purpose of life are all at the heart of religion , and since children sometimes ask questions about them , the class teacher should not only teach about these matters , but be subject both to assessment procedures and to official inspection .
11 The Board also succeeded in 1977 in persuading Ministers that , since the deprave and corrupt test would be applied by the BBFC in assessing the suitability of films for exhibition to the public , those same films should not suffer ‘ double jeopardy ’ in the sense of being subject both to censorship through prior restraint and also to the risk of private prosecutions for obscenity .
12 The project should be an important original contribution both to history in a larger sense and to the theory and practice of intellectual history .
13 Mainstream criticism of Distant Voices , Still Lives constantly referred the film both to art in general and to particular works of art .
14 Children with other kinds of referrals are more like the comparison school children at follow up — less of a problem both to society and to themselves .
15 Doubt acts as a sparring partner both to truth and error .
16 Yet , despite Maine 's hostility both to utilitarianism and legal positivism , J. S. Mill was an early admirer of Maine 's work .
17 Furthermore , if this is really understood , this purpose can be achieved through a great variety of approaches with regard both to content and method .
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