Example sentences of "[noun sg] given a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He could see Prussian soldiers running away in the undergrowth and he felt the fierce exultation of a cavalryman given a helpless enemy to slaughter , but he did not see the batter of guns concealed in the deep shadows at the edge of the wood , nor the Prussian artillery officer who shouted , ‘ Fire ! ’
2 In prose fiction , a more dialogic genre , various shifts of deictic centre occur ( that is , from character to character ) and we are more likely to see deictic terms verified intra-textually — for example , pronominal reference given a full cataphoric form .
3 The membranes that surround the cells of all modern organisms are compounded of protein and fat , and oxygen given a free run at those membranes would be extremely destructive .
4 But the new policy went ahead from the following autumn , 1956 , with the former resident tutors for Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire being redeployed as staff tutors and with Vivian Ramsbottom as Administrative Officer of the Joint Committee given a roving commission to encourage WEA branches in those counties now deprived of resident tutors .
5 Like any bureaucracy given a green light , the Secret Intelligence Service grew like mushrooms in a wet field overnight .
6 It was a wailing plaintive sound given a febrile edge by the African rhythms of the drumming .
7 Yet it was also wealthy and powerfully organised , a strong weapon given a strong hand .
8 Accommodation is a significant driving factor in the process of new dialect formation as described by Trudgill ( 1986 ) , but it is more easily studied at the level of individuals who adjust their language behaviour given a particular set of circumstances .
9 So it was on Tuesday the twenty-third of April , 1968 , an occasion given a special fin de siècle luminosity by the knowledge that , for many of us , it was the last such event in our Oxford careers .
10 ROBIN SMITH was last night given a welcome vote of confidence after his latest painful examination by legspin .
11 Zeta 's Lad , who has won five chases in a row this season , certainly looks the part and although he is no ‘ good thing ’ I feel he has the form to win the race given a clear round .
12 But it is not a model that holds up for the twentieth century , when liberalization of the divorce law was not a matter of last resort but was rather always proposed as a means of strengthening the institution of marriage ( by permitting those ‘ living in sin ’ to remarry ) ; when opinion shifted with dramatic speed , for example between the conservative recommendations of the 1956 Royal Commission on Divorce and the endorsement of profound liberalization given a mere ten years later by both the Law Commission and the Church of England ; and when the change in views of key institutions such as the Church of England were as important as those of lawyers .
13 Some possible criteria for this area of work are listed below : The pupil can : I name , draw or sort 2-D shapes ; 2 name , draw or sort 2-D representations of 3-D shapes ; 3 visualize 3-D shapes represented in 2-D ; 4 construct accurately 2-D shapes with a ruler , protractor and compasses ; 5 find the area and perimeter of a rectangular shape ( whole units only ) ; 6 find the volume of a 3-D cuboid given a 2-D representation ; 7 compare and measure angles .
14 Can find the volume of a 3-D cuboid given a 2-D representation Most of the success rates for items exemplifying this criterion were around 40 per cent .
15 This sentence only has one interpretation given a fine-class transcription .
16 The work of recent British theorists does have lines of connection with older forms of discourse , whether the New Criticism , traditional scholarship , earlier Marxist criticism , or the Cultural Studies approach given a fresh impetus in the 1950s by Richard Hoggart and Raymond Williams .
17 It was a day to reassure English hearts , for not only was the sequence of defeats brought to an end but the fight was sturdily fought and morale given a welcome boost .
18 Name the doctor given a suspended prison sentence for the attempted murder of a dying patient .
19 One item given a public airing in the supplement is the existence of a bolted-on hold on the Tea Monster at Water-cum-Jolly 's Cornice .
20 Children of 5 years upwards should do well with this program given a little supervision from an adult or older child .
21 It predated the arrival of the National Curriculum , but was without doubt given a considerable boost by the publication of the government 's initial National Curriculum proposals in 1987 , and the Education Reform Bill and Act , both in 1988 .
22 While Fountains Abbey , the great Gothic ruin set in beautiful parkland , could naturally be transferred to the National Trust given a suitable endowment ( who would provide the millions needed for that ? ) , and Westminster Abbey 's Chapter House could be entrusted to the Church of England , it is uncertain whether some of the less glamourous archaeological sites could be hived off to local councils without risk to their future .
23 KEVIN Ratcliffe , the ex-Wales skipper given a free transfer by Everton last season , last night joined Scottish Premier Division club Dundee .
24 He estimates ( using parameters derived from the brain damaged population ) that though the probability of left sided speech given a right ear advantage is 97 per cent , the probability of right sided speech given a left ear advantage is only 10 per cent .
25 He estimates ( using parameters derived from the brain damaged population ) that though the probability of left sided speech given a right ear advantage is 97 per cent , the probability of right sided speech given a left ear advantage is only 10 per cent .
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