Example sentences of "[noun sg] down to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An experienced headhunter could narrow the field down to short-list stage much more quickly and cost-effectively , Tagg argued .
2 To run cable down to light switches or to wall lights , it will usually be necessary to ‘ chase ’ slots in solid walls , though if you are rewiring a house which was originally wired in metal conduit , you may be able to use the existing conduit buried in the plaster leading to light switches to feed the cable down .
3 So the Wife of Bath and the Prioress together challenge the social norms of women 's roles ; the shifting surfaces of the Pardoner 's blatant hypocrisy tease the reader into an uncomfortable awareness of the unfathomable nature of human motivation for the onlooker ; the Nun 's priest 's juxtaposition of intellectual solemnity with quick-witted pragmatism and his stress on the saving grace of social charity cuts self-importance down to size .
4 McBride can put his luck down to criticism from scribes down south earlier in the season , rather than bad selection policy .
5 Evan points to a hoist that 's slowly lowering the band 's gear down to ground level : ‘ When we played here last year , we were riding up and down in that thing .
6 Note taper down to mouth
7 The dispute took place after the English victory at Agincourt and at a time of growing alliance between Henry V and the Emperor Sigismund against the French , and there is little doubt that the principal French spokesman on the subject , Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly , was largely concerned with cutting the enemy down to size .
8 It is much more his business to stir up curiosity than to insist on acceptances. , Pound as critic cuts the critic down to size ; which is , one may think , a pressing need , now , in 1984 .
9 He used to say that he wanted to give prose the strength and stature of poetry ; but part of this project seemed to include first cutting poetry down to size .
11 Catch a bus from the Lamb Inn down to Seaside for the shopping precincts .
12 In mid-afternoon the first glints of steel in the spring sunshine began to appear on the high ground of Scremerston Brae , and soon the long hill down to sea-level was covered in a vast tide of men and horses , armour gleaming , banners waving , under a faint haze of steam rising from thousands of beasts long ridden , muting the colours of plumed helmets , heraldic surcoats , painted shields and horse-trappings .
13 I can make this engine more efficient — there is a method of recondensing the steam so that it can be re-used — and I can design a firebox which will burn the fuel down to ash .
14 Leopold put its relative failure down to conspiracy , saying darkly that ‘ powerful cabals ’ had united in opposition to Wolfgang because of jealousy of his exceptional talent .
15 The orders came from Command right down to squadron level ; the preparations started about mid-morning as soon as this vast sheet of paper from the teleprinter indicating every facet of the job ahead arrived .
16 Then topstitch through all layers front end of previous topstitching right down to hemline .
17 And three-year-old Louis brought Britain 's Olympic silver medallist down to earth with a bump when they clashed .
18 BACK DOWN TO EARTH : Beaming Janet and Colin toast their future
19 Yet when Luzma , my sympathetic travel agent , took me in a taxi down to contrabando in Cuzco , it had not been to buy a camera .
20 The womenfolk would no doubt be beside the wood stove , talking over the din of the roof as they did their needlework ; the men would be in the wool-shed , cleansing and grading the fleeces in time for the next lorry down to port .
21 Gerwyn explains , ‘ You take a block of woodland , and leaving the occasional tree known as a standard , traditionally used for building timber , you cut the rest down to ground level and remove all the waste timber completely .
22 Coetzee puts Harms 's obtuseness down to class differences .
23 The urgent challenge now is to educate worldwide , to bring the relevance of gene-pool conservation down to earth , and to harness the energy of economic forces and team them up with long-term conservation .
24 " They go there to fetch the nurses on night shift and give them a lift down to hospital . "
25 Bringing the Earth Summit down to earth
26 This prediction failure is , in turn , the result of a series of unanticipated actions by the monetary authorities , that is , unanticipated departures from the policy rule which had governed the conduct of monetary policy down to period .
27 They had listed all of the places they would have to pass on their way to the Fire Court ; they had shown the tiny villages and the Wolfwood and the forks in the road and the long flat road down to Reflection 's country and the glittering decadent Fire Court .
28 From these programmes which were largely for secondary schools , activities multiplied and interest spread quickly from America to Britain , from secondary down to primary , from subject initiatives towards the wider theory of curriculum development .
29 Was his success down to size or technique …
30 The waymarked tourist path to the summit of Ben Lomond in the recently created Loch Lomond regional park has become , in the words of the conservationists ‘ a four lane motorway ’ , which at its worst cuts a deep furrow through the peak down to bedrock .
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