Example sentences of "[noun sg] down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't tell me Henry did n't plan Stephen 's dash for the throne down to the last detail , because I 'll never believe it .
2 He did however attempt in his Sermons Chiefly on the Theory of Religious Belief ( 1843 ) and The Grammar of Assent ( 1870 ) an analysis of the nature of religious belief which shows some affinity with Coleridge , and includes Newman 's own original idea of the ‘ illative sense ’ by which we find it possible to proceed through probabilities to certitude ; and in his celebrated Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine ( 1878 ) struggled with the problem of change and continuity in the expression of Christian faith down through the centuries in a fashion which has helped many others to grasp something of the questions , if not in most cases to accept his answers .
3 Attempts throughout the day to coax an escaped owl down from the roof of a house have so far failed .
4 She stood in the queue for some minutes , till she was served by a sweating , grimy woman , who sprayed from a height a tray full of cups , and slapped the change down on a counter awash with various fluids .
5 Many aspects of the diplomatic organisation of western and central Europe as it existed by the beginning of the seventeenth century continued with little essential change down to the French Revolution and indeed beyond .
6 Every night Boy would wear the same thing , a white t shirt ; and every night he would throw that t shirt down on a different bedroom floor .
7 The lane down to the harbour was steep ; the oncoming wind would be of positive benefit .
8 A BP oil tanker was blocking the narrow lane down to the Old Forge , towering over the thatched cottage to which it was attached by its pipe-line as though with an umbilical cord .
9 If , on reaching the lowest level , the points have not been re-aligned positively , with a set tolerance , the procedure returns to the highest level and successively provides a rotational correction down through the system again .
10 Take the tent down during the day to minimise ultra-violet exposure from the sun .
11 The big regatta dances in the huge grey tent down by the quay in Carrick were just beginning but there were so few days left of the holiday that Maggie preferred to spend them about the house chatting with Rose or her sisters around the fire or talking with Michael out in the front garden among his flowerbeds ; and sometimes during long breaks in the rain they would go out to where Moran was tidying up in the meadows .
12 His professional engineering career started on the truck side , and he sees his task mainly as miniaturisation to bring all the advantages of power and economy enjoyed by the heavy goods diesel driver down to the size where they can also be of benefit to the motorist .
13 Duncan reached up to hand Jamie his pint and I took mine , putting the money down at the same time .
14 ‘ I went to the restaurant and put the money down for a large brandy .
15 Russell said , " Before you leave , put money down for a mescal . "
16 Members of the Company put their money down on a separate basis for a distinct and limited series of enterprises ; profits from the voyage would be divided in proportion to capital invested , but capital as well as dividends could be withdrawn when the enterprises were complete and all the goods brought back had been sold off .
17 Above this moving carpet , the sand in the air reduced visibility down to a hundred yards .
18 The windscreen wipers trudge sluggishly and ineffectively through the water , bringing visibility down to a few feet .
19 Michelle has been paralysed from the chest down for the past 11 years — the result , she claims , of a routine jaw operation she underwent at Poole General Hospital in November 1982 .
20 His relief at not having been made a fool of was matched by his curiosity to find out who the devil he was , this man Iying chest down on the wet flagstones , face turned to one side as though asleep .
21 The body of the third man lies chest down in the mud , head to one side .
22 was paralysed from the chest down in an abseiling accident 12 years ago and has championed fund raising for research into the treatment of orthopaedic patients .
23 COUNCIL officers are taking action to keep noise down at a ‘ rave ’ concert tomorrow .
24 Although I accept the necessity to improve traffic flows and safety on the M25 , may I ask my hon. Friend to take into account environmental considerations such as the need to keep noise down to a minimum ?
25 Even during piling an compacting , ‘ silent ’ plant equipment was selected to keep the noise down to an acceptable sound level .
26 The noise down in the courtyard was getting louder as the men began to wonder why they were n't leaving .
27 He revealed to one of his colleagues that he had spent the afternoon down by a near-by river struggling with the impulse to jump in .
28 In all of this giving away of herself ( which can be taken in two modern senses ) , this revelation of a coarser character beneath the courtly exterior she tries to sustain , Margery follows the movement of the opening stanzas of the text down from the character of the courtly dame to the level of the townswoman , a stereotyped bourgeois Vxor , " Wife " : the label that seems to be given her by the letter " " V " alongside some of her speeches in the manuscript copy of Dame Sirith .
29 He buried his face against her throat , his mouth tormenting her with its lazy progress down towards the swell of her breasts , and she arched up , silently begging for his caress .
30 Their progress down to the Angharad was slow .
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