Example sentences of "[noun sg] between the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Conterchi take the concealed right-turning between the church and the supermercato , then left under the bridge , following signs to S. Pietro in Crespi .
2 The silicone rubber will fill up the gaps , creating a cushion between the saddle and the pickups and helping to even out the response — at the expense of a slight reduction in overall output .
3 He saw it break its flight over a dell between the dunes , soar vertically and then head off at an angle .
4 To avoid the waste of pupil time which arises from duplication of teaching in differing phases of schooling when the gap itself creates discontinuity , a variety of organizations have been used by LEAs to make sure that primary and secondary schools make clear to each other , first , what is being provided and later , as achievements and the needs of learning change , to help them to plan together to create a complementary or continuous curriculum between the phases .
5 Buthelezi was said to be angry that the ANC had alleged connivance between the security forces and Inkatha in killing ANC supporters .
6 Justice Foster said of the discordance between the evidence of the epidemiological witnesses called by the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations and the Tobacco Institute of Australia , ‘ It was not a disagreement which the learned primary judge or this Court could reasonably resolve . ’
7 Discordance between the CDAI and the scan score was observed on 10 occasions .
8 This impressive linear earthwork running east-west is reckoned to be a division between the lands of Mercia to the north and Wessex to the south , and probably dates from the sixth or seventh century .
9 The fact that 2000 of these , including Lenin and many of the leading figures , were in exile abroad reinforced the division between the intelligentsia and the workers .
10 ‘ A Room with a View ’ , however , clearly shows the division between the generations .
11 The ceremony is at its base one that celebrates opposition and division , the division between the genders , between the clans , between the moieties .
12 On the surface , the major problem within Western Europe seemed to be the division between the EEC and EFTA .
13 For example , Connell ( 1978 , 131 ) in his study of central Surrey concluded that the growing division between the owner-occupiers ( middle class ) and council tenants ( working class ) ‘ characterizes many of the social relationships ’ within the area .
14 Hallucinations occur when the division between the subconscious and conscious mind is blurred , producing a form of psychosis .
15 This division between the life-styles of men and women is well documented , but little is known about the precise form or effect of housework attitudes .
16 Its site has not altered and the chancel arch ( the division between the parishioners ' area [ the nave ] and the rector 's area [ the chancel ] ) has remained in the same position for 1000 years or more , notwithstanding additions , alterations , and demolitions .
17 The weekly return in Table 1 illustrates the Bank 's assets and liabilities : the division between the Issue Department and Banking Department is largely for historic reasons and has no real economic significance .
18 Its outcome is still a division between the sheep and the goats .
19 — ‘ Any idea what the squadron 's doing now ? ’ ) but from that moment there was a clear cut division between the sheep and the goats .
20 She stared and stared until there was no division between the lake and her mind .
21 Thus there is a clear division between the forehead and the lower part of the face , and a lighter line running down the edge of it suggests that if more of the forehead were seen it would be divided down its central axis .
22 On the ground the the division between the B one three six three corridor and A sixty four north must be erm a difficult one but again I for convenience I have used the district boundary to divide the two .
23 I tell the young people joining us that the great division in their lives , if they climb in the business , is the division between the company and their family .
24 We feel there is little division between the players and the images of fact .
25 Yet this move was inconceivable on the basis of an Aristotelian cosmology with its fundamental division between the sublunar and superlunary regions .
26 The division between the headquarters and the College responsibilities is shown as occurring between sub-systems 4.0 and 5.0 in the system model .
27 Here in Indonesia , at the most fragile geographical division between the earth 's outer , congealed crust and its inner , molten magma , we also found amongst the peoples themselves the thinnest division between our more recently evolved left-brain , rational faculties , and the millennia-old storehouse of right-brain intuitive wisdom .
28 There seems , not for the first time , to be a division between the Opposition Front Bench and Back Benches .
29 This duality between solidity and beauty thus expressed a sharp division between the material and the ideal , the bodily and the spiritual , highly typical of the bourgeois world ; yet spirit and ideal in it depended on matter , and could be expressed only through matter , or at least through the money which could buy it .
30 Although there can be no clear-cut division between the use of language in literature and in everyday life ( and it would not be fruitful to attempt to make such a division ) , we can recognise that some of the most arresting , innovative and enriching uses of language come from the poets , novelists and dramatists who practise the craft of writing .
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