Example sentences of "[noun sg] between the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Conterchi take the concealed right-turning between the church and the supermercato , then left under the bridge , following signs to S. Pietro in Crespi .
2 The silicone rubber will fill up the gaps , creating a cushion between the saddle and the pickups and helping to even out the response — at the expense of a slight reduction in overall output .
3 Buthelezi was said to be angry that the ANC had alleged connivance between the security forces and Inkatha in killing ANC supporters .
4 Justice Foster said of the discordance between the evidence of the epidemiological witnesses called by the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations and the Tobacco Institute of Australia , ‘ It was not a disagreement which the learned primary judge or this Court could reasonably resolve . ’
5 Discordance between the CDAI and the scan score was observed on 10 occasions .
6 The fact that 2000 of these , including Lenin and many of the leading figures , were in exile abroad reinforced the division between the intelligentsia and the workers .
7 Hallucinations occur when the division between the subconscious and conscious mind is blurred , producing a form of psychosis .
8 The weekly return in Table 1 illustrates the Bank 's assets and liabilities : the division between the Issue Department and Banking Department is largely for historic reasons and has no real economic significance .
9 She stared and stared until there was no division between the lake and her mind .
10 Thus there is a clear division between the forehead and the lower part of the face , and a lighter line running down the edge of it suggests that if more of the forehead were seen it would be divided down its central axis .
11 I tell the young people joining us that the great division in their lives , if they climb in the business , is the division between the company and their family .
12 Yet this move was inconceivable on the basis of an Aristotelian cosmology with its fundamental division between the sublunar and superlunary regions .
13 Here in Indonesia , at the most fragile geographical division between the earth 's outer , congealed crust and its inner , molten magma , we also found amongst the peoples themselves the thinnest division between our more recently evolved left-brain , rational faculties , and the millennia-old storehouse of right-brain intuitive wisdom .
14 There seems , not for the first time , to be a division between the Opposition Front Bench and Back Benches .
15 This duality between solidity and beauty thus expressed a sharp division between the material and the ideal , the bodily and the spiritual , highly typical of the bourgeois world ; yet spirit and ideal in it depended on matter , and could be expressed only through matter , or at least through the money which could buy it .
16 Although there can be no clear-cut division between the use of language in literature and in everyday life ( and it would not be fruitful to attempt to make such a division ) , we can recognise that some of the most arresting , innovative and enriching uses of language come from the poets , novelists and dramatists who practise the craft of writing .
17 After passing from the most primitive stage of development , through the Asiatic , ancient and feudal stages , mankind enters the capitalist stage , the immense productive power of large-scale factory industry , and the division between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat .
18 The project aims to investigate : the extent to which science parks are assisting in the transfer of technical ideas and expertise from academics to commercial application in industry ; the relationship between success of parks and their location ; and , the implications of the division between the research end of British industry located in science parks , and industrial production .
19 The division between the sleeping and run sections is fitted at floor level with a hole just large enough to allow the ferrets easy passage but small enough to prevent them dragging food carcasses from the run section into the sleeping quarters .
20 the flat in , in London , the flat we came from and so we had accumulated a little more furniture than one would usually have in two rooms and the kitchen and we got here and were allowed to spread ourselves , if there 's one criticism that one could say about this house , is that the size of the rooms confines you to what you put in them , they 're square , that the , the division between the living room and the dining room is through a pair of glass doors , where perhaps that could of been arranged with either sliding doors or some other feature so as not to separate it yet again into two square boxes and erm
21 An exhilarating struggle between the abstraction and intellectuality of his concept , and the strong vulgarity , the earthy vigour , of Bill Saltman 's .
22 with the abolition of a commodity economy in the town and with the socialist organisation in industry … the dictatorship of the proletariat is inevitably accomplished either by a hidden , or more or less open , struggle between the proletariat 's tendency towards organisation and the tendency of the peasantry towards commodity anarchy .
23 In the towns , the main struggle for the economic model comes to an end with the victory of the proletariat ; in the country … it is resurrected in other forms as a struggle between the state planning of a proletariat which embodies socialised labour and the commodity anarchy , the speculative licence of a peasantry which embodies scattered property and the anarchic element of the market … a simple commodity economy is merely the embryo of a capitalist economy …
24 Preobrazhensky took view ( a ) , hence his constant theme of struggle between the state sector of the economy and peasants .
25 The struggle between the Greek and the native Slav influences within the Byzantine Church goes back to the time of Cyril and Methodius , and it continued into the nineteenth century in both the Serbian and Bulgarian churches .
26 The last ten years have brought into the open the struggle between the oligarchy , supported by the United States , and a substantial section of the population , represented not only by the armed opposition FMLN but by trade unions , popular organizations , women 's groups , Christian base communities and the liberal intelligentsia .
27 At one extreme are the relations of permanent hostility between the Buid and Christians , paralleled on the mystical plane by the permanent struggle between the spirit familiars and the predatory spirits .
28 It falls in the category of a low-income , highly indebted country with its economy practically at a standstill ; it is divided by a long-standing struggle between the north and south of the country — the north dominated by Arabic-speaking Muslims ; the south , by several tribal groupings , most of whose poeple people are either animists or Christians .
29 All journalists face a continual struggle between the need to present a balanced view of the issues and the need to attract and to stimulate an audience .
30 They would not back the union in a political fight with the company , or allow themselves to be used by Clasper in a power struggle between the convener and management .
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