Example sentences of "[noun sg] only a few " in BNC.

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1 It was a gloomy room , with one small window that let in hardly any light , as it faced another building only a few feet away .
2 Of the rest of the text only a few small fragments survive .
3 Gray , who had tucked away the penalty which set up Quakers ' promotion to the Third Division only a few weeks before , had never managed a club , and by Christmas it was becoming clear that , while a likeable character , he was not in the same class as his predecessor .
4 Menem , who had accepted Yoma 's resignation only a few days before , had been forced to suspend her from her post in March when a report by a Spanish investigative judge , hearing evidence in the Spanish capital , Madrid , accused her of being part of an international drug laundering ring .
5 It is not snowing , but there is enough wind to be chilling and the day is grey and misty , so I get little sense of where the camp is , with visibility only a few tens of metres .
6 " Potentates , diplomatists and militarists made this war " , claimed the most important and vocal British radical group of this kind only a few weeks after the outbreak of the conflict .
7 By contrast only a few reptiles , like tortoises and iguanas , are herbivores .
8 Meanwhile in the supermarket car park only a few hundred yards from the scene of the rape , women expressed their shock at what had happened :
9 Nevertheless , they caused concern among employees , especially in sections of the new set-up that had been hard hit in the recession only a few years before .
10 Referee Jimmy Johnston had given a general warning about foul play only a few minutes earlier .
11 After managing to hold out for several months against Paul 's pressurising , she had agreed to the engagement only a few days before this trip .
12 Then he sprang , bearing her down into the trampled snow only a few paces from Yet 's body .
13 In the seventeenth century a weaver called Buffarot led a local revolt , and was broken on the wheel only a few metres from where we 're sitting . ’
14 I went there and found the beach exactly as described , with the clear and tranquil pond only a few yards behind the choppy sea .
15 But to all West Germany 's neighbours , the idea of a German military force only a few years after the defeat of Hitler s armies was still repugnant .
16 Then she turned and walked towards the deep end , turned again and did a perfect back flip , hardly denting the surface and coming up into a smooth breaststroke only a few feet away from me .
17 In the decades before Emancipation only a few isolated individuals had carried dissent to the point of revolutionary commitment .
18 Hassell , who joined the club only a few months before Tendulkar , added : ‘ When I arrived , membership had been falling for about seven years and we were ringing up companies to try to talk them into sponsorship .
19 With a screech , the car began to slow as the brakes were applied , and Richmann could clearly see the startled faces of the occupants as it slewed to a halt only a few feet ahead .
20 Nobody would guess from that admirably impersonal account that Milton settled to write his first divorce only a few weeks after the bitter disappointment of his marriage .
21 Wilkins ' response was to set up another mill only a few hundred yards away , this time using steam power .
22 Desi Grew had been in prison several times for terrorist offences , Martin McCoffey had left Dungannon Council only a few weeks ago .
23 With four more rounds to go King can not be caught but he was still disappointed when he spoke afterwards about a race during which victory was snatched from his grasp only a few miles from the finish .
24 The arable side of the local economy had been destroyed and whereas many had once found employment in growing corn only a few people were now needed to tend the flocks and herds .
25 Rico d'Agostino started up the same kind of place in what used to be Hogan 's Bar only a few blocks away .
26 Jacob was not waiting there , but he put in an appearance only a few minutes later , beaming cheerfully .
27 It remained in place only a few minutes more , When the Commanding Officer ordered not only a change of the command team which had built it , but a change of design as well .
28 As a direct consequence of that success , we believe that the inaugural World Sevens , taking place only a few miles from the company headquarters in Perth and with its strong Scottish flavour through its base at Murrayfield , ideally suited for The Famous Grouse .
29 The old Minpin climbed out of his window and walked straight down the big steeply sloping branch , then up another branch until he found a place only a few inches from Little Billy 's face .
30 The last exchange of messages took place only a few seconds later when the tower asked the height of the aircraft ; on receiving the reply " 1,400 on the QNH " the tower controller observed : " I think you are to the south of the field " .
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