Example sentences of "[noun sg] over to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Reluctantly Tom , the only one who could cook , handed the wheel over to Pugwash .
2 But since she knew that the Czech word for ‘ please ’ was ‘ prosím ’ she was hoping that the polite woman 's parting phrase had been the equivalent of an English ‘ Excuse me , please ’ while she went away to hand her card over to Vendelin Gajdusek .
3 It is a complex and profound tour de force which carried much of its weight over to radio in Cleverdon 's adaptation and production .
4 " The Governors could not recommend the change over to Rugby Football from Association , as the traditions of the School must be maintained . "
5 In the old popular court , the suitors declared the law and gave judgement , or else passed judgement over to God by making one of the parties submit to an ordeal : to being thrown into a pool , for instance , or made to grasp a red-hot iron ; if he sank , or was soon healed , he was innocent ; otherwise , he was guilty .
6 But perhaps the joke had had a serious point to it too , or at any rate a serious side-effect : it had enabled Hilda to get her side of the story over to posterity .
7 It was a gentle pull up Lovely Seat to the cairn , but again the June winds of our English summer were too cold for anything but a brief look over to Shunner and south to Dodd Fell and the distinct hump of Ingleborough before taking a compass bearing and walking off towards Hardraw .
8 He drew it each Friday when he drew the men 's wages but he never handed the money over to Sarah until Saturday morning when she was off to do the shopping . ’
9 You wanted me to talk to Mother about her investments , about making money over to de Chavigny .
10 John and Maureen took their first-ever fortnight 's holiday in their 16 years in the Harrow and returned to be told the Benskin 's board had rejected the plan to turn the pub over to management .
11 And the beauty of hunting musk was that you did n't even need a gun , ’ He passed the emptied chillim over to Kalchu .
12 By threatening to cut off the bank 's loans , he forced his cousins to turn the company 's management over to professionals .
13 In a spectacle as lurid and as colourful as the opening ceremony two weeks ago the city and the people handed the Olympic flag over to Atlanta , USA and 1996 .
14 I do n't want to hand a scapegoat over to Kenamun for him to torture into confession . ’
15 He did not after all suggest passing conduct of the investigation over to Duroc 's police , which suggested less confidence in them , or more in Thiercelin , than the latter had anticipated .
16 Although the Canadian parent did send an accountant over to Belfast , this was only to ensure that Short 's accounting methods were harmonised with the group .
17 Indeed it says that it wants to hand its own computer business over to NCR 's managers , and has pledged not to close the firm 's factories or sack its workers as a result of the merger .
18 SCO hands its 3270 emulation business over to Cleo
19 In 1799 , having decided that strict attention to work was undermining his health , Edwards turned his business over to R. H. Evans [ q.v. ] and set up as a gentleman collector .
20 Tell Mr Boldwood that you will drive my new cart over to Casterbridge this afternoon to fetch her body .
21 One of the doctors reckoned that the fact that she had not fought against the attack but handed the outcome over to God could well have saved her life .
22 It would n't bother your brother one jot if I handed the place over to Harry when I got too old to manage it .
23 The 18-year-olds decided last September to organise a number of money-making schemes and hand the cash over to charity .
24 And Becky duly chose Barbara as an ideal make-over subject , and took a camera crew over to Widnes to do an interview and to re-vamp Barbara 's image .
25 He took a train back to London , and a taxi over to Charing Cross .
26 We meet up in Dover , take the ferry over to Calais and motor down to Canet Plage in comfort .
27 But a ferry over to Claonaig on the mainland of Argyll runs from Lochranza in the summer and the tourists are coming back .
28 I followed Prentice 's Escort over to Leytonstone in Armstrong .
29 Had n't it occurred to that burke of a husband that the whole thing could be a put-up job to get his wife over to Ireland ?
30 Sophie finished draining the abscess and injected a liquid antibiotic into the cavity , then she handed the rabbit over to Helen , who took it out to the small boy in the waiting-room .
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