Example sentences of "[noun sg] over [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Slide the lace carriage over to the right .
2 The USA had constantly insisted that the Krasnoyarsk radar station should be dismantled , calling it a major obstacle to the conclusion of a START treaty , and had rejected as inadequate a Soviet decision on Oct. 27 , 1988 , to turn the complex over to the Soviet Academy of Sciences for civilian use .
3 Mr Reenan says he was pursuaded to hand the tape over to a Sun reporter .
4 turn the tape over in a minute , alright ?
5 What Acheson had in mind , principally , was the agreement to create a Vietnamese National Army ; a hopeful assessment of the agreement that had been reached after the long-drawn-out negotiations at Pau to turn local administration over to the Vietnamese early in 1951 ( although , as Acheson notes , the transfer date kept being postponed ) and de Lattre 's appointment to Indo-China .
6 Sir Ralph 's quarters were up a polished wooden staircase in one of the turrets of the White Tower a pleasant , sweet-smelling chamber in sharp contrast to the grim cell over in the North Bastion .
7 ‘ Honestly , ’ Gwen complained as she brought two cups of tea over to the table and sat down , ‘ Matt 's the only one who seems able to cope with him .
8 and further , and this is not meant to be a joke , in my own experience , if they get time to think quietly and realistically , I believe a whole lot of decent Conservatives who used to think pragmatically , organically and with respect for local communities , would emerge to contribute to a coalition for the future over against the ideological block that seems to think we use people to make money , instead of making money to serve people and their communities .
9 Guy urged the horse over to the largest of the mean shelters and dismounted .
10 I eased the car over to the side of the road and switched off .
11 Scott pulled the car over to the kerb , his right hand slipping inside his jacket .
12 Rory Collins pulled the car over to the left , putting two wheels up on the pale grass verge .
13 He pulled the car over to the kerb and let the engine idle while he turned to face her .
14 And and when I rang her she said yeah bring the card over in the morning if you like .
15 He handed Mariana a mug and took the tray over to the table .
16 He carried the curved steel tray over to the cage and set it down just out of reach , leaving it in view as he went back for a chair .
17 They might as well all resign and hand the club over to the TV bosses . ’
18 Odell had to see the President over at the Mansion .
19 ‘ I used to play quite a lot of football , ’ he explains , ‘ but all I was really good at was knocking the opposition over as a last-ditch defence . ’
20 It 's a good idea to keep a couple of sacks of gravel over from the job , so you can fill ruts and top up bald patches as the drive wears and settles down .
21 He remembered the long black shadows he had seen when crossing over in the basket lift .
22 He 's in New York , you know , though he insists on staying with a friend in that dreadful apartment over on the West side .
23 Before he left Larnaca airport on a US Navy helicopter for the hop over to the American Embassy in East Beirut , his briefcase was rigged with a microchip Gigaherz transmitter no bigger than a butter biscuit .
24 Close-coupled double-symphonic suites are quieter still in operation and a change over to a modern suite may be well worth considering .
25 That was the main , but not the only cause of the subsequent riot , when the bonnie lieges , not a few ‘ in drink ’ as they used to say at the magistrate 's court , toppled the case over with the luckless , as well as legless leprechaun still inside .
26 If he or she undertakes to make a part of his or her income over to a charity for four years or more , the tax the individual pays on that income is given by the tax authorities to the charity concerned .
27 Compression of this sort , practised more widely , might succeed in bringing the play over into a new medium .
28 They told the lieutenant over at the hotel , but he wanted to hear it directly from the company .
29 Carry over : Try not to carry part of a sentence over to the next page and if at all possible leave paragraphs intact as well .
30 Fred had once told Lorton that he reckoned to make his beer money from playing pool , and perhaps a little bit over for the dogs .
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