Example sentences of "[noun sg] to have [been] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He considered this action to have been successful , as the right wingtip struck the ground first , followed by the nose .
2 The court held that for the application of the rule to have been lawful it would have had to be justifiable irrespective of race or ethnic or national origins .
3 In Morris ( Herbert ) Ltd v Saxelby there was no doubt that the defendant knew of business secrets but the court decided they were far too complicated and detailed for the defendant to have been able to carry them away in his head and as there was no evidence of actual copying , this part of the claim failed .
4 I have no detail of what individual Liberal Democrat councillors in Brent did , but , if it was perceived by the electorate to have been wrong , they would have undoubtedly paid the political consequences at the following election .
5 Mr. West had in fact calculated its weight to have been 1,771 tons .
6 The Hungarian authorities consider the experiment to have been successful .
7 It is evident from the comments made by the nouveaux romanciers that they considered themselves to be developing and integrating the formal experiments of writers drawn from a carefully selected modernist canon , suggesting that they judged modernism to have been incomplete in the French novel before their arrival .
8 She had informed Elizabeth Mowbray of the girls ' exchange of identities — information which the duchess had received thankfully , believing the exchange to have been necessary for Anne 's safety .
9 Mrs Browning had declared it was all too bad , too dreadful an imposition to have been responsible for and that she would not be able to look the Ogilvys in the eye ever again after causing them such vexation .
10 Merleau-Ponty 's response was to argue that history itself had shown Marxist philosophy to have been flawed ; such philosophy must therefore give up its claim to truth .
11 Dimly , in what seemed at that moment to have been another existence altogether , she remembered Jurgen and Horst arguing that there was actually something dynamic and hopeful about the forces of good and innocence being so demonstrably at risk from the satanic .
12 Only a handful of people , it had been established , had been near enough to the leading car of the funicular to have been able to give it the fatal extra push that had sent Woodleigh and Jilly Jonathan tumbling down the steep hillside .
13 This blurring of class identities may have provoked Manet to have been impressed , not so much by Paris 's streets , but by the ‘ queerness ’ of the people who used them.go It is this sort of ‘ flattening ’ of identity in the creation of blasé urban character that occasioned Clark 's observation that ‘ the pleasures of seeing ’ in Haussmann 's Paris involved ‘ some sort of lack ’ , a certain ‘ brazenness ’ .
14 Although it seems in actuality to have been common enough , the empty hearth or inadequate smoking fuel , like Alice Wilson 's ‘ damp coals , and half-green sticks ’ , is a poignant symbol in the novel , suggestive of every kind of deprivation .
15 Advising Client as to whether KPMG considers the conditions of the Offer to have been satisfied .
16 Mrs Xoliswa Falati was reported last week to have been involved in an eviction dispute with Mrs Mandela , wife of the African National Congress leader , and to have telephoned a newspaper seeking help , before being driven off in a car with several men .
17 Cool-headed and light-hearted about life , Zeelenberg is not the sort of man to have been worried by the doubters .
18 Then , briskly , to me : ‘ I sometimes think it 's a mistake to have been happy when one was a child .
19 Influenced by a learned correspondent , Girolamo Mei , a philologist and student of ancient Greek music and drama who rightly believed Greek music to have been monodic ( but seemingly supplied Galilei with thirteenth-century Byzantine melodies to Mesomedes ' hymns under the impression that they were ancient ) , Galilei argued that the polyphonic ‘ music of today is not of great value for expressing the passions of the mind by means of words , but is of value merely for the wind and stringed instruments , from which the ear … desires nothing but the sweet enjoyment of the variety of their harmonies …
20 But our whole band have been to college — they were the first people in our familiar to have been able to get any further education .
21 If , for instance , later events show an oracular verdict to have been wrong , those concerned may take the view that the original judgment was false because the oracle itself was bewitched !
22 Later research shows this story to have been unlikely : the Court was not at Wilton at the time and the Earl of Pembroke was not on speaking terms with Laud .
23 It was not beyond the wit of any surgeon worthy of his calling or apothecary worthy of his phial to have been able to perform superficial embalming , and it is highly unlikely that assistance was asked for at the London end .
24 ( I may believe Jesus ' teaching to have been exemplary , or that he was a man singularly in tune with God ; but this , as I would argue , does not make me a Christian . )
25 You also notice that , because this plot development requires the couple to have been childless , there was clearly no previous necessity for either of them to stay at home .
26 Who is the only man in the 20th Century to have been Prime Minister under three different monarchs ?
27 He voluntarily relinquished it on the eve of seventy , the only man of this century to have been Prime Minister three times .
28 There would seem in retrospect to have been two primary reasons .
29 From the earliest weeks , euphoria about military success was quickly dissipated by the economic restrictions and the material impact on daily life , even though , compared with the later years of the war , these appear in retrospect to have been minor forms of interference .
30 The voting seems in fact to have been orderly , though claims made about the plan were plainly false .
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