Example sentences of "[noun sg] made [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is true that his definition of Rachel as " reste [ and ] goosteli swettenesse in deuocioun and contemplacion " , and " grace of deuocioun and reste in conscience " ( 31 – 2. 351 – 2,360 – 1 ) seems to correspond with his thinking about the stage of spiritual development which he describes in Scale 1 chapter seven as preceding an experience where man 's awareness in love of the life within him as Christ , is expressed as a " mariage made bitwix god and soule " ( 8.283a. – 82 ) .
2 The This Week programme made with Friends of the Earth centres on MPL , but a report claims many other companies were involved in defrauding the Ghanaian economy of a total of £30m by taking advantage of aid opportunities in its timber industry .
3 The This Week TV programme made in conjunction with Friends of the Earth accused MPL of misusing a £20m loan to rehabilitate a struggling state-owned timber company , African Timber and Plywood ( Ghana ) Ltd .
4 ELONEX , a British supplier of computers , is about to be one of the first to deliver the latest and fastest 33MHz 80386SX microprocessor made by AMD .
5 PROGRESSIVE ROCK made by musical retards ?
6 There has been no comprehensive study made of legislation and practice in relation to ILO standards .
7 Some of the cards really are works of art , like this butterfly card made from silk .
8 The reflection of the painted inside of the hood will help to spread the light , and the electrics will be protected by a drip tray made from plastic double glazing material .
9 This represented a considerable revision of the 4.75 per cent prediction made by Keating in February 1992 .
10 This was a prediction made by BNFL Chairman Sir Christopher Harding during his address to the annual trades union conference at Blackpool .
11 They argue that the current distinction between debt and equity made by company law is unjustified , but will restrict attempts to develop sensible accounting practice in this area .
12 With the body and neck made of maple , a wide strap is almost essential , as the Artist weighs a ton , and lasting out a long gig without collapsing or gaining some kind of spinal disorder is something of an achievement .
13 Likewise , French silk underwear may be underwear made of French silk ( ( French silk ) underwear ) or French underwear made of silk ( French ( silk underwear ) ) .
14 Came 1846 , the year that Mr Alfred Bird brought forth custard powder ; and Mr Bird 's brain-child grew and grew until all the land was covered with custard made with custard powder and the Trifle had become custard 's favourite resting-place .
15 With such complacency , it would be an abrogation of our duty to allow two commercial companies to ruin a major industry and its jobs and to wipe out a multi-billion pound investment made on behalf of taxpayers .
16 The 13 Olympic gold medals won by Spanish athletes in Barcelona last year is a reflection of the investment made by Spain .
17 Secondly , the transaction fees will need to be quite high if the investment made by Reuters and the CBoT/CME of between 40 and 50 million dollars is to yield a positive return .
18 ‘ We beat off intense competition to win and one of the reasons we did was because of the high level of investment made in equipment by NOS . ’
19 Since the investment made in companies owning fishing vessels flying the flag of a member state by nationals of another member state was direct investment and paid up in full , the condition requiring 75 per cent .
20 Employers also try to discourage the mobility of their highly skilled labour because they wish to retrieve the investment made in training over the long term , and they certainly would not want competing firms to poach labour that they have trained .
21 The taxation system must be reformed and investment made in infrastructure .
22 By a lease under seal made on September 24 , 1937 , the plaintiffs , Central London Property Trust Ltd. , granted to the defendants High Trees House Ltd. , a subsidiary of the plaintiff company , a tenancy of a block of flats for the term of 99 years from September 29 , 1937 , at a ground rent of £2,500 a year .
23 ( 1 ) Without prejudice to its other powers under this Act , a licensing board may make byelaws for any of the following purposes ( a ) for closing licensed premises wholly or partially on New Year 's Day , and on such other days not being more than four in any one year as the board may think expedient for special reasons ; ( b ) for prohibiting holders of licences from residing in their licensed premises , or for requiring the dwellinghouses of holders of licences to be separate from their licensed premises ; ( c ) for requiring all wines , made-wines and spirits sold by the holder of an off-sale licence to be sold in corked , stoppered or sealed vessels , cans , jars or casks ; ( d ) for requiring every holder of a hotel or public house licence to keep in his licensed premises and to renew from day to day a sufficient supply of drinking water , and such eatables as may be specified in the byelaw , and to display , offer and supply the same as may be required by the byelaw ; ( e ) for printing a list of all applications coming before any meeting of the licensing board , with such other information as may be considered necessary by the board ; ( f ) for the setting out of conditions which may be attached to licences for the improvement of standards of , and conduct in , licensed premises ; ( g ) for the granting of a licence of a type other than that applied for ; Provided that a byelaw made under paragraph ( c ) above shall not apply to licensed premises where no groceries are kept or sold and where a bona fide wholesale business in alcoholic liquor is carried on .
24 The $1.6 billion that BTR , a British conglomerate , has offered for Norton , an abrasives maker , is the first big hostile takeover bid made in America so far this year .
25 ‘ And on a boat made in England . ’
26 Have you tasted tea made with water boiled in a billy hung over a wood fire , Miss Telford ? ’
27 We used to have an hour and a quarter fro lunch , half an hour for tea , and we used to er have to get the principal 's tea ready and in the midmorning they always had tea made of milk .
28 More reassuringly , there is an evocative collection of old toys in the nursery , including a rocking horse made by Ayres in the 1890s .
29 The bracing Cotswold air produces fine healthy lungs , and the rumpus made at play-time could be clearly heard by fond parents who were safely half a mile away .
30 Povey and Sir W. Batten and I by water to Woolwich ; and there saw an experiment made of Sir R. Ford 's Holland 's yarn ( about which we have lately made so much stir ; and I have much concerned myself of our rope-maker , Mr Hughes who represented it so bad ) and we found it to be very bad , and broke sooner than , upon a fair triall , five threads of that against four of Riga yarne ; also that some of it had old stuffe that had been tarred , covered over with new hempe , which is such a cheat as has not been heard of .
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