Example sentences of "[noun sg] then [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So far as alternative remedies are concerned , if the alternative is provided by statute then deference to Parliamentary intention can be called in aid of requiring recourse to the alternative .
2 Once we are entrapped in a dilemma then action of one sort or another is predetermined .
3 If you have relied too heavily on a particular expert then part of the costs may be disallowed or , more likely , your own charging rate will be reduced .
4 8.3 Should the Publisher notify the Company in writing of a high risk sale of the Work then royalties on such sale shall not become accountable as a sale until one month after the Publisher has actually received payment .
5 If such were genuinely a principle of English criminal law then definitionalism concerning mistake would be vindicated .
6 If dissuading people from ever starting to smoke is the primary aim then limitation of long term cigarette smoking presumably comes second .
7 If the school is already well on the way to successful marketing then relationships with parents as a group and on an individual basis will be or good quality and it will be fairly straightforward to contact people directly to ask them to undertake specific responsibilities .
8 IC 1A 's output then ramps in the negative direction .
9 You 'll let people overlook each other then sort of overlooking
10 If you get the right mould then algae in your pond could well be history .
11 The approach entails restriction digestion of the DNA sample then ligation of specially designed ‘ vectorette ’ linkers .
12 If there is no family Fellowship corresponding to the appropriate primary Anonymous Fellowship in a particular geographical area then attendance at meetings of A1 Anon of Families Anonymous are helpful by providing the nearest equivalent programme for recovery for family members .
13 If there were a huge demand for a quality left-wing paper then sales of the Guardian would increase sharply and ( less certainly ) an enterprising businessman might provide another left-wing alternative .
14 When the findings have been put into the kitty then relationships between facts and relationships between research studies can be seen more clearly and these in turn will lead the knowledgeable research worker to spot the points where further enquiry needs to be made .
15 And if you want to try to understand say something like the er Iran Contra scandal then part of the roots of that scandal lie in the American constitution in the way that there is , th that the president is controlled by other aspects of the constitution .
16 Because when you 're awakened by somebody else 's involuntary noise , you first feel sympathy , then irritation , followed by impotent fury then tears of frustration .
17 If free trade remains the objective then agreements on international aspects of competition policy to collaborate in the implementation of competition policy , where more than one economy is affected , will be required .
18 Patients chose oxygen twice in 12 cases , no preference then oxygen in 1 case , and oxygen then no preference in 1 case ( p<0.001 , binomial distribution ) .
19 The investigator chose oxygen both times for the same 12 patients , air then oxygen for 1 patient , and air then air for 1 patient ( p<0.001 , binomial distribution ) .
20 The investigator chose oxygen both times for the same 12 patients , air then oxygen for 1 patient , and air then air for 1 patient ( p<0.001 , binomial distribution ) .
21 The same filter underwent successive hybridization with the SE162 and srRNA probes ( Figure 4A ) , prior to dehybridization then rehybridization with the cytochrome b probe alone ( Figure 4B ) .
22 He argues that by maintaining the job environment at an acceptable level then feelings of dissatisfaction can be avoided .
23 If the reflectance of sunlight from the ground or sea surface as recorded by Landsat 's MSS were shown in photographic form then values of 0 would be seen as black and values of 63 as white with intermediate values being represented by shades of grey .
24 First create your name and address list in the database then type in the letter in the WP .
25 If the person is considered to have been of outstanding importance to the nation then days of mourning might be decreed .
26 Colds descend and produce hoarseness then rawness of the trachea , then to the chest with suffocation and a great accumulation of mucus but there is an expulsive power to the cough ( unlike in Antimonium tartaricum ) .
27 If I had my way then kerb-crawlers like you would be locked away !
28 The timing of the move to other pastures may be dependent on other farming activities , but if it can be delayed until October or later and accompanied by an anthelmintic treatment then eggs from any worms which survive the treatment are unlikely to develop due to the unfavourable winter temperatures .
29 Its presence has been seen for 2,000 years throughout the acrimonious purgings of innocent human life in the witchcraft genocides ; through the long systematic persecution then culmination in horrific holocausting of Jesus 's own people — the tribe of Judah .
30 Well , if there 's only one level of structure then evidence about the and evidence of that meaning are both going to bear on that .
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