Example sentences of "[noun sg] so [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It stood about a quarter of a mile from the house in a triple circle of beech trees , an isolated building so small and perfect that it looked like an architect 's model precisely set in a fabricated landscape , or an elegant ecclesiastical folly , justifying itself only by its classical purity , as distanced from religion as it was from life .
2 Having him there at the beginning was simply a stroke of luck so colossal that Henry 's natural pessimism was trying to turn it into a disaster .
3 And er half heatedly she decided she ought , she could n't have any more children you know she 'd , I do n't think it was money so much that she thought she 'd got enough and somebody told her about this Slippery Elm , well you could get a Slippery Elm drink , you know you know these milky foods if you 've got a poor tummy , that that can , er she bought a tin of this Slippery Elm drink , and she drunk gallons of it and it was doing her good and she thought er she thought it would n't , she 'd gone wrong you see .
4 I mean it 's only fair it 's not we 're not talking about huge wages but for Gwynedd which is a low wage area they were reasonable and they worked for them too you know but but they were n't complaining about the money so much as the principle .
5 I think Craven Arms , the thing Craven Arms actually want money so much as support .
6 ‘ With money so tight and nothing is heard from local communities the facility could be lost by stealth .
7 The gravity of Jupiter crushes its hydrogen so much that pressures of this magnitude might occur at the centre of the planet , forming metallic hydrogen which undergoes fusion thereby generating heat within it .
8 It is based on a true story so outrageous that it would never in a million years have passed muster as fiction .
9 The pace of ideation is for the most part so great that a more formal procedure of idea-handling would be obstructive and pointless .
10 The most obvious moral interpretation of the assimilation of monk and merchant does not lie in the drawing down of the merchant to the level of the monk so much as in showing the monk to be transgressing the bounds of his special profession by entering into the commercial market place to procure a whore for himself .
11 One must stand in awe of the scientist so Promethean that a single obscenity is all that is needed to clarify and educate .
12 Beyond the rail , reached by a stairway so steep that it was almost a ladder , was the main lower level .
13 However , it is not necessarily the immediate reply which influences decision so much as the well-considered facts succinctly presented .
14 The latter was applying a social policy on which reasonable men could differ ; it had decided against differential rating and this was not a decision so unreasonable that no reasonable corporation could come to it .
15 ‘ The main problem is that the illness makes her foodpipe so sore that she drinks only milk and rarely eats solids .
16 SARFU had done little to try and rectify the damage created at Ellis Park so French and Fordham took the initiative prior to the special ANC meeting .
17 We looked in the area of the fault and indeed , there was one needle that had a latch so stiff that it could n't open freely and also got stuck when you pushed it right back .
18 They 're not real ‘ boat ’ necks ( the kind so deep that the back of the neck is actually level with the back of the headstock and heel ) but they 're pretty deep all the same and they both feel just excellent .
19 This is a clear example of the third basic kind of doubt , a kind so common that it qualifies as the twentieth-century doubt par excellence .
20 While a strict Freudian interpretation of the function of dreaming would not necessarily imply that it preserved sanity so much as sleep , the neo-Freudians had developed the notion that during dreams conflicts were resolved , giving dreams a purpose in maintaining psychic equilibrium .
21 A dog with more breeds in its blood than hairs on its back foamed and yapped at them from the limit of its rope ; the curtains of several trailers were drawn back by shadowy witnesses ; two girls in early adolescence , both with hair so long and blonde they looked to have been baptized in gold ( unlikely beauty , in such a place ) rose from beside the fire , one running as if to alert guards , the other watching the newcomers with a smile somewhere between the seraphic and the cretinous on her face .
22 The train puffed to a stop ; only five passengers alighted , and the only male among them a tall young man , his hair so fair that from a distance it appeared almost white , waved to them before turning back to the carriage and lifting out a case .
23 Its purchase lifted her heart so much that she bought another .
24 But I accidentally hit Jason full on the jaw so hard that I knocked him over .
25 When she opened her mouth to yell , a hand caught her face , pinching into the angle of the jaw so hard that the cry died in her throat .
26 Beside her Rune looked what he was , she thought — purposeful and determined , master of his own destiny , the skin of his golden jaw so smooth that he must have shaved again before coming to pick her up , his hair gleaming in molten strands as the sunlight played on it .
27 It holds the blade at exactly the right angle to achieve optimum sharpness , and it 's this that makes the sharpener so quick and easy to use .
28 Finally , the concept was a formula for expressing the fact that , in our system , ‘ the principles of private law have … been by the action of the Courts and Parliament so extended as to determine the position of the Crown and of its servants ’ .
29 There was even a small river tumbling over the edge in a waterfall so wind-whipped that it reached the ground as rain .
30 In his work , theoretically relying both on Freudianism and on variations of Parsonian functionalism , which sees the biological , egalitarian family as the culmination of the modernising process , he argues that the rise in illegitimacy can be traced to a change in the attitude towards sex of lower-class women , a change so great as to amount to a sexual revolution .
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