Example sentences of "[noun sg] if the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This phase relationship is determined by the point at which the position detector generates a pulse to trigger a change in excitation and so the detector trigger point must vary with speed if the pull-out torque is required over the complete speed range .
2 ( c ) The motor is unable to reach its maximum speed if the number of steps to be executed is less than the total steps required for acceleration and deceleration , i.e. the initial value of COUNT is less than ACCVAL + DECVAL .
3 No one expected to reverse the pull of 14 years of refugee resettlement overnight , and there is little doubt that voluntary repatriation would pick up speed if the Hong Kong authorities used quiet persuasion instead of the big stick .
4 Therefore , PCNA may serve as a useful marker for proliferation if the conditions of fixation are held constant and the same antibody is used throughout the experiment .
5 However , it may be possible to make a case for a higher proportion of grant aid if the resources available are very limited .
6 Use a dot of glue on the end-grain , on the centre line ; for the groove at one side might be tighter than its opposite number , and shrinkage will again occur all from one side if the panel is n't centre- anchored .
7 If limits are restricted to special locations and/or special times , such as near schools at opening and closing times , compliance is more likely , with less speeding if the reason for the limit is clearly indicated .
8 Within each State , of course , the accidents people are in close touch with their own airworthiness authorities , but it would have caused disruption if the accident investigators of the UK had contracted the airworthiness authorities in the USA thereby cutting the others out of the information loop .
9 There is also a mention if the cargo contribution to airlines which for the passenger carriers is , at 50 per cent return on revenue , the most profitable thing they have in the market at the moment .
10 Women have to claim their right to be angry , but men have to claim their right to weep and show fear if the balance is to change .
11 Of the 13 horses standing their ground in the weekend 's feature event , just five will be in the handicaper proper and trainers are planning to sidestep the valuable contest if the Gold Cup hero takes his chance .
12 Sometimes this can be a considerable expense if the person died some way from where the family wish them to be buried .
13 Again permission has been given to the panel to incur the expense if the assembly approves the relevant deliverance .
14 The judge would be empowered to grant immediate bail to the defendant if the crimes were those of illegal possession of arms and criminal conspiracy , or to free him or her a year after the start of a trial if sentence had yet to be passed .
15 Whereas the essence of the previous law was that the threat was required to cause the breach of the peace , now it is enough if the conduct causes a person to believe that there will be violence , which might include continued violence if the scuffle is already in progress when the witness appears on the scene .
16 The hon. Member for Banff and Buchan ( Mr. Salmond ) asked what would happen to the pound if the United Kingdom were exempt from stage three .
17 However , where the landlord opposes the grant of a new tenancy on redevelopment grounds , the tenant may be entitled to a new tenancy of an economically separable part of the holding if the landlord 's redevelopment would not be impeded ( s31A ; s32(1A) ) .
18 Farmworkers fear for their future if the Board now under government review is scrapped .
19 That did n't happen on 30 June 1989 and it wo n't happen at any time in the future if the Army Catering Corps has anything to do with it !
20 Training at Kingsholm could be all ticket in future if the crowds for this week 's visit of England is anything to go by …
21 Short-term goals should be achievable in the near future if the vagaries of daily life or training mistakes do n't constantly get in the way .
22 One ‘ grey ’ area is where to put active over 60 's — in future if the class is fully mobile , even though at a more sedate pace , the class should be included as Recreational specifying ‘ active retired ’ etc. but if the range of movement is limited or mainly seated then the class should be on the Specialised List .
23 What hope is there for asthma care in the future if the family health services authorities and health boards continue to rely on staff not trained in medicine or nursing to make ‘ quality of care ’ decisions ?
24 A Wilcock , of London W2 , says the articles provided ‘ some interesting , if clearly biased , thoughts on the future if the Tories win the election ’ .
25 When viscoelastic materials are being deformed in bending care must be taken that the deformations are small , sine if the material is not linearly viscoelastic the stress gradient across the vertical section may not be linear , rendering the Euler-Bernoulli theory invalid .
26 It can be disconcerting at auction if the vendor or agents acting on the vendor 's behalf bid up the price from the floor in the early or even later stages of the auction .
27 His reasoning was that the productivity of free workers was greater than slave labour if the labourers were offered sufficient inducement through piece-work and high rates for day labour ; the cost of getting the same amount of work done by slaves was greater than the cost of the higher rates offered as an inducement .
28 In others , they have done it because they have felt they have had to : perhaps they would have failed to attract and keep labour if the jobs had been too fragmented .
29 Thus property offences should be dealt with by fines ( to be earned by forced labour if the offender can not pay ) and violent offences by corporal punishment .
30 He is said to have offered to go into exile if the remainder of his sentence is waived .
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