Example sentences of "[noun sg] we [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Having learned more about the missionaries and their work we as a fellowship will be more informed in order to pray for real people and real situations .
2 Committed to Pray Having learned more about the missionaries and their work we as a fellowship should better informed in order to pray for real people and real situations .
3 Committed to Act We as a church support BMS financially .
4 In return we in the editorial team will try to keep you up to date with what is going on in the University .
5 The scene is much more complex than it was say a generation or two ago and Moderator we in the Church of England should be much interested to learn in due course whether you too will feel a need to make liturgical revision for these various paths to faith .
6 It gives credibility to the particular choice we as a self-defining ‘ human ’ group have made , and reinforces the validity of that choice by obscuring the fact that we make it voluntarily , rather than have it imposed on us by scientific laws which are unquestionable and necessary .
7 Scotch if you 've got it — or are you waving the emerald flag for the benefit of certain up-and:coming Irish politicians of the lineage of the closest thing we in the States have to a royal family ? ’
8 Congress we in the public services have failed , have faced imposed redundancies since the introduction of C C T.
9 The exhibit 's called ’ Yellow Peril ’ , and is supposed to question the way we in the west think about the Chinese .
10 Of course you w of course you would Of course you would and it may be that what you will have to say is , Well look , erm I gave you the four per cent on the on the precision types and that that really has to stay , but by the time we by the time we 've done all the analysis on the er on the popular metrics , it will work out that it is is is only two per cent .
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