Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 In November 1914 at the Annual General Meeting , it became clear the Club had to abort some costly schemes and , although not blaming the war , it must have been the cause .
2 But ultimately the ordinary allied soldier had to find some reward for his exertions .
3 By the time he regained control of the wildly swerving vehicle , the Prophet 's car had drawn some forty yards ahead again .
4 The priest had uttered some incoherent exclamation .
5 If a band delayed signing a publishing contract until the singles from their album had obtained some success , it was because they believed , not unreasonably , that they could negotiate a better contract by demonstrating their chart success to a publisher .
6 Outside , the sun still shone , though with the approach of evening the light had lost some of its force and the room grew dimmer .
7 At last my boyish figure had acquired some status and a more attractive description : gamine .
8 The wind had blown some dead leaves through the door into the church , and I watched them dancing in the sunlight near the grave .
9 They all used to hang out there and quite a scene had developed Some of it had to do with it being the antithesis of the whole trash/sleaze thing that was going down at the start of the seventies .
10 Boris Ford thought that Lord Robbins and his Committee had to accept some of the blame ‘ for the ease with which the grey eminences at the Department have been able to enlist radical ministers like Sir Edward Boyle and Mr Crosland in support of policies that are socially and academically reactionary ’ .
11 She pulled the covers higher , feeling drained but oddly relaxed , as though the dream had relieved some of the pressure on her brain .
12 Even after the Equal Pay Act had effected some narrowing of the pay gap , there was an unexplained excess of men 's pay over women 's pay worth about 30 per cent of that received by the average 32-year-old female employee in early 1978 .
13 They were on the road again just before four , when the fierce pin-point sun had lost some of its bite .
14 On Feb. 8 the USSR State Bank ( Gosbank ) announced that January 's rouble note withdrawal had netted some Rbs40,000 million from a total of Rbs48,200 million-worth of Rbs50 and Rbs100 notes previously in circulation .
15 ( In recent years the Team Spirit exercise had involved some 200,000 troops and had been vehemently condemned by North Korea as act of unwarranted aggression which impeded channels of communication between the two states — see also p. 36465 . )
16 Harriet Tremayne , her mother , had been strongly against this , but Tom , her husband , a charming , indolent and indulgent man , had argued , with a certain degree of logic , that ‘ the girl had to do some kind of war work ’ and that it was better for her ‘ to do something she had set her heart on ’ .
17 They claimed that mid-week polls showing a large Labour lead had shocked some floating voters into the realisation that opting for the Liberal Democrats would let Mr Kinnock in by the back door .
18 Papa had to sell some of the best ones .
19 The gangling , boyish 28-year-old Canadian actor had made some impression as an innocent in The Flim Flam Man ( 1967 ) and as a Malibu beach bum in The Sweet Ride ( 1968 ) , and seemed to have promise .
20 On his arrival in the village , the Franciscan had had some trouble with those who practised the black arts and used the cemetery for diabolical activities .
21 His body had regained some warmth and the sleep had relaxed him .
22 Rain had met some of them on previous occasions .
23 Fortunately the rain had ceased some time during the night .
24 The war had seen some very large audiences .
25 Tremendous publicity was given to the circumstances in which this movie had been made and to the way in which the director had shot some forty reels ; ‘ the eight-hour day for movie fans has not yet dawned ’ was the thankful comment of Robert Sherwood , but few critics doubted that the film conveyed much of the anger , ugliness , and brutality of the novel .
26 Her second husband had died Some years before , and now she lived with her son , George Grimsdale and his two young children in a large house at Windsor — 37 Victoria Cottages .
27 As the old pensioner listened to the song , which was now accompanied by the ringing of bells , Fleury saw an expression of tender devotion come over his lined face , and he , too , thought , as the Collector had thought some weeks earlier in the tiger house , what a lot of Indian life was unavailable to the Englishman who came equipped with his own religion and habits .
28 His father , an expert woodsman , had already got a fire going , and the room had lost some of its pristine newness and was looking much more cosy .
29 The last was set up in the seventies when apparently some defector had cast some doubt on Mills .
30 His pain had receded a little , as though this latest bout of agony had overloaded some circuits of his brain 's pain-response centre .
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