Example sentences of "[noun sg] from the house " in BNC.

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1 We are talking not about election expenses , but about theft from the House of Commons — — because there is no doubt that it is a theft of material —
2 In recent years Conservative administrations have faced greater opposition from the House of Lords than have Labour Governments , partly because there is probably a greater fear of a Labour Government curtailing still further the powers of the Lords should it be faced with opposition from that quarter .
3 Formal and political constraints limited the effect of any opposition from the House of Lords .
4 This is connected by a pipe to a fan that sucks radon from the house .
5 and share girlish secrets behind the trees and shrubs which completely screen the terrace from the house .
6 A loud gong from the house summoned everyone to the driveway to greet the master .
7 A glorious garden belonging to a customer friend in Hampshire had an avenue of these leading to the dining room patio , and the effect from the house was no worse for not being puritanical .
8 Now , in the soft light from the house , it had a piquant quality .
9 The wool room , which is now converted for serving teas , has entrance from the house , and patrons can sit out on the gallery .
10 One can sympathise with owners of great houses , faced with tax and running costs , but let them not think that furnishings of the standing of Kent 's at Houghton can simply be dispensed with as ‘ surplus to requirements ’ and that their loss from the house would not in future be regretted .
11 A new porch has several advantages : it will improve the security of your home ; be somewhere welcoming for visitors ; reduce heat loss from the house ; and cut down noise .
12 It was Oliver who noticed Barbara Coleman 's exit from the house .
13 An effort to exclude office-holders of this type from the House of Commons was made , with no great success , by the Act of Settlement of 1701 .
14 White feather dress and black gloves by Helmut Lang from Maria Luisa , 2 rue Canbon , Paris ; rings by Judy Blame from the House Of Beauty And Culture , 34–35 Stamford St , London N1
15 Up ahead was the tunnel mouth and the outlet-pipe that carried waste down the hillside from the house .
16 Vincent waded into his father with such anger that his expulsion from the house inevitably followed : such grossness was an offence to the fragile truce they were only just sustaining .
17 Mrs Chalker , who lost her seat at the general election , faced giving up her job as Minister of the Overseas Development Administration and Britain 's leading representative at the European Bank , leaving a gap in the British team but will continue in her post from the House of Lords .
18 The killer could have reached the office from the lane , or by crossing the yard from the house , or by coming through the shop from the house .
19 They had moved out that evening from the house in Kingston-upon-Thames .
20 Although requiring formal approval from the House when it reconvened in January 1993 , the size of the Democratic majority in the new House meant that its adoption was considered to be a foregone conclusion .
21 His first excursion from the house took him no farther than the garden .
22 He is retired now , but he had been sent all her possessions some time after the war from the house in avenue Hoche .
23 The air heavy with sweat , greasepaint and burning dust , a lot of clutter and small talk , some haste , occasional flurries of panic , and long stretches of nothing much happening while the empty passageways echoed with relayed sound from the house pickup .
24 Definitely see the wall from the house
25 Other follies will be found in groups , built as part of a wild garden some distance from the house .
26 If a cat performs some very strange action — finds its way home over a long distance , predicts an earthquake , or senses the return of its owners when they are some distance from the house — then it is a challenge for us to try and find out which particular sensory pathway was involved .
27 On August 13th 1803 it was ordered that ‘ a hole be dug at a proper distance from the house and that the matron be directed to see that the servants do empty all the pails from the house into the said hole until the privies etc. , shall be built out of doors ’ .
28 But they had not been destroyed by the explosion : bewilderingly , their bodies were found in the garden some distance from the house , and they had obviously been strangled .
29 To Fermin Caballero , writing at the turn of the nineteenth century , this pattern of agricultural settlement constituted the chief bar to progress : a more intensive system was the key to higher production but the physical relation of the labourer and farmer to the land , the distance from the house in which he slept to the field he worked , made intense cultivation impossible .
30 The former had taken a golf-club to a smooth , level patch of grass a short distance from the house which Philippe Bonard , anxious to cater for his clients ' leisure needs as well as their thirst for learning , had laid out as a green ; she had donned a pair of heavy-framed spectacles and was practising putting .
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