Example sentences of "[noun sg] with [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 Two other case-control studies have not found evidence of an increased risk of leukaemia in association with fathers ' preconceptual exposure to external ionising radiation .
2 The unit links research with practitioners ' educational needs for personalised feedback on clinical performance .
3 The red silk skirt with workers ' heads and a gold top that goes with it , both cut from silk bought in Soviet Central Asia , would cost about 1,000 roubles ( the average Soviet wage is 200 roubles a month ) or £700 in London .
4 Sir : While tending to agree with the Archbishop of Canterbury 's social critique as reported in your paper ( 'Runcie attack on ‘ Pharisees ’ revives rift with Tories ' , 2 October ) , I find his reference to the Pharisees more than a little unfortunate .
5 Palace are at home to Blackburn today and Noades will have lunch with Rovers ' directors to finally thrash out the Thomas deal .
6 Then there is the work with prisoners ' wives who naturally shy away from publicity .
7 The significance of difference between two proportions was assayed using χ 2 test with Yates ' correction .
8 Another publication which may be of help with artists ' methods and materials , is ‘ Artists ’ Materials , Which , Why and How ’ , published by A&C Black .
9 Significant measures of freedom are necessary if the student is to acquire the virtues of intellectual independence , toughness , empathy with others ' views , and willingness to engage in meaningful conversation .
10 Similarly , theologians such as Schleiermacher had moved away from the idea of a miracle as a supernatural intervention in the normal processes of nature , and were in essential harmony with Strauss ' conclusions .
11 the right to have one 's contribution regarded on an equal basis with others ' .
12 To business with Kids ' County here 's the clues ,
13 What a cheer had gone up as the Englishman with Turtons ' file had filed the steel down to the vice before the Frenchman was one third the way through !
14 This book reflected a growing disenchantment with sociologists ' abstract generalities of earlier years .
15 If the price of a money market instrument rises then the yield falls , and this is indeed the case with bankers ' acceptances , which are normally cheaper than straight cash advances , even allowing for the fact that interest is paid upfront .
16 Execution of the partnership agreement as a deed is only required when , and this will rarely be the case with solicitors ' firms , it seeks to transfer land or an interest in land : otherwise an agreement under hand will be sufficient .
17 Fish should be prepared for their winter vigil by judicious feeding with ants ' eggs , dried flies or freeze-dried worms until the weather turns cold and they cease to be active .
18 The parallel with Watkins ' mark points was too striking to ignore , and attracted attention from those who felt that folklore might provide a clue to understanding leys .
19 Get more light for your money with Philips ' concentrated-beam Spotline bulbs
20 Erm I do n't know that 's , this is not in any official stats books but it 's just my experience with students ' projects that if you get more than , there 's a sort of critical mass of about , about forty respondents and then you 're much more likely to start showing some interesting statistically significant findings for some reason , erm I do n't quite know why but er it 's one of life 's little mysteries but er so that 's usually if there 's a lot of numerical data what I 'd try and advise people to er to get .
21 The insiders — and Letterman is right on the inside track — pick up these changing signals constantly ; they have no patience with outsiders ' scepticism .
22 Given the propensity of the Academy jury over the years to equate serious acting with stars ' willingness to make themselves unattractive , it is surprising that Dustin did not win hands down .
23 The tough dual Oaks heroine , brave runner-up to Subotica in the Arc last time , is heading for a showdown with Breeders ' Cup Classic hero A P Indy in Tokyo .
24 Rather , each place has to be carefully arranged , on an individual basis , matching staff interests , level and availability with providers ' timetables and own internal demands .
26 One of the other important factors which helped Hastings attain the most distinguished accolade in British rugby was his relationship with Lions ' coach Ian McGeechan .
27 What the Bank wanted was a closer relationship with banks ' auditors .
28 However , the most likely way that people at work will come into contact with microelectronics ' technology is in the area of ‘ information technology ’ .
29 The passengers share their ride with holiday-makers ' bicycles , fresh vegetables , or miscellaneous freight of all shapes and sizes .
30 The trouble with Lukács ' dictum is that there is no consensus as to what exactly is Marxist method .
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