Example sentences of "[noun sg] with the world " in BNC.

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1 This , and her close association with the World Economic Herald , were proof of her ‘ bourgeois liberalism , ’ according to the Guangming Ribao .
2 An arrangement had been made in association with the World Bank for Scottish advice to be made available for primary education in Pakistan .
3 Composer Debbie Campbell says she really enjoys writing for children and developing their natural enthusiasm for wildlife and the environment — a book of the play has been published in association with the World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) .
4 The sportswear giants broke off their deal with the world sprint champion who 's awaiting a four-year ban for drug abuse .
5 Peru was expected to enter into a similar accumulation programme with the World Bank .
6 To see how easy it is to upgrade your boat with the world 's finest radar performance , visit your local dealer or call our 24-hour Brochure Line : .
7 For all of us listening this was a spur to further ‘ action with the world 's poor ’ .
8 Anyone looking round in the weeks of Christian Aid could see this really was ‘ the churches in action with the world 's poor ’ , and that while this action was firmly based at St. Andrew 's & St. George 's it was done ‘ in company with people form other churches ’ .
9 The United States widened its rift with the World Bank when it rejected a compromise on a capital increase for the International Finance Corporation , the arm of the Bank that deals directly with the private sector .
10 Without for one moment implying any impropriety , this last episode demonstrates how deliciously appropriate it is that Mr Wyatt should subsequently have struck up such a warm friendship with the world 's foremost collector of air miles .
11 In natural first language acquisition , the child , growing up through involvement in naturally recurrent events , learns about the world through language and concomitantly learns language through an engagement with the world .
12 When such growing churches manifest the marks of the Kingdom of righteousness , peace and joy ( Rom. 14:7 ) both in their own lives and in engagement with the world , then we will be able to pray less wistfully and more hopefully ‘ thy kingdom come , thy will be done on earth , as it is in heaven . ’
13 They too , spoke enthusiastically about , for example , the opportunities offered by The Machine Gunners for emotional empathy with the world of the child versus the world of the adult ; the emotional pleasure pupils frequently found in empathizing with Billy 's relationship with the hawk , and the themes and topics raised by Kes ; the complex nature of the link between humans and animals offered as a theme in The Red Pony ; the thematic possibilities of the Irish location of Across the Barricades together with its handling of prejudice ; and the understanding of allegory and its special features which might be well illustrated by a reading of Animal Farm .
14 After the febrile , twitching neurosis of ‘ Unknown Pleasures ’ , ‘ Closer ’ is the sound of a defeated but dignified reconciliation with the world and its punishments .
15 He was now more at peace with the world of United Motors .
16 At breakfast , I had been given freshly home-made bread , and I felt at peace with the world .
17 You will feel calm and at peace with the world .
18 She lay back in the musty smelling chair , at peace with the world , and allowed the late April sun to envelop her .
19 Tail curves gently down and then up again at the tip This is the relaxed cat , at peace with the world .
20 I felt at peace with the world , even though by the summer of 1939 Europe seemed to be drifting closer to war and everyone was glued to the BBC short-wave Overseas Service bulletins , or even devouring month-old copies of The Times which had been airmailed to Australia and sent on by ship , together with the Illustrated London News , Tatler , and particular titles ordered by the expatriates .
21 The pots on the dresser and the straight-backed , hard-backed chairs and the rag rug all seemed to be at peace with the world .
22 A row was all in a day 's work for her , and at the end she 'd feel pleased with herself and at peace with the world .
23 ‘ You suddenly seem very happy , very much at peace with the world , ’ Luke smiled , watching her .
24 This time last night she 'd been lying in Dane 's arms , feeling safe , secure , at peace with the world for perhaps the first time in her troubled life .
25 ‘ We 've got to learn to live together and share and be at peace with the world .
26 For instance , Singapore Telecom operates Asia 's first international digital telephone exchange with the world 's highest density of optical fibre networks .
27 For all his coinciding with the world of fashion , with the glamour and risks of the pederasty he helped publicise , Mapplethorpe 's pictures remain alien to the canons of American good taste and to meat-and-potato American ideas about art .
28 But the intervention is manifest to anyone who has read Proust without perceiving any explicit alignment of metaphor with the world of repose , metonymy with the outer world .
29 Gallacher was a renegade , a prototype of the Scottish Babylonian , a skilful but troublesome footballer always at war with the world and perpetually trying to be ‘ gallus ’ .
30 He said that Iraq were a formidable opponent with the world 's fourth largest army and eighth largest air force operating from 56 airfields .
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