Example sentences of "[noun sg] i [adv] did " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Father , ’ said Tutilo , burning into startling whiteness , ‘ I pledge you my faith I never did nor never would have done him any harm , nor do I know of any who might need to wish him ill .
2 Yeah I mean like when I was in the park I only did it between because I was only really talking to one person at one time , but I mean like I could n't remember anywhere .
3 The first part I ever did at the Old Vic was Ophelia , in 1957 .
4 I remember about six weeks into the first nationally televised programme I ever did , going into Harrods to buy something .
5 He had a thick stick of some kind — quite short-in his hand , and he said something about this being a holdup , or a stick-up or some term I really did n't understand .
6 The parcel door was the other end of the office you see and er oh I loved it , I loved the work I really did .
7 I did so much shopping I just did n't feel like carrying any more — I 've cooked for days so I can concentrate here . ’
8 Also — and I 'm quite prepared to admit this — because of all the problems I was having trying to find work , just at that moment I really did n't want the bother of hunting for a new home .
9 When I first saw it I was confused by a strange surrealistic image of a place I both did and did not recognise .
10 Also while in the club shop I NEARLY did ask if they 'd personalise a shirt with MUNICH 58 , I was THIS CLOSE …
11 ‘ Weirdest goddamn name I ever did hear . ’
12 Since Gauloises withdrew at the end of last season I really did n't know where I stood .
13 I 'll just put a little bit wispy in the back because when I was in Hans ' class , the best triangle I ever did was lovely , really pleased with it and it collapsed did n't it ?
14 That 's alright that , I must have done six loads of washing , for some reason I just did n't seem to have enough to do me loads
15 I later realized that the reason I always did so badly was I just could n't see the blackboard because I was so short-sighted .
16 The one thing I never did was cry in the delivery room .
17 Best thing I ever did , getting you to come . ’
18 ‘ The most foolish thing I ever did was take her to the Foundling .
19 But I did kick the drug , Mr Breakspear , and it was probably the hardest damned thing I ever did in all my life .
20 I am writing this on the train to London , carrying me on smooth , oiled wheels away from the pain , the exhaustion , and , above all , the one worth-while thing I ever did — or tried to do — in my life .
21 ‘ Helping you was the most stupid thing I ever did in my life .
22 It was the smartest thing I ever did , believe me .
23 ‘ No , Shelley , it 's the best thing I ever did .
24 I think the bravest thing I ever did in my life was sing solo at that pantomime , I , I think that was braver than giving birth or having my wisdom teeth out .
25 The bravest thing I ever did .
26 I can honestly say I ca n't remember a show I definitely did n't like doing , although I might have been in some that did n't turn out as I though they would . ’
27 ‘ I tried not to breathe , but in the end I just did .
28 In the end I simply did what I had done in writing at full length but I compressed the whole into the 5000-word stipulated maximum length .
29 Walking back through the jungle I thankfully did n't come across any trap-door spiders but as dusk fell I was entranced by a cluster of trees which were suddenly lit up like Christmas trees by the thousands of glow-worms out for a night of passion .
30 When I signed up for the trip I really did n't know just what to expect ; when I got my packet information I wondered how I would stand up to it but I soon found I adjusted very well and even though I had never slept in a tent in a tent in a sleeping bag or had any experience canoeing I did OK .
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