Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Editor , — There is a general perception that change in medical education is starting to occur .
2 Of course everyone knows to which general she belongs , but it is her eyes , her ears and her discernment that have to be relied upon .
3 The host of different beings attributed with consciousness that exist within the Chewong universe have structurally similar qualities to humans .
4 A kind of numbness acts as a shell against not only death itself , but against all the implications of loss that go with it .
5 Consider those stately columns , regard the coils of plaster vine that trail from the windowsills , meditate on the dados in the shape of fasces that stud its pitted hide . ’
6 The Autocracy in Russia , following 1905 , increasingly faced new challenges and a growing opposition that lead to its eventual downfall .
7 I hope that the hon. Members who are fortunate enough to be called before will bear in mind that limit in fairness to their colleagues .
8 However , it must be borne in mind that work from the non-diabetic population has suggested that only between 30 and 50 per cent of patients are sodium sensitive ( Kawasaki et al , 1978 ) .
9 Ruth had to look away , ashamed ; what had she ever done for Fand , except break that promise to her ?
10 The stress and tension that result from anxiety are unnecessary burdens .
11 so I says it 's going , now as far as the , er , what they call it that fella that come to did that job
12 Go up Road , and from there turn down Follyhouse Lane the continuation of it and you 'd come right to the Dales and nothing at all from there to West Bromwich , and you could see , if you go over one stile from one field then onto another and then brook that now runs through the Road there , that used to be a little country brook that run across the golf course and there was a little stile over it , a little bridge and a stile , then you go straight up to Dells common and not a house in sight .
13 Still , when it comes to the treatment of the frontiers of computing , the areas of advanced research that come under the general heading of ‘ artificial intelligence ’ ( AI ) , there is still a great deal sadly lacking .
14 It follows from the above that the principal repayments of loans are not costs of running the minibus that have to be passed on in charges to the users .
15 What securities should be traded in the central market , with publicly quoted prices and all the transparency of information , price discovery and fair-trading practice that go with it ?
16 The company 's Health & Safety Manual continues to provide standards and codes of practice that conform to current legislation with a revised manual to be issued later this year . ’
17 Key CyP mutants together with the NMR structure of the CsA/CyP complex presented here should allow the identification of those portions of the complex that interact with calcineurin .
18 Conceptualizations of police work are therefore derived from and embedded in such phenomena as the day-to-day experience of police duties , which is itself contextually related to the sorts of crime that occur in the area in which the station is located , common-sense notions about policing contained in the occupational culture , and stereotypes of policing found in the wider culture .
19 Factions of labour that have through struggle or out of scarcity managed to create islands of privilege within a sea of exploitation will also just as surely rally to the cause of the alliance to preserve their gains .
20 Despite the fact that trespass is actionable per se , there is some authority to the effect that trespass to goods requires proof of some damage or asportation but the general view of textbook writers is to the contrary and there must be many instances where , if mere touching of objects like waxworks or exhibits in a gallery or museum be not trespass , their possessor would be without remedy .
21 It is the speaker 's intention and the addressee 's successful location of the intended referent that matter in the first usage , not the exact aptness of the description , so that we could call this usage speaker reference ( as opposed to semantic reference ; Donnellan , 1978 ; Kaplan , 1978 ) .
22 Cornelius 's smile , reaching Harry across the grey pool of light that spread between them , glistened like the fly on a fisherman 's line .
23 These new men have made me see form , have made me more conscious of the sky where it juts down between houses , of the bright patterns of sunlight which the bath water throws up on the ceiling , of the great ‘ Vs ’ of light that dart through the chinks over the curtain rings , all these are new chords , new keys of design .
24 ( 1980 ) concluded that climatology must systematically investigate the exchanges of heat , water and momentum that occur at or near the earth 's surface and should focus upon topoclimatology as well as on transfer processes .
25 A period of conditioning on the Verdun battlefield manufactured a callousness towards one 's own wounded , and an apathetic , morbid acceptance of mutilation that seem to us — in our comfy isolation — almost bestial .
26 Then she licked his face , washed away some of the dirt and blood that spread across it , cooled the swelling round his eyes and cheeks .
27 No one noticed the dark stain of blood that spread from the tip of a razor sharp stiletto knife in his coat pocket .
28 There is a fortune on offer for the side that go into the European Cup 's mini-league , the build-up has been intense and not many of the players will have taken part in a bigger or more crucial event .
29 I mean we come out with erm an equation that look like so expected price and T is a function right it 's the sum of gamma into one minus gamma into J into P T minus one minus J and J goes to infinity .
30 They should continue to seek solutions for the needs of the servide that take into account equality in opportunity and education rather than just short term financial considerations .
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