Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 A state religion that included all others obviously conduced to this objective .
2 They are Chinese Muslims whose ancestors came to China from Arabia as long ago as 651 and who still live scattered throughout the People 's Republic , preserving a way of life , a language and a religion that has more in common with Mecca than with the Orient .
3 Aching in bones as if they would break is the main feature of this remedy that accompanies all of its complaints .
4 A proper respect for the Modern thinking that underlay such tools of social and economic experiment as the centre of Zlin , the original Bauhaus buildings , the Weissenhof , the Maison Savoye and many more , demands that their documentation should be preserved , but they themselves should be allowed to die .
5 ‘ We have a card that says that .
6 The difference in the electrical properties of the metals provides the force that drives such a current . ’
7 These names have a personal connotation and , according to Gandhi , are simply man 's attempt to define the mysterious , invincible force that pervades all things .
8 The PLO escorted the British through west Beirut and they were replaced at Khalde by Major Hassan Kassar of the Libyan army , a reconnaissance officer for a Libyan-sponsored Arab League peace force that disintegrated some days later .
9 The ingredient that causes this effect is the solvent contained in many brands of glue as well as many other household and industrial products .
10 I have one in the bathroom for dirty washing , which doubles as a seat ; I have one in my bedroom for ironing and one in the other bedroom that holds all my sewing materials .
11 IS Scissormen 's first release , a six-track mini-LP that goes some considerable distance towards explaining their steadily-growing popularity in the capital .
12 The object of this study is to consider in detail the sources of capital investment that facilitated such a rapid rate of industrialisation , and the consequences of these patterns of investment in the different branches and sectors of the economy .
13 However , it is an emotion that leads many of us to play games — either by denying we feel angry , or by squashing it in an effort to be seen as reasonable , easygoing and likeable , or from fear of being rejected .
14 That generated a bonanza that kept many troubled banks afloat .
15 The movie that provoked most debate around rape and its representation before The Accused , was Lamont Johnson 's 1976 film Lipstick , which at least did make some attempt to make connections between the rape and the wider social implications of how society constructs images of women .
16 Behind all the razzmatazz of exploding cannons lies a movie that contains many more considered pluses , not least being Daniel Day-Lewis 's mesmerising central performance as Hawkeye .
17 ( 1984 ) describe a treatment programme that combines several treatment approaches to managing faecal incontinence .
18 We need a programme that involves all five permanent members of the Security Council and those Russian republics to which the Secretary of State rightly referred in his opening remarks .
19 It is our policy that no one should be discharged from long-stay hospitals without the existence of a care programme that defines that person 's needs — and , furthermore , naming an individual key worker who will be responsible for ensuring that the person receives the care that he requires .
20 It is possible to point to landmarks — the moment of ‘ quickening ’ when the mother first feels foetal movements within her ; the moment when the foetus first has potential for independent life — deemed by law to be 24 weeks from gestation ; the moment when the baby has been fully expelled or removed from the mother 's body ; the moment when the baby takes its first breath , with the anatomical changes in circulation that accompany this , and subsequent changes as the baby develops after birth which any parent will recognise .
21 It is an irony that underlying this kind of dispersal policy , which can of course be criticised , is a reliance on the old skills that the private librarians would have had at their finger tips .
22 If it is indeed the loosening of control over associative thought — Woolf 's ‘ Wings in the Head ’ — that is the basic mechanism responsible for autism then the question arises : what is it about the mind that modulates this process , allowing it some free rein , though being capable on occasions of going badly awry , leading to psychosis ?
23 It is this wanting to get out of one 's mind that creates such a strong demand for drugs in prisons .
24 In fact the darkness , the whispers , the creaking floorboards , the footsteps and the thought of a stalking murderer had had their usual effect on her : a state of fear that had little to do with pleasure .
25 Each of these students has to be taught neurology in a hospital department that has fewer than 100 beds .
26 The mouse has a two-position switch that allows this rodent to be switched between its two personalities — Microsoft or Mouse Systems mode .
27 Underlining the endless uncertainty that surrounds any industrial or commercial company that has the misfortune to be controlled by the state , France 's chronic loss-maker Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has been given two months to come up with a viable strategy , French Industry Minister Gerard Longuet said after a news conference where he outlined his policies after six weeks in office .
28 Underlining the endless uncertainty that surrounds any industrial or commercial company controlled by the state , France 's loss-maker Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has been given two months to come up with a viable strategy , French Industry Minister Gerard Longuet said after a news conference where he outlined his policies after six weeks in office .
29 Does the whole village tell every complete stranger that arrives all about me ?
30 But in our news void that spring these dramatic changes could only be interpreted as an almost mythical message of hope .
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