Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a coming-together of intentions to create visibility for key strategies and organizational movement .
2 t Tests were used for two level factors ; ANOVA was employed for factors with several levels , and simple linear regression for continuous variables .
3 Its broad aims were to analyse large American companies in order to discover differences in return on investment ( ROI ) , to establish par values for ROI for different industries and their segments , and to attempt to explain variations in ROI across companies and their subsidiary business units by reference to strategic factors .
4 It 's a Christmas perk for local farmers to sell holly and mistletoe .
5 After the band split up , Tex became a railway clerk for British Rail at Garston freight depot .
6 Protection for black bear .
7 This somewhat anthropocentric , ‘ managerial ’ approach to nature is in sharp contrast to that of the ‘ idealists ’ in the environmental movement who tend to advocate total protection for threatened species and habitats , de-industrialisation , and a return to non-intensive methods of food production .
8 He called for a commitment from the EC to provide adequate protection for threatened habitats .
9 This provided for arrangements to secure ransom money if necessary , to pool any gains of war and invest them profitably , and , if one left a widow , to make some provision for her and give some protection for surviving children .
10 That protection for individual losers will cost £300m next year , around £200m the year after , and £100m the year after that .
11 A bill outlining these options and providing protection for existing shop workers is expected relatively quickly .
12 The Government recognise the importance of personal conscience in this context and included a measure of protection for existing shop workers against being made to work on Sundays in the Shops Bill which was debated by the House in 1986 .
13 Critics argue that the whole point of this offence is to provide protection for young girls , and that this will be undermined if it is open to men to seek an acquittal on the ground that the girl looked 16 .
14 The introduction of minimum pay protection for young workers and an upper limit on the number of hours that 16 to 18-year-olds can work .
15 By refusing to agree to the social chapter , is not he wanting to exclude British people from the provisions for equal status for 6 million part-time employees , many of whom are women ; for fair and equal treatment for women at work ; for proper protection for young people at work ; for rights to minimum holiday leave ; and for better information for employees ?
16 Another thirty Health and Safety proposals are on the way such as that on working time in the news last week and another to restore the protection for young people at work which we 've lost over the last decade , and just as important the union has just n not just reacting to what 's coming out of Brussels , it 's actually helping set the agenda .
17 For the careful and conscientious journalist or broadcaster , the legal meaning of " malice " provides vital protection for honest comment , the more so , because the burden of proving that malice was the dominant motive rests on the plaintiff .
18 I think there is a moral obligation on the E C , not necessarily the Americans because it is a European problem , to intervene at least to the extent of ensuring protection for ordinary civilians and ensuring that they get food and medical s provision .
19 ‘ Many of the imperfections and injustices in our political system — the overweening power of the executive , the absence of proper protection for personal liberty , unfair voting , excessive secrecy , a Conservative dominated press , the centralisation of power — all these were tolerated by many in Britain , precisely because , from time to time , power changed hands …
20 Even if a building is not listed , special consent must be sought to demolish it ; so conservation area designation ( see page 26 ) is a useful form of protection for unlisted buildings .
21 In such a climate of change the 29th Edition Rules for Automatic Sprinkler Systems can only indicate that required sprinkler protection for broad categories of commodity .
22 If your area is shown as receiving a contribution from the safety net , it is helping to provide the protection for other areas .
23 Moreover , as is discussed later , there is special protection for historic buildings .
24 The need for such protection for friendly dolphins is evident in the stories of Opo and Nina , who both suffered fates similar to that of the Hippo dolphin .
25 Rich Conditioning Cream ( £2.15/85ml ) will ensure maximum protection for dry skin , even on the coldest days .
26 English Nature have responded by drawing up a lowland peatland policy , which includes commitments : , to oppose new planning applications for peat extraction on Sites of Special Scientific Interest ( SSSI ) ; , to seek protection for SSSI sites which already have planning permission — by purchasing or leasing the site , providing grant aid for conservation management , or liaising with extractors to minimize damage ; , to support the development of alternatives to peat .
27 The major external factors which limit development potential will have to be lifted and a degree of protection for certain areas , commodities or social groups will be essential if the rehabilitation of agriculture is to take place .
28 Treaties have been concluded to foster a common standard of treatment for individuals , to provide additional protection for certain categories of individuals , to impose obligations upon individuals , and to facilitate the exercise of municipal jurisdiction over individuals .
29 Furthermore , there would be protection for small farms .
30 What protection for industrial members ?
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