Example sentences of "[noun sg] was only [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Shelley gazed as he sang , wondering if Dr Rafaelo had been right in saying that this act was only showmanship , with no genuine feeling or emotion in it .
2 However , even before the Act of 1989 made the distinction clear for all to see , it had long been recognised that wardship was only machinery and that the court 's inherent jurisdiction could be exercised whether or not the child was a ward : see , for example , In re L. ( An Infant ) [ 1968 ] P. 119 , 157 .
3 The marquis 's attention was only half-engaged .
4 But of course it turns out that the blithe estivant was only planning what he doubtless terms a Weekend Break .
5 The dishwasher was only half-stacked , and the breakfast preparations not even started .
6 But the idea of the variable was only part of the revolution .
7 She drove past the great Celtic cross , so ancient that its age was only speculation , down the main street , past the gates of the Marquis of Headfort 's magnificent estate , now sold to foreigners with money , made the final turn to Cloncarrig .
8 Mr Patten said the 120-clause bill was only part of the Government 's strategy for the environment .
9 The bluffness of Lewis , which before he became a don was only part of his nature ( 'Heavy Lewis ' ) , was fast hardening into a persona .
10 I tried to tell myself that the road was only practice for the desert .
11 At the time unemployment was only half what it is today , six years later .
12 I asked the same of Benjamin as we walked out of a postern gate of St Bartholomew 's back towards the river , but my master was only half-listening .
13 A spokeswoman for North West Water said the incinerator was only part of the functions at the proposed sludge treatment plant .
14 Ltd. v. Hawkins ( 1859 ) 4 H. & N. 87 was authority for the proposition that it was an ordinary incident of all corporations ( including municipal corporations ) that they might sue for libel ; that case was only authority for the proposition that a trading company might sue for libel by which its property was injured ; ( 3 ) in holding that the Manchester Corporation case was decided per incuriam when there was no basis for so holding and he should have followed it ; ( 4 ) in holding that in bringing an action for libel not alleged to have caused actual damage , no valid distinction could be made between trading corporations and municipal corporations , which ignored the true basis on which a trading corporation was permitted to sue for libel , namely that it had a trading character , the defamation of which might ruin it : South Hetton Coal Co . Ltd. v. North-Eastern News Association Ltd. [ 1894 ] 1 Q.B. 133 , 145 .
15 But his depression at the failure of the play was only part of a pervasive depression from which he was now suffering .
16 Telephone technique was only part of it .
17 The 1947 Press Commission had already pointed it out — but the proportion sharing at that time was only one-fifth .
18 Simplicity and ceremonial seem to express the changing pattern of Nonconformist worship but that worship was only part of a wider search for dignity , a dignity which was mainly realized in the new and improved buildings Nonconformity was erecting up and down the country .
19 Aunt M. nags and nags , and Uncle John said outright that he did n't see why they should have to be responsible for me , when Mother was only half-sister to Aunt Millicent .
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