Example sentences of "[noun sg] was an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , a writ of habeas corpus could not issue ; the appropriate remedy was an application for bail before a judge in chambers .
2 Some learning theories ( differential association was an example ) moved away from the idea of criminals being identifiably different kinds of people : their criminal behaviour was seen as being acquired in much the same way as any other behaviour was acquired ; it did not require any special , predisposing characteristics for it to happen to particular people .
3 His penal thinking was an application of his general philosophy that law and government should pursue ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ , which logically led him to espouse a purely reductivist approach to punishment , with no place for retributivism of any description .
4 The programme selected for this experiment was an episode of Pathfinders to Venus , a series already demonstrated as the main forerunner of Doctor Who .
5 ‘ That experiment was an indication that we should continue .
6 Dialectic reasoning was an attempt to arrive at truth by exploring the contradictions in an argument .
7 The medieval manor was an area of land given to a man by the king or an important baron .
8 The extreme diehards had written off Law as the dupe of Lloyd George because he did not come out fighting against coalition policies , hence the witticism that the coalition was an alliance between a flock of sheep led by a , crook and a flock of crooks led by a sheep .
9 It was , without question , the coldest morning of the on-coming winter ; bracing if you were heading for home or office , but verging on bitter if your bedroom was an alley or a doorway .
10 Fiona 's first appointment with her obstetrician was an eye-opener .
11 One could perhaps likewise argue that the joining of the office of muderris of Suleyman 's medrese in Damascus with the muftilik in this case the muftilik certainly predated the medrese was an attempt to strengthen the position of the Hanafi mufti , or , alternatively , an attempt to " Ottomanize " the muftilik , since with the foundation of the medrese the joint post passed at least temporarily from the hands of local scholars into those of Ottoman scholars ; but it may equally well be that Suleyman was doing no more than following established custom in assigning the muderrislik to the mufti .
12 When the price of graphite fell in 1900 and the mines closed they returned to their villages ; one result was an increase in the number of cases of cattle stealing in the Western and Southern Provinces of fifty-six per cent over 1899 .
13 The result was an invitation to London and the offer of a job as assistant to the managing director , with the responsibility of overseeing a project to install amusement machines in the company 's pubs and restaurants .
14 This result was an embarrassment following the headlines of January , but there was no hesitation about publishing it .
15 In practice , the sole result was an outbreak of fisticuffs between the UDA and UVF prisoners in Long Kesh prison .
16 The result was an injection of £250,000 , which gave 3i a 15% stake .
17 During this time she travelled the French countryside , and the result was an exhibition in 1989 which sold out instantly .
18 The result was an exhibition that some praised as ‘ the most beautiful show at A Space ’ .
19 The main result was an agreement to establish joint peacemaking forces to intervene in CIS conflicts .
20 The result was an improvement over the unsupervised product , and yet we still felt that further urban differentiation might be possible .
21 Vice-captaincy was an issue mentioned earlier .
22 Another man who had nothing to do with the murder was an attention seeker , Owen Roberts , a tailor of no fixed abode who admitted the murder when arrested at Pangbourne for another , but trivial offence .
23 What good was an ankle length dress on a farm ?
24 Wigg 's resentment against Profumo related to some answer that Profumo had given in 1962 to a question about British troops overseas , which to Wigg 's unbendable mind was an untruth .
25 Professor Andrew Christie , convener of the taxation practices committee , said a good example of the programme was an architect or builder required to pay professional indemnity insurance long after he or she had retired .
26 It committed itself , as we have seen , to a radical restructuring of the British economy at the expense of the working class , and integral to this programme was an attack upon trade-union ‘ power ’ and the dismantling of the welfare-state .
27 Roosevelt 's New Deal programme was an exercise in regulatory government and led to a major growth in regulation by administrative agencies .
28 At the core of Labour 's programme was an objective shared by all British Governments in the 1920s — the restoration of the gold standard as the basis of a new liberal internationalism run , as before 1914 , from the City of London .
29 Integral to this research was an understanding of how the healthy body provided its own defences against invading bacteria by developing anti-toxins .
30 The other source of inspiration — and indeed guidance — for the research was an experiment by William Hayward and his colleagues at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York ( Nature , vol 290 , p 475 ) , Their work on a virus-induced lymphoma of birds inspired the researchers to look specifically for the myc gene — rather than for any of the 13 other known proto-oncogenes .
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