Example sentences of "[noun sg] was give for " in BNC.

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1 So , in addition to regulations for worship ( festivals , sacrifices , etc. ) , detailed guidance was given for the preservation of ritual purity .
2 David Scott was not one of the more successful county politicians , and perhaps his attitude is a little too pure for the real world of eighteenth-century politics , but it represents , even if in an exaggerated form , the general political maxim that the politician performs friendly services for his friends without haggling over a bargain , or even implying that an understanding existed which might suggest that a vote was given for services rendered , or as in this case , for services which might be performed at a future date .
3 Compensation was given for the land taken , but this limited the programme as only 1% of the republican budget was allocated towards this .
4 In France the post of Secretary of State for War was given for the first time to a soldier ( the Maréchal de Belle-Isle ) in 1758 ; and in the second half of the century there was a slow but steady tendency for the most important officials concerned , the intendants d'armées and the contrôleurs des guerres , to be military men .
5 The point was given for any answer between 55 mins and 1 hr 38 mins .
6 Within BP , a Chairman 's Award gold medal was given for BP Exploration 's community health programmes in Papua New Guinea .
7 If there were too many missing responses no score was given for that student .
8 On 7 May 1898 approval was given for ‘ A blouse of dark-blue cloth or serge with four outside pockets with flaps ; falling collar , single-breasted with five buttons in front . ’
9 In Ealing , approval was given for an administrative officer ( sum not specified ) to be appointed under MISG ‘ to co-ordinate the multi-agency work required by the care programme approach ’ .
10 At the beginning of September approval was given for the part sale of Israel Chemicals ( IC ) , the most profitable state enterprise with the eventual goal of reducing the state 's holding in the company to 28 per cent .
11 Credit was given for goods sold in the ordinary way , he said , only because the vendor believed the purchaser would pay , and fear of imprisonment benefited no one but the tallyman who forced his credit on the unwary poor .
12 ( a ) 4 , ( b ) 7 , ( c ) 21 - credit was given for approximate answers to the second and third .
13 Therefore , in the subsequent 56 patients adjuvant therapy with chenodeoxycholic acid 7 mg/kg/day and ursodeoxycholic acid 5 mg/kg/ day was given for an arbitrary period of three months after the procedure .
14 A box number at the newspaper was given for replies .
15 Each dose was given for 30 minutes .
16 The supplementation dose was given for one month , in two or three tablets with meals .
17 No price was given for it .
18 The company also brought out a finished dual-standard machine , the Nutek Duet , which includes both 33MHz 80486 and 33MHz 68030 processors to run both its emulation of Macintosh System , and MS-DOS and Windows ; no price was given for it .
19 No firm date or price was given for DOS 7 .
20 No price was given for the newer M-16 on the wall .
21 The full draft standards across all the technical working groups within sport and recreation run to over 500 pages , and less than a month was given for response , including the Christmas and New Year period .
22 The proposed temporary arrangements were explained and authority was given for the advance of £200 or £300 in temporary loans to some of the workmen to enable them to replace tools destroyed .
23 Er , the only authority that was given was the authority to arm the officers by Mr which he would have put in to writing , er he was aware as to the method of entry to the of the flat but that no authority , no written authority was given for that .
24 If you put down the example I I actually marked the example but then I realized going back through the book that obviously the example was given for you there anyway .
25 Dad was always the politest of men , but we were never in doubt that his respect was given for character only , never for mere rank or status , and there seems to be a streak of non-conformity in all his descendants so far .
26 When a signal was given for the ladies to retire , leaving the men to their port and cigars , Sarah hurried to the kitchen , scurrying like a rabbit for shelter .
27 Although leave was given for the service of the writ , Scott J. was unwilling to allow the Anton Piller order to be served ( and immediately executed ) at the same time .
28 No reason was given for the departure of Rourke at the time , and this only served to intensify speculation .
29 No adequate reason was given for Coe and Hofland 's relegation .
30 No official reason was given for McCreath and Winter leaving , but rumours suggest that they had tired of their peripheral roles within the band set-up .
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