Example sentences of "[noun sg] was have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As the intention in this study was to have subjects make estimates while they were driving it was decided that this would be unnecessarily difficult .
2 If my lover was having sex with someone else and it was just a one night stand or something insignificant , it would be far less important to me than some sort of emotional thing that he might be having with someone else .
3 He said that they were professional witnesses from London , explaining that , if a prosecution lawyer was having difficulty in obtaining a conviction , he would handsomely reward a witness who would state under oath that he had seen the crime committed .
4 At that time the industry was having difficulties adjusting to the new rules imposed by the Financial Services Act . ’
5 Leith was having difficulty in equating this caring-sounding Naylor with the aggressive brute she had tangled with last night when Travis revealed , ‘ But it was my mother who rang him on Friday and , it seems , confessed — something I 'd been too preoccupied to have noticed — that she 'd been worried about me for some while .
6 In ancient Israel , the basis for marriage was to have children .
7 A viewing of the end result is not strictly necessary if the main point of the exercise was to have students perform a task which required them to communicate with each other in English as they did it .
8 Perceiving a need for authority and direction if the exercise was to have credibility , the Deputy Head ( Curriculum Development ) took the lead in proposing sample questions as a ‘ cock-shy ’ for discussion .
9 The marquis was having difficulty keeping his hands off Horatia .
10 As the name suggests , the sole purpose of the group was to have fun , and perhaps show off to a few friends .
11 ’ One of them once said the only thing that came close to giving her the same thrill she got from shoplifting was having sex in a public place — you know it 's wrong and you might be caught , but it feels great , ’ adds Liz .
12 Mrs Wallace Reid , however , told the press the truth — that her husband was having treatment for morphine addiction .
13 Culley was having trouble hearing Sanchez .
14 Held , allowing the appeal and granting the applications , that since on an application for the grant of leave under section 8 no question with regard to a child 's upbringing was determined , and since section 10(9) stipulated particular matters , including parental wishes , to which the court was to have regard on such an application , section 1(1) did not apply so as to make the children 's welfare the paramount consideration on an application for leave to apply for a residence order made by a person other than the child concerned ; and that , accordingly , the judge had applied the wrong test ; that as a result of his failure to require that the mother be notified of the application the judge had been deprived of additional material necessary to the proper exercise of his discretion ; and that in the exercise of a fresh discretion , having regard to the new evidence and to the circumstances of the case , the foster mother 's application for leave would be refused ( post , pp. 428G — 429F , 430F , 431C–E ) .
15 ‘ As I understand it , my friend was having trouble with a soldier .
16 But by the second day of the adventure , her escort was having trouble getting her out of the pool .
17 The townsmen produced at the Forest Eyre a charter of Richard I conceding that no forester was to have power of attachment within the bounds of the borough .
18 She was an only child , and well aware that her father 's dearest wish was to have grandsons .
19 But no , Jessie had to be something else ; Jessie had to be sent to the Secretarial School : no getting her hands sticky from the toffee hammer , breaking up the slabs in the long tins ; no weighing out a ha'p'orth of hundreds and thousands or a penn'orth of sugar baccy ; and as for the weighing out of the real baccy , of hard cut or shag or even serving the best cigars , oh no , oh no , her father was having Jessie do nothing like that .
20 The high spot of the week was having lunch with Ronnie Hazlehurst , musical director for the B.B.C. , fellow-Northerner and pal of long standing .
21 What affected my career was having children , which immediately means that you ca n't devote the amount of time to your career as you can if you do n't have other responsibilities , and the reason that I 'm now a Research Fellow here , and I work part-time — only eighty per cent of the time — is because of trying to tie in one 's responsibilities as a mother with those as a scientist , and this has obvious effects .
22 Ellwood was having fun .
23 The Headmaster was having difficulty in controlling the mob .
24 The search for the motivation leads back to the hypothesis put forward earlier , that life itself could be held to be synonymous with desire , therefore to have life was to have desire .
25 Another part of the strategy was an attempt to change community leadership in local areas where the government was having problems .
26 Not a single borough in the capital was having difficulty finding enough flats and houses .
27 The airfield has no radar or navigation beacon and the pilot was having difficulty finding the runway .
28 The airfield has no radar or navigation beacon and the pilot was having difficulty finding the runway .
29 But the patient was having treatment and could n't see visitors so he had an hour to spare .
30 The school was having trouble with leaks in their stainless steel hydrotherapy pool which resulted in the children being unable to use it for a number of weeks .
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