Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [adj] at " in BNC.

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1 The images from the Space Telescope had revealed that the gas ring was inclined at an angle of 43 degrees to our line of sight .
2 Therefore , theft was complete at that moment , contrary to Tomsett .
3 Killion was amazed at his own sophistication : it worked , it worked .
4 The pre-tax result was unchanged at £11.3m , which included a £1.6m profit from the sale of a 14.9 per cent stake in Rush & Tompkins .
5 Result awaited — The module was expected to be completed after 31 July 1991 ( end of session 1990/91 ) and the result was unknown at November 1991 .
6 Although total revenue was steady at £6.4m , interest on borrowings taken on to switch into American , Japanese and Australian bonds cut pre-tax earnings from £4.23m to £3.2m and earnings per share from 2.57p to 1.95p .
7 THE third serious attempt in recent years to have women admitted to full membership of Lancashire County Cricket Club was successful at the AGM on Saturday , with a 68 per cent vote in favour .
8 This remained fraught , but the tension was comparable at times to that between government politicians and public service broadcasters in , say , the Britain of Wilson and Callaghan or Margaret Thatcher .
9 Turnover was flat at £50.5m , while profits fell 58.9% to £1m .
10 While turnover was flat at £3.2m , pre-tax profits rose 23.8% to £535,000 .
11 For all that following wind the boat was stuck at Muirtown with only one lock and the sea gate between it , the Moray Firth , and home that night .
12 The neighbourhood was appalled at the atrocities perpetrated on two popular local policemen .
13 But the imperative was common at that time , for some years beyond and in some quarters still today .
14 That home-bred entry was reserve at Keith Show last year and went on to sell yesterday for £1,900 .
15 It was therefore natural for Keynes 's interpreters to infer that the supply curve of labour was horizontal at an arbitrarily given money wage rate for all levels of employment up to full employment : after all , an implication of the unwillingness of workers to accept a wage cut is that they are refusing to supply their labour at a lower money wage .
16 Mr Friel had become so frightened that he took refuge in a friend 's house nearby until he thought the coast was clear at midnight .
17 Cheep-Cheep 's hard little mouth was good at that .
18 Tohian was unhappy at the prospect of the complete withdrawal by March 16 of the police and Army from Bougainville island in the North Solomons , following the agreement in February of a truce between the government and secessionist rebels [ see pp. 37249-50 ] .
19 The simple racing action was inadequate at full-price , but makes for a fair budget game .
20 The striped and layered skirt was open at the front to reveal the braid-decorated robe beneath .
21 It seems clear therefore that the central administration was unable at this time to exercise effective financial control over the Forest wardens .
22 Once in the back stretch the jockey manoeuvred John Henry across to the rails , but the horse was ill at ease on the soggy ground and appeared to be out of contention .
23 But then the wind was horrendous at Dublin : the ships in Dublin Bay were bobbing about like corks , and the last man to equal par on that first day had gone out at 11.30 AM .
24 ‘ The wind was fresh at the time but should not have given the trawler any problems , ’ Mr Ellis said .
25 Your bed in your billet was empty at 0015 hours — five and three quarter hours all told .
26 Mummy was delighted at my coming to you , but she may have to send for me … ’
27 The TODAY-sponsored team attempting to be the first Britons to climb Everest in winter was desolate at the defeat .
28 The party could only go as far as the unions would allow and their influence was apparent at all levels .
29 In metal mines women practically never worked underground , but work was available at the surface breaking and sorting ores .
30 ( 2 ) That the transfer had been executed within the powers of the attorney ; that between the defendant and the perpetrators of the fraud the transfer was merely voidable ; and that , accordingly , the transfer was valid at the time when the building society advanced the mortgage money ( post , p. 680C–G , H ) .
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