Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Asked how the impasse was overcome a spokesman for ICL Moscow says : ‘ It was by us taking a firm line .
2 It was strange , she thought , that her physical response to shock should be the same now as it had been after Hugo was killed , so that to her present grief was added a grief for him as keen , as new as when she had first heard that he was dead .
3 His first act after his coronation was to order a punitive attack on Naggaroth .
4 ‘ A journalist was given a briefing by the council 's acting Press Officer , Nick Clayton , on the general Scottish Office guidelines for dealing with child sexual abuse … .
5 Part of the experiment was to hold a couple of quizzes at the time of year when we might expect problems with speakers and audience having to travel in bad weather .
6 But the experiment was delayed a day because of the strike .
7 The physicist was clutching a plastic beaker from which he drank greedily .
8 As in the last elections , in 1985 [ see p. 33511 ] , the electorate was offered a choice of candidates , 230 names having been put forward in all , with up to six candidates in some constituencies in the capital , Lomé .
9 His force was ambushed a little short of its objective and he was killed by the French and their Indian allies .
10 However , Signalman Lovelace of Sparrow Force was to build a remarkably powerful transmitter , even though he had neither electrical testing nor other meters .
11 The fact is , however , that OW was given a supervised work training placement , helping care workers in a centre for the mentally handicapped for two days a week .
12 One of the first acts of the coalition was to issue a challenge to the Prime Minister , John Major , to meet them .
13 The second recommendation was to create a general management function throughout the service to focus responsibility and give leadership and direction .
14 A poison courier was sharing a jar with a waterman .
15 In a Canadian case , Duchane v Davies [ 1984 ] CLY 2291 , the defendant was denied a finding of contributory negligence against an infant for failing to wear a seat belt because she was too young and against her mother because he had failed to plead contribution or indemnity against her for failing to ensure that her daughter wore a seat belt .
16 The second defendant was sent a photocopy of the affidavit and he sent it to the defendants ' solicitors for advice in the context of the wrongful dismissal claim .
17 The grounds of the cross-appeal were that ( 1 ) the judge had correctly held that a mortgagee 's right to costs , charges and expenses whether founded on equitable principles or an implied contract could always be varied , restricted or enlarged by the express terms of the mortgage and that the first defendant was entitled a full indemnity against the costs , charges and expenses on a true construction of the words used in the mortgage deeds other than the guarantee and mortgage debenture dated 6 June 1986 .
18 There are cases in which an interlocutory injunction has been granted , despite the fact that the defendant was raising a defence to the alleged crime .
19 Keke was having a totally unsatisfactory time at Williams and Lauda the miseries at McLaren .
20 Loretta speculated to herself that Bridget 's nerve was becoming a little less steady now that her own involvement in the affair was taking on a more practical aspect .
21 It was not until the appearance of Michael Cimino 's The Deerhunter ( 1979 ) that the Vietnam combat movie was to make a significant impact .
22 When the manacle was unlocked a weeping ulcer was exposed , and he was sickened , not by the sight of it , but because he had failed her in not acting sooner .
23 THE official launch of WINCH , the Wirral Initiative for Needy Children , at Tranmere Rovers Football Club was given a healthy start , thanks to £1,000 donation from BNFL .
24 His anxiety for equal terms in the nuclear club was echoed a few months later by , of all people , Aneurin Bevan , who urged his fellow left-wingers at the Labour Party conference not to vote for Britain to give up nuclear arms with the famous plea : ‘ Do not send the British Foreign Minister naked into the international conference chamber ! ’
25 But a few weeks ago our youth rugby team could n't raise a side because the golf club was holding a junior scratch championship on the same day .
26 In 1961 the Club was developing a more commercial approach to itself , in no small measure owing to Jack Webb who worked for the Club 's accountant , Spencer Ell .
27 Navarre 's reply was to establish a massive fortified camp near the Lao border at Dien Bien Phu .
28 ‘ His agent was sent a script and it was turned down .
29 Her movements brisk and businesslike though her mind was imitating a tumble-drier , she gave his sleeping-bag another quick but thorough shake and spread it out over the mattress .
30 When Morse opened the ramshackle gate to number 97 , his mind was anticipating a potentially most interesting encounter .
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