Example sentences of "[noun sg] to the problem " in BNC.

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1 Besides , the cavalier way in which Joseph Kosuth mentions Claudio Parmiggiani 's name says a great deal about his indifference to the problem raised and to the wrong in question .
2 THE CONTRADICTORY and yet predictable responses of the great and the good to the problem of crime among the young has made depressing reading in the days since the murder of James Bulger .
3 With great respect I can see no basis for concluding that Parliament ever addressed its mind to the problem which arose in In re O. [ 1991 ] 2 Q.B .
4 Angola and Mozambique share many similarities : from their days of suppression under Portuguese colonial rule to the problems of post-independence South African aggression .
5 Angola and Mozambique share many similarities : from their days of suppression under Portuguese colonial rule to the problems of post-independence South African aggression .
6 The hot summer and low water levels made the problem worse but it is Britain 's farming and sewage practices that are the key to the problem .
7 Air at saturation point is the key to the problem .
8 The poor player might not realise that carrying the crowbar is the key to the problem , and be left wondering why his input sometimes works and sometimes does n't .
9 According to Hughes and McCormick ( 1985 , 1987 ) , the key to the problem lies with the limited mobility of manual workers .
10 On the other hand , his SS escort rarely took his eyes off her , so she decided that perhaps he was the key to the problem .
11 John Burbedge believed money was the key to the problem .
12 The key to the problems facing Sheffield has been a lack of sponsorship by commercial companies .
13 It is the oxygenating plants that provide the key to the problems , for greenness in the water is caused by thousands of minute primitive free floating algae feeding on the mineral salts that are present .
14 There is another dimension to the problem .
15 We found that cytokinins , a class of plant hormones , could induce the formation of numerous haustoria on ‘ free ’ dodder vines in the absence of a host , adding a new dimension to the problem of haustoria development .
16 He still stressed the desirability of banning the fascists but he now stated that anti-semitism had added a new dimension to the problem since 1934 .
17 If successful , he will add another dimension to the problem .
19 Their work made it impossible henceforth to invoke the work of Althusser in Britain without reference to the problems which they had articulated .
20 He argued that ‘ the stationing of large military contingents on the territory of other countries requires big expenditures and , most important , is connected with political complications caused by the growing dissatisfaction of the peoples of these countries and demands for the withdrawal of American troops from their territory ’ , The final reference to ‘ American troops ’ does not fully disguise this veiled reference to the problems raised by the location of Soviet troops in Afghanistan.The Soviet presence in Afghanistan in the 1980s has further undermined the credibility of Soviet appeals to withdraw military forces from overseas .
21 So far I have discussed the different criminologies of the previous two centuries with little reference to the problem of the concept of ‘ crime ’ itself : Worse , I have sometimes used ‘ crime ’ and ‘ deviance ’ interchangeably — though I hope I have only done this where the argument has happened to apply equally to both .
22 The British public were cautious and it took the Second World War to inspire a new , and more forward-looking , attitude to the problem of dealing with the economy and unemployment .
23 Mr Marchant added : We hope they will adopt a responsible attitude to the problem .
24 For these young children the haunted house gained in significance as they tackled the immediate problem of the bloody-minded landlord — just as in the ‘ prostitution , lessons a more respectful attitude to the problems of prostitution grew as the adolescents actually centred their attention on ‘ where poverty can hurt , .
25 The move argued against the notion of reducing custodial sentences , clearly signalling to the judiciary a more cavalier attitude to the problems of prison overcrowding .
26 Pombal and Tanucci were therefore severely practical and utilitarian in their attitude to the problems of government .
27 A more open and informed attitude to the problems of stress also allows more opportunities for individuals to emerge from the isolation of their own anxieties ( ESAC 1990:26 ) .
28 We have a whole host of policies , some of which give guidance on erm controls in the open countryside but other ones actually sort of seek a more positive attitude to the problems and the needs of rural diversification .
29 This is a further twist to the problem of the identities of the tellers of the tale , which Chaucer conspicuously , and apparently ingenuously , labels with a subjective genitive as a " " cherles tale " " .
30 David Mann , managing director of Logica , wrote in an editorial that the BCS ‘ is regarded as more of an enthusiast 's club than a professional institution and is considered to have an academic bias with insufficient relevance to the problems of implementing real-life industrial and commercial systems . ’
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