Example sentences of "[noun sg] to the other " in BNC.

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1 Often value to one side can be given without significant loss to the other , who may then attempt to gain on other points .
2 Later , Antonio himself declares his sexual indifference to the others at the trial in Act 4 , Scene 1 , lines 114–115 —
3 These rubber Hammers failed to respond even when Allen marked his transfer from one club to the other with a spectacular , 27th minute shot that cancelled out Wise 's rather streaky opening goal for Chelsea only a minute earlier .
4 But instead of attempting to place any one of them in opposition to the others as the key feature , it integrates them all as being the expressions of the basic contradiction of capitalism , that is , the striving continually to expand production , and in particular the production of surplus-value , as opposed to the relatively restricted consuming power of the population .
5 He dances to the rhythm of the bells and the drums and the cymbals , moving fast , careening about from one end of the roof to the other .
6 The only relation between the two departments of production is that of exchange , i.e. there is no movement of capital from one department to the other .
7 This would ensure directionality , but it would still leave the problem of getting the message from one end of the signalling cell to the other over what would now be a relatively long distance .
8 Suffice to suggest that the ego -experienced world of the Sonnets , despite the enormous time devoted to the Thou , creates what is essentially a single vision , a self-dedication to the other , which in effect results in an exposure and analysis , not only of the other but also of the self .
9 Psycho-sexual specialists agree that when one partner has a fetish which is causing unhappiness to the other , the situation has become pathological .
10 Marx rolled his cigar from one side of his mouth to the other .
11 The mind shifts from one alternative to the other , becoming more entangled in the net of its own thoughts as it does so .
12 This means that you zig-zag from one side to the other , twisting your centre-line as you move .
13 There 's lights all across the road , from one side to the other .
14 ‘ Thus skidding violently from one side to the other , his youth approached the moment at which he would begin to be a person . ’
15 It covers an area of some 150 acres and is very shallow ; indeed , prior to mass-afforestation , it was possible to wade from one side to the other , without danger , because the water was so clear .
16 This requires more maintenance than the welded grooved rail , but has the advantage of ready access and interchangeability from one side to the other .
17 And strangely , the bull was responding , shifting its weight from one side to the other , so it was leaning slightly towards her .
18 But yesterday it was seen in Chaura and in Chhuma , running through the outskirts of the villages : and the day before , a dog like that had chased a sheep in Pere , and clutched it by the neck , shaking it from one side to the other until it died of shock .
19 Data is only transferred form one side to the other when the output enable control pin 19 is set low .
20 The physical link between the two sides of the brain , known as the corpus callosum , has the ability to transfer information from one side to the other , so that the two aspects of mental function should not operate in isolation , but potentially have the capacity for interaction and interplay .
21 Also , as compared with a shot in which the subject traverses the picture directly from one side to the other , the diagonal movement gives the eye longer in which to take in what is going on and it reduces the need to pan the camera to follow the subject .
22 As usual I watched and wondered and defended one side to the other .
23 Mica and asbestos were of no use to stone-age men for tools and weapons because the planes of weakness run straight through from one side to the other .
24 Just change the weaving yarn from one side to the other at the end of every row .
25 Aggie glanced at Ben ; then her head drooped and wobbled from one side to the other before she said , ‘ Well , if you do n't mind , miss . ’
26 At strategic points the tunnels led east and west to gates in the mountain sides , allowing access from one side to the other .
27 In the century since 1066 England and Normandy had become two parts of a single political society , linked rather than separated by the Channel , the main road of the Anglo-Norman realm Men and women crossed easily from one side to the other ; many wealthy families held lands in both England and Normandy ; and even though sharp-red language snobs were soon able to mock French " spoken after the manner of Marlborough " , people at the upper levels of society in fact spoke the same language , Norman French , on both sides .
28 Each day , in my duties , I got ferried from one side to the other .
29 Carole Ann Ford had just begun a crossing from one side to the other when , without warning , the supports gave way , pitching her over and down to a very rough landing at the foot of ‘ the cliff ’ .
30 Then , lay the tape across the circle , from one side to the other , passing the person in the centre , and measure that too ; that 's the DIAMETER .
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