Example sentences of "[noun sg] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The rider does n't just lean the bike into the corner — he knocks the machine on to its side , pushing heavily on the right handlebar to turn the front wheel to the left and drop the machine to the right .
2 She slowly forced the wheel to the left and the car moved on to the hard shoulder and stopped .
3 This is the main appeal of religion to the vast majority of believers , who may or may not have the ‘ oceanic ’ feeling of the more mystically inclined .
4 The duties of the deacon were specified as ‘ to administer baptism solemnly , to be custodian and dispenser of the Eucharist , to assist at and bless marriages in the name of the Church , to bring viaticum to the dying , to read the Sacred Scriptures to the faithful , to instruct and exhort the people , to preside at the worship and prayer of the faithful , to administer Sacramentals , and to officiate at funeral and burial services ’ .
5 Balfour , directed by the pistol 's point , moved with speed but dignity from the Admiralty to the Foreign Office .
6 One man alone remembered his forgotten humanity , and the Spirit of God flared within him with the brightness of Eden , and against the crowd , with the dignity of a true son of God , he offered some unrefined wine on a sponge to the dying king .
7 He can not alter a departmental decision or award compensation but may suggest an appropriate remedy to the appropriate Minister .
8 Again , I was moved that he should have perceived how miserable an exile to the Persian Gulf would have been .
9 The debt which never appears in any balance sheet or account is that owed by the Association to the fund-raising efforts of its supporters and the generosity of the public .
10 In one case a complaint was made on behalf of a Residents Association to the Parliamentary Commissioner alleging maladministration by the Department of Environment and the Health and Safety Executive at an inquiry into two appeals against the refusal of a Metropolitan Borough Council to give planning permission for the erection of a waste material incineration plant and an energy recovery plant .
11 The mechanism of action of the ASFV protein similar to the eukaryotic TFIIS and to the vaccinia virus protein rpo30 could shed light on this matter , considering that the eukaryotic protein is an RNA polymerase-associated transcription factor , while rpo30 is considered a true enzyme subunit due to its tight association to the viral enzyme ( 10 ) .
12 This route would have been wishful thinking to the classical organic chemist hut the reaction proceeds readily in the presence of rhodium , one of the rarest metals , and of iodine , which act together as a catalyst system .
13 Here Gabriel said to the eldest brother , " Because of your kindness to the poor traveller , you can make any wish and it will be granted . "
14 ‘ I see , ’ Craig said in amusement , ‘ so your kindness to the young lady was n't entirely for my benefit . ’
15 His kindness to the old lady had been completely disinterested .
16 She twisted her head to catch the coroner 's eye as he scowled across at the innkeeper who was busy gossiping to the other customers around the great wine barrels .
17 De Michelis freely admitted that the Italians now also saw in the Pentagonale the means to create a counterweight to the political and economic power of a united Germany .
18 Taken at face value their evidence was a powerful counterweight to the tenuous defence of accident and the defence needed all the information it could get in order to decide how best to attack the Crown case .
19 At Itxassou there are numbers of these simple memorial stones set in a fringe along the church wall , where they make an affecting counterweight to the overblown and ugly modern gravestones and monuments all around you .
20 The Front for the Defence of Malagasy Socialism ( FMSM — an alliance led by Jérôme Marojama Razanabahiny of Vonjy ) , was set up by the government as a counterweight to the new opposition parties .
21 The senate is the opposition 's counterweight to the new president .
22 But although nurses had acquired heightened managerial opportunities they were ill-equipped by tradition or training to take advantage of them and often simply managerially incompetent ( Strong and Robinson 1990 ) , an ineffective counterweight to the medical members .
23 Two fuselage plugs added nearly seven feet of fuselage to the hybrid AT–6/BT–13 combination .
24 A small girl , acting on instructions from her parents , approaches the old couple 's table and with a shy smile offers one end of a Christmas cracker to the old man , who snatches it from her grasp and stuffs it into his pocket .
25 White represents grief to the Chinese , Indians and Persians .
26 Beyond the cathedral and the little churches , visitors can walk up the mountainside to the tiny , medieval village of Scala .
27 According to my reckoning , I should have been giving my full and entire concentration to the final chapter of my work — a time when I would not , as Milada Pankracova knew , want any interruptions .
28 Reading that wealth of images had tested her powers of concentration to the utmost , yet this act of unremitting self-scrutiny had left her more energized than exhausted , for much of critical importance had emerged .
29 The practice has robbed Scottish rivers of much of its spawning stock to the great detriment of the whole Scottish economy
30 This practice has robbed your rivers of much of its spawning stock to the great detriment of the whole Scottish economy , for wild salmon bring money into the country in many ways and provide direct and indirect employment for many through anglers who fish for them in your rivers .
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