Example sentences of "[noun sg] to those with " in BNC.

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1 The system is of greater benefit to those with large mortgages than to those with small mortgages and , of course , is of no help at all to those without a mortgage .
2 They all depend on those with less of that power base conceding influence to those with more of that power base .
3 The authorities must see to it that there is a tried and tested method of reading the danger signals and offering counselling to those with access to firearms .
4 The latter is chiefly intended to protect a healthy knee against injury and to give confidence to those with inherently weak joints .
5 The purpose of an audit should be defined as being ‘ to provide an independent opinion to those with an interest in a company that they have received from those responsible for its direction and management an adequate account of : the proper conduct of the company 's affairs ; the company 's financial performance and position ; future risks attaching to the company . ’
6 In the New Testament this is supplemented by the command that all Christians are to love their neighbours as themselves — an act of personal charity to those with whom we have contact .
7 Although the graphics standard of CGA implies low quality to those with EGA and VGA you would be wrong to expect anything less than excellent , clear and colourful screens .
8 An example is PCP , Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia , which would normally cause no trouble to those with a healthy immune function .
9 ‘ That shows the level of our commitment to those with the greatest needs who have been protected through the worst of the recession , ’ Mr Lilley said .
10 When the Government introduce complicated legislation , it is only right that people should have access to those with basic information about it .
11 A voluntary aided Roman Catholic comprehensive girls ' school adopted an admission policy in which the categories for admission were , in order of priority , baptised Roman Catholics , children of baptised Roman Catholics , practising Christians and other Christians , in the latter two cases giving priority to those with sisters at the school .
12 For staff from the Inland Revenue 's Belfast offices are offering free advice to those with tax problems .
13 transition to turbulence is often inherently different from transition to chaos in simple systems ( i.e. systems with few degrees of freedom are not a good guide to those with very many )
14 The difference between Kinnock 's visibility to those with high and low levels of political interest dropped from 45 per cent before the campaign to 20 per cent at the end of the campaign ; the difference between his visibility to highbrow and lowbrow paper readers dropped from 28 per cent to a mere 5 per cent ; but over the same period the difference between his visibility amongst viewers and nonviewers of television news actually rose slightly .
15 The directorate of a company has a responsibility to those with whom they deal as people rather than just as instruments of profit .
16 We can identify three kinds of sentence which are considered wrong , in addition to those with writing errors of spelling and punctuation .
17 In addition to those with macrophage morphology , a population of smaller and more densely stained cells , could be identified .
18 Such distributions are in marked contrast to those with , arguably , a northern and Baltic Sea origin , especially ivory and crystal beads .
19 The Thatcher fiscal revolution — redistributing income to those with most — must be reversed , but in such a way as to extend an incentive-based society to all taxpayers , and particularly those at the bottom of the income pile .
20 With increasing unemployment and early retirements , the Church will need to do fresh thinking in the area of ministry to those with time on their hands , opening up opportunities to learn new skills and engage in spheres of community service .
21 HCI ‘ 91 offers a valuable opportunity to those with either an academic or commercial interest in human or computer interactive systems to present , attend and respond to a wide range of HCI issues .
22 The key text , from within Hugh Gaitskell 's inner circle , is Roy Jenkins ' book , A Life at the Centre , one of the most engaging political memoirs of recent times , not least because he shows an unusual generosity of spirit to those with whom he was out of tune , most notably Harold Wilson .
23 It should be attainable by every pupil who has worked with application and enthusiasm to improve the performance level at which they started ( this opens the door to those with handicaps or difficulties )
24 We should be allowed to get on with the training and leave the generation of profit to those with the necessary expertise .
25 In effect poorer parishes with too little employment available paid a form of subsidy to those with expanding economies .
26 The importance of work and employment to those with mental disorder has , however , been recognized since Victorian times .
27 It will also give special care to those with medical or psychiatric problems such as memory loss and confusion .
28 Here an attack was launched on neo-Malthusianism which was considered by its critics to be politically conservative and which , it was claimed , shifted the burden of blame for underdevelopment to those with the largest families .
29 At the Somme memorial to those with no known grave , his granddaughter wants a posthumous pardon , to finally purge the shame her family had sought to hide for three generations .
30 There are now 71,000 ATM machines worldwide , providing local currency to those with Link or Plus ATM cards issued by a wide range of British banks and building societies .
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