Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In comparison to the way in which fraud , obfuscation and inanity have been able to hold out in other fields — from politics and religion to scholarship and law — it is an impressive record .
2 However , a fully global analysis of these development indices shows that the geographic distribution of high living standards is bimodal , with a closer association to temperature than latitude ( see figure ) .
3 He raised the tension from episode to episode until the mill girls of the north and midlands had to buy their own copies rather than waiting to borrow one .
4 Send your answers on a card to Health and Fitness , The Northern Echo , Priestgate , Darlington DL1 1NF .
5 — Send your answers on a card to Health and Fitness , The Northern Echo , Priestgate , Darlington , DL1 1NF .
6 The chosen tactics will vary from deal to deal and should be discussed and planned with the client .
7 Certainly pictorial Futurism owed a great deal to Cubism and was even considered by some to be , like Orphism , an off-shoot of it , although its development was exactly the converse of that of Orphism .
8 So I graduated from watcher to player and clapped as the sons and the Omani drummers played and sang .
9 Touch-of-a-button access to all the required information would be the greatest boost to efficiency since computers were invented .
10 Finally , it will depend on the customer 's purpose ( a direct boost to production or indirect benefits ? )
11 Mr Lamont aimed to give a boost to business and recovery this year while sending a clear message to the markets of the measures he — or his successor — will take to claw back borrowing .
12 The ITEM Club report concludes that any boost to growth or employment resulting from Labour policies would be short-lived and would be undermined in the medium term by the negative effects , including higher inflation and a worsening trade position .
13 A rise in high-street spending gave a mini boost to confidence and this pushed the FT-SE 100 Index through the psychological 2,700 level .
14 Nor would such a study have been given permission by the RUC , for it is utopian to expect police authorities in divided societies to open up these sections of their force to scrutiny and observation by outsiders .
15 Within the framework of the Garden 's overall statutory objectives , information policies will help us to decide on resource allocation , improve the way we communicate with each other and with our ‘ users ’ , and provide feedback to Management and the Trustees on the way our resources are being used .
16 The camera tracks back and forth from bedroom to kitchen as the servants go about their chores .
17 Police believe British spy Ian Spiro cold-bloodedly walked from bedroom to bedroom and murdered them .
18 They have played some fluent football to date and their finishing has been clinical .
19 The command you can see starts or switches to Word for Windows ( the USEEXIST makes the button switch to Word if it 's already open , and the IMAX sizes its window to leave the Power Launcher toolbar clear at the top of the screen , and icons clear at the bottom ) .
20 He scored his first goal since his switch to starboard and proceeded to give vastly experienced full-back Kenny Sansom a rugged afternoon .
21 October 8 : Avia 14–40 B-4211 of Wuhan Air Lines crashed near Dingxi , Gansu Province , north-western China , after the pilot reported engine failure 45 miles out on a charter flight from Lanzhou to Xian and was attempting to return to Lanzhou. 21 killed .
22 It would be a tragic loss to theatre if such an important organisation were to go to the wall .
23 There 's nothing for it but to clamber , wheezing and bursting of heart , up the steep steps ( 300 and more ) of one of the deepest shafts of the Underground to air and freedom .
24 He argues that , given our present state of ignorance regarding the classification of linguistic disorders , descriptive detail is necessary , both as a prelude to intervention and in order to increase our basic understanding of language development .
25 American official policy was to promote self-government in south Korea as a prelude to unification but de la Mare observed that the long delay in accomplishing unification made this unlikely .
26 Lansdowne came first because he had been leader in the House of Lords since 1902 ; he was too old to be a rival to Law and he cooperated with him fully , though not without some condescension .
27 — Bruch suggested that body image disturbance is pathognomonic of anorexia nervosa and that this is shown by indifference to emaciation and a misperception of body size .
28 The number of peoples in the world who knew of these advantages and nevertheless persisted in rejecting them were few : to do so required a tenacity of purpose , an indifference to wealth and comfort which were not given to many .
29 Olaf Pedersen has recently drawn attention to St Paul 's complete indifference to time and chronology : he never even dated his letters .
30 Even in a legal system which had the narrowest of definitions of murder — say , premeditated intention to kill — there would still be an argument that some cases which fulfil that criterion should have their label reduced from murder to manslaughter because of extenuating circumstances .
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