Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Reich bought from members and supported the association to such an extent that in 1942 they celebrated their 75th anniversary with a big exhibition of German women artists !
2 The second thing I noticed was the friendliness of the people , the spontaneity of their welcome and their kindness to all the athletes who gathered there .
3 My hon. Friend knows as well as I do that no Government have brought the police force to such a level as this Conservative Government have done .
4 Being a member of the Bede Singers , a small group noted for its charitable work , was a great joy to him and his loss to both the Catholic Players and to them is great indeed .
5 I am writing in reply to all the letters you have printed over the past few months about Steffi Graf .
6 The author seemed somewhat stumped for a reply to such an unusual question and stared into the camera , as if in search of inspiration .
7 The leaders were moved from one club to another every six weeks and by means of rotation each club ( consisting of 10- year old boys ) experienced three different styles of leadership , under three different leaders .
8 Apparent success came with the announcement in April 1985 of a three quarter million pound investment programme to resignal the line .
9 De Tocqueville 's notes reveal not only the conscious opposition to such a mode of religious power but also how deep the solidarity between clergy and people was , the degree to which the poor , half the catholic population at the time , looked to the clergy for material and spiritual leadership , guidance , and assistance , and how much they trusted them .
10 The gypsies say they need a site for up to 40 caravans but there is continuing opposition to such a plan .
11 The member states have , however , come out in almost unanimous opposition to such a change , arguing , in a paper prepared for today 's meeting by national treasury officials , that it is too cumbersome and bureaucratic ( although an unwillingness to cede fiscal control to Brussels is probably more relevant ) .
12 Now I think , er and I 'm sure that Mrs will , I 've I 've got other information as well , that we could , I , I , I 'd like to recommend that we had an on going petition which could be in Welfare Rights , the Town Hall , The Libraries , but there 's no , I do n't think there 's an opposition to such a thing , whereby we ask for a P D S A clinic in Harlow , I 'm sure there 's room round where they were sit , sited before , and I do n't know , you know , I 'd like to know what Mrs 's thinks , also I 've got information er , a , following lots of phone calls erm there is an organisation called The Blue Cross , they have a clinic in Victoria and they 're , they have a head office in Oxford and they will help if they know the name of the vet and have the invoice and I 'm afraid it 's tested , but they will help pensioner 's and other low paid people to meet there bill 's , so that 's another outcome , while were doing the petition .
13 However , he then backed down in the face of sustained UDF opposition to such a move ( the ruling Parti socialiste requiring UDF support if such a rejection were to go through ) .
14 the Party , in its work , never tired of advancing this programme of national emancipation , in opposition to both the frankly coercive policy of Tsarism and the half-hearted semi-imperialist policy of the Menshevik and Social Revolutionaries …
15 The Puddephat business was exerting far too great a hold on her ; she must put her mind to all the business connected with the new academic year .
16 In 1850 , however , the Gawthorpe villagers boasted of their fine maypole and its weathercock to such an extent that the men of neighbouring Chickenley determined to saw it down .
17 So then then you 've got the thing that is not measured which we ca n't measure is the disrupti the the cost of the disruption to all the other customers
18 Should you find that your roof is home to bats or other species , protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 , you must consult the Nature Conservancy Council for advice on the best way to deal with them , for the minimum disruption to both the animals and the household .
19 At the risk of stating the obvious , we could describe the situation presented in the Renaissance love-sonnet as one in which the poet adores , often from afar , a woman who either surpasses the worth of the poet to such a degree that union with her is inconceivable , or else rejects his advances with scorn and cruelty .
20 The tail wriggles and writhes in its mouth , or in its claws , and its liveliness preoccupies the would-be killer to such an extent that it hardly notices the rapidly escaping form of the rest of the lizard .
21 Since it would be absurd to regard the organisation as a stranger to such a treaty , this third party relationship must be regarded as an exceptional one .
22 It has pinned its future to first the Zilog Inc Z8000 , then the Motorola Inc 68000 , then the Mips Technologies Inc R-series , before now deciding that Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha RISC is the road to salvation .
23 And that there is said to exist , towards the far rim , a continent which though small is equal in weight to all the mighty landmasses in this hemi-circle ?
24 It 's the first time a leading drinks company has lent its weight to such a campaign .
25 The results from Table 6 and Table 7 give weight to both the hypothesis of change in visual perception and that of proprioceptive change .
26 The headmaster at the school gave a talk to all the children and issued a warning to them to beware of the Rottweiler breed in particular .
27 He gave a wonderful talk to all the students who were starting at the university .
28 Doubt and ambivalence are transmuted into clarity and certainty , and any attempt to reintroduce complexity into the debate is rejected as ‘ mere nitpicking ’ or ‘ a deliberate attempt to muddy the issue ’ .
29 Further factors in any attempt to second-guess the result are that last time round the UDF won this portfolio and that François Léotard , the incumbent at that time , is now aiming higher in ministerial rank .
30 At night after close of the service it was the practice to stable the empty trains end to end on the running lines in the tunnels on each side of the shed car pits , the end doors of each vehicle opened to permit ready exit of passengers in the event of an emergency , and to allow access to the lines of stabled trains by cleaners and others whose nocturnal duties took them into the subway tunnels .
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