Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Mrs García 's perfect reception of a press briefing taking place halfway around the world is testament to the long reach of Televisa 's ECO network .
2 Most outdoor pursuits are available and cater for all ages and abilities — from a gentle riverside stroll and picnic to a long distance hike , climbing and caving , fishing for trout and salmon , bird watching and falconry , canoeing , horseriding and mountain biking .
3 All that now remains is a single tower , a poor monument to a long history of noble residences on the site .
4 The paused at the entrance to the long corridor .
5 You can join immediately ( enquire at the entrance to the Long Room or in the Library Shop ) , or write to the Treasurer , Friends of the Library , Trinity College , Dublin 2 , from whom further information is available .
6 Mr Johnston said this week 's reform talks were no more than the overture to a long debate that would run into the winter and become embroiled in GATT negotiations .
7 Roll out the remaining pink marzipan to a long strip .
8 But if we turn to consider the [ … ] supply price with reference to a long period of time , we shall find that it is governed by a different set of causes , and with different results .
9 I propose a toast to the long life , health , wealth , and happy marriage , of Annabelle and Steven .
10 The principle of inverse irreversibility is often known by its more colloquial sobriquet as the ‘ Idiot child principle ’ , in deference to the long observed tendency of mothers to love best their least-promising offspring .
11 Rey was probably heir to a long tradition in the matter of prompting : no prompt-box can be seen in the illustrations from the 1747 Palais-Royal performance ( illus.s ) or the 1745 Versailles performance ( illus.3 ) .
12 I merely wish to draw attention to the long chain of wrongly dated groups of pottery , each in turn dependent on the other , all the result of the false assumption that a few coins were contemporary with this deposit , whereas they were either residual or still in circulation , and in neither case have a relevance in establishing a terminus post quem .
13 Unfortunately I had not realised that a stern rope had already been passed to the ship and an indignant shout from my crew on the after deck drew my attention to the long nylon rope which was now snaking dangerously round the bollards as we drew away .
14 As far as Marcus had been concerned she had succeeded too well , she admitted as she paid cursory attention to the long dark lashes fringing her clear grey eyes .
15 The slaves were bringing cups of chilled wine to the long table .
16 She walked through the living room to the long window at the end .
17 City had already surged forward and stretched the Quakers ' defence several times in search of an equaliser when Sean McCarthy beat the offside trap to a long through-ball , and was brought crashing down by Mark Prudhoe on the edge of the box .
18 ‘ Do n't add acquisitiveness to the long list of my sins .
19 May I begin by paying tribute to the long and distinguished career of the late Baroness Hart of South Lanark ?
20 This was only a temporary setback to the Long March veteran who had survived a number of purges over previous decades when ‘ redness ’ was valued more than ‘ expertise ’ .
21 We dropped down from the Spa to a long stretch of empty beach and the sergeant shouted " " Right , sprint to those rocks !
22 A man used to wielding an axe fought best on foot , and preferred the round targe with its cutting-edge and ramming-spike to the long , harp-shaped shields of the cavalry .
23 His head was still chewing over the problems he had discussed with his young students at the polytechnic , but his feet — as though contemptuous of all such academic preoccupations — had taken him by chance to a long , shabby street of bow-fronted houses that had obviously known better days .
24 But his feet — as though contemptuous of all such academic preoccupations — had taken him by chance to a long , shabby street of bow-fronted houses which obviously had known better days .
25 The response rate to a long and detailed questionnaire was good : 47 schools replied in the June survey and 41 in the November survey .
26 He smiled almost gently , but there was nothing gentle about the glitter in his dark eyes as they ran over her from the smooth shining coil of her silver-blonde hair to the long slender legs encased in elegant sheer navy stockings .
27 In 1563 one Hoppringle had been set upon and murdered in his house by a joint force of Armstrongs and Elliots , which gave rise to a long Border feud .
28 On Nov. 19 a French court ordered René Bousquet , a former police chief under the Vichy regime , to be tried for war crimes in an ordinary criminal court [ see p. 37899 ] , after overturning a ruling by the prosecutor-general 's office which had sent the case to a long defunct Special High Court of Liberation .
29 free admission to the Long Room ( if you join the Friends on your visit to the Library , your admission charge will be refunded )
30 Clive Kemp 's suggestion that she join him on a cruise across the Mediterranean had seemed the perfect antidote to a long hard winter , a series of temping jobs which had been more demanding than usual , and the unpleasantness of her break-up with Giles .
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