Example sentences of "[noun sg] of the company " in BNC.

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1 He stipulated that his kinsman John Herringman should have ‘ my Coppyes and partes of Coppys of Books as they stand entered in the Register Booke of the Company of Staconers … provided that he serves out his seaven years of Apprentishipp justly and truly ’ .
2 That Article 129 of the Articles of Association of the Company be amended by :
3 copies of the Articles of Association of the Company * ;
4 The Articles of Association of the Company require a proportion of the Directors to retire at each Annual General Meeting .
5 On the other hand , the articles of association of the company concerned must contain a clause equivalent to a requirement that the directors shall be under a duty to ensure that the company conducts any surveying business in accordance with the Rules of Conduct .
6 The arrangements for such a meeting are normally set out in the articles of association of the company .
7 Under Article 134 of the Articles of Association of the Company , the directors may , if authorised by an ordinary resolution of the Company , offer holders of ordinary shares the right to elect to receive ordinary shares credited as fully paid instead of cash in respect of any dividend specified by the ordinary resolution [ ‘ scrip alternative ’ ] .
8 The word ‘ Article ’ in the above resolutions means the relevant paragraph of the Articles of Association of the Company .
9 to exercise the power contained in Article 134 ( B ) of the Articles of Association of the Company so that , to the extend determined by the Directors , the holders of Ordinary Shares be permitted to elect to receive new Ordinary Shares of 25p each in the capital of the Company , credited as fully paid , instead of all or part of any dividend declared or proposed to be declared at any time prior to or at the next Annual General Meeting of the Company ; and
10 The Non-Executive Committee is established under the Articles of Association of the Company and comprises all the Directors of the Company except those who have been appointed as executive Directors and those who hold an executive office with a subsidiary or related company .
11 The Directors may exercise the powers of the Company conferred by Clause 3(s) of the Memorandum of Association of the Company and shall be entitled to retain any benefits received by them or any of them by reason of the exercise of any such powers .
12 The Directors may exercise the powers of the Company conferred by Clause 3(s) of the Memorandum of Association of the Company and shall be entitled to retain any benefits received by them or any of them by reason of the exercise of any such powers .
13 Despite the general principles set out above , a director may participate in investment opportunities and transactions in which his company is participating , provided that the articles of association of the company permit , and provided that the board has independently decided upon the amount of its investment , and the amount being raised requires the participation of other persons on terms no more favourable than those offered to his company .
14 It follows , of course , that service contracts are ineffective if they conflict with the Articles of Association of the company .
15 Lynda found working with Laura a great stimulant ; ‘ She never stopped thinking of the company and would often spot something in a book that attracted her ; she would know instantly how it could be adapted .
16 the Directors be authorised to establish any further employee share option scheme which they consider appropriate for employees of the Company or any subsidiary or associate of the Company who are resident or working outside the United Kingdom , provided that :
17 Administration of the company pension fund is now computerised and fully integrated with the database .
18 Ms Reynolds had been fired from her £20,000 a year job after taking time off to have a hysterectomy on the recommendation of the company doctor .
19 — if there is limited scope to do this in the pension scheme the spotlight should focus on the adequacy of the company 's keyman life cover .
20 The president of the company , its executive director , and the man holding the controlling interest in its shares was Edouard de Chavigny .
21 When the Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway Preservation Company Ltd. opened its passenger service to the public in April 1963 the Earl of Powis took part in the ceremonies and became President of the Company .
22 Now that the transition into planets is well-established , we suspect Scott McNealy is wearying of playing the dual and sometimes conflicting roles of CEO of parent company Sun Microsystems Inc and president of the company 's systems planet SMCC , going to both sets of meetings and dealing with other planets as an equal who 's also their boss .
23 Now that the transition into a string of planets is well-established , we suspect Scott McNealy is wearying of playing the dual and sometimes conflicting roles of chief executive of parent company Sun Microsystems Inc and president of the company 's systems planet Sun Microsystems Computer Corp , having to go to both sets of meetings and deal with other planets as an equal who is also their boss , and he could well be on the look-out for a president for the hardware unit ; some say he 's being urged to split the company up even further by some of his lieutenants .
24 After 35 years as president of the company he founded back in 1957 , Ken Olsen will give up the reins at Digital Equipment Corp this October , aged 66 .
25 At the end of July and beginning of August a group of six Drouot experts , headed by the president of the company Joël-Marie Millon , were in Moscow for almost a week offering free estimates to the Muscovites on their works of art , antiques and jewellery .
26 As president of the company , Branson would not have a seat on the board .
27 I am taken to an expensive restaurant in Makati , where the president of the company , whose name is Rudy , is throwing a gala dinner in my honor .
28 Egil Myklebust , president of the company , which also has interests in agriculture , petrochemicals and light metals , said that a weak world economy had caused a sharp drop in prices for its main products since 1991 .
29 On Friday the Law Lords in Edinburgh refused a Timex company management application for a ban on meetings taking place near the factory gates — interpreted by the union as paving the way for a show of force which will test the nerve of the company and its new recruits who daily run the gauntlet of jeering pickets and supporters .
30 ( r ) To pay all or any expenses incurred in connection with the promotion , formation and incorporation of the Company .
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