Example sentences of "[noun sg] of the day " in BNC.

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1 In contrast with my wishful thinking of the day before , I now found it impossible to visualize anything after the moment when the lights would go out and the window of the block would be thrown open .
2 With a quick reflex action he caught the tompaw , a short stout wooden handle with a steel claw set in the end , and thumped it into the first deal of the day .
3 Sweepers raked the dirt and dung away from the front of stalls ; a muezzin called from the minaret of a nearby mosque ; chai wallahs pulled their blankets closer around them and lit their burners to boil the first tea saucepan of the day .
4 Commitment and concentration were better if the bulk of the day 's work was past .
5 While the bulk of the day was taken up in full discussions with Ewen Muncro , time was also found to meet up with some important business customers .
6 Erm , but those , that has all my appointments on , and I use a very simple system of crossed hatching when I am away from my base for , for the bulk of the day .
7 But under all four Presidents of the Fifth Republic the state and public sector actors remained the lodestone , the reference point , of communications policy-making : the dominant political force of the day uses state patronage to fashion the communications landscape in a manner conducive to its interests . ’
8 There was colossal opposition to these developments at the planning stage , but local people 's views were generally ignored by the Tory administration of the day , who basically held the same values as the developers and permitted the schemes .
9 This year Douglas Reyburn also acted as hosts with Bill Service , Personnel Manager , organising the administration of the day .
10 And dangerous for the goat : a myotonic goat picking himself up from his umpteenth collapse of the day might wonder why natural selection had not taken its course long ago and dispensed with his unhappy breed .
11 The system works in conjunction with Central 's newsroom computer system and will provide a word-for-word transcript of the day 's news stories as they are presented on-screen .
12 Indeed , as Amiss saw with fascination , his first act on sitting down to breakfast was to open the tabloid at page three , fold it and prop it against the sugar bowl in such a way that the topless pin-up of the day was there to be looked at every time he got bored with the Telegraph .
13 At 4.30 am the Corporal of the day , a squat pig-like Polynesian called Vigno , came round the rooms , turning on the lights , throwing open the windows and tipping people out of bed , at the same time screaming at us in French to get downstairs on to the parade ground for ‘ appel ’ or roll call .
14 Any petty misdemeanour resulted in the offender having to report to the Corporal of the day with his entrenching tool after evening ‘ appel ’ .
15 Lisboa went on to become the leading soccer club of the day and eventually changed its name to Benfica , the club renowned today in world soccer .
16 You know , the champion who is consistently ahead of the opposition of the day .
17 That way the donor 's cards are not muddled in the confusion of the day , and presents are kept safely and not left in hotels or halls where they might go astray .
18 Sheila , a year younger still , was too self-centred and bright ever to challenge authority on poor ground and she pretended to be sick in order to escape the tension of the day .
19 Lewenthal 's and Danon 's performances , now ( my goodness ! ) thirty years old , were recorded in the teeth of the dehaut-enbas prejudice of the day and , although their earnest approach loses a little spontaneity in the making of their point , they must have taken some of Gershwin 's critics by the scruff of their ears .
20 I can see them in my mind 's eye rising and dancing slowly around the room , their bodies undulating in a controlled exuberance as if lifted out of the world of motor cars , rockets and computerised mentalities into some universal heartbeat , some rhythm of the day , of the night , of the sea , of life .
21 The longest , if not the highest , break of the day was my five-baller , which scored 8 ( green , yellow , three reds ) .
22 It 's 7.15 a.m. and time for the first break of the day .
23 Next day it was the usual Monday routine : washing , maiding , singing and sharing the gossip of the day .
24 The final witness of the day was Detective Constable Charles Woodward .
25 Does anyone , would anyone offer a more critical appraisal of the day ?
26 By then , Aitken 's pulse rate had decelerated enough for him to give a rational appraisal of the day 's events .
27 We stood on a bridge , looked down — and saw our first dipper of the day .
28 From October that year , a small car was towed behind the first electric car of the day to South Station , and pulled by a horse on a shuttle service between there and Squires Gate .
29 The pharaoh of the day is nobly shown as Horus 's second .
30 Often this is a matter of stopping the time out as soon as all the crying , whining , foot stamping has ceased and the child is quiet again : ‘ You can come back when you are quiet ’ is the rule of the day .
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