Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 An additional measure of glycaemic control was provided by looking at the mean of all the glycated haemoglobin results for each patient since the date of randomisation and then calculating the mean of means for each group .
2 A weighted mean of all the scaled images is then calculated , with the weighting factor being selected in order to bias against the presence of any abnormalities .
3 The prospect of exporting live horses for meat still causes a greater outcry than the continued export of half a million live British sheep each year .
4 The expected organism was grown from the original site of minor surgery on her back and was confirmed as a type of S aureus producing toxic shock syndrome toxin I. Isolation of such a toxin is diagnostically helpful , but there is substantial evidence that other staphylococcal enterotoxins contribute to a high mortality .
5 Once doubts about the feasibility of such a system finally caused it to be shelved indefinitely , the government sought other ways of extending parental choice , once it had introduced reforms to school government to increase opportunities for parental involvement at school level ( see Chapter 3 ) .
6 In 1912 the Labour Party overcame its caution sufficiently to agree at least to inquire into the feasibility of such a strike .
7 To study the feasibility of such a clinic we looked at 104 consecutive dermatological referrals ( August 1992 to February 1993 ) from doctors working in the practice ( as part of the fundholding data collection exercise we have kept copies of all our referral letters ) .
8 Contact is then set up between these groups and eventually a member of the computer department , called , usually , a systems analyst , will be assigned to assess the feasibility of such a system , and a communication or dialogue is begun between the systems analyst and members of the user department .
9 As the work of a man who is not only a poet but a Catholic poet , Paradiso is hardly a typical case , but the sheer volume of fiction produced in Spanish America in recent decades — and continues to be produced — scarcely betokens a general collapse of confidence in the written word , and it is noteworthy that Cabrera Infante 's Three Trapped Tigers , for example , re-creates the atmosphere of pre-revolutionary Havana even as it casts doubt on the feasibility of such an enterprise .
10 In fact , he doubted the feasibility of such an approach .
11 The association of such a unit with a header describing it as a bibliographic entity ( see further HDR below ) is regarded as a single *lt ; tei> element .
12 However , the association of such a device with similar canthari , on two sites in the same town , is important .
13 At this point I could no longer contain my curiosity and rushed through to see what he looked like as he said it , thinking of all the teachers I know who would cherish these rare kind words .
14 An unaccustomed self-pity overtook him , sitting in the straw , and he went into a trance , thinking of all the ways he lost out , trying to think of one positive factor in his favour .
15 Sometimes , thinking of all the terrible problems in the world , particularly the horror of the possibility of nuclear war , one is overwhelmed by the sadness of it all , and reduced to tears of helplessness .
16 Huddling away from the draughts , she tried to keep up her spirits by thinking of all the hated things she had left behind — the sweeping and scrubbing and lugging coals ; Will 's taunts and Samson 's beatings ; the damp bed of straw and sacks in the cold scullery ; worst of all , the threat of being passed on to Garty Jenks .
17 Christina sighed , thinking of all the hard work and commitment , and the toll that building and operating Crystal Springs had taken on their marriage .
18 Thinking of all the other men who would envy him if they knew .
19 ‘ Well , well , ’ she said reprovingly , looking at the unfinished grate and thinking of all the other duties which McAllister should have performed by now .
20 Learn how to do this by taking one colour , say yellow , and thinking of all the objects that come within that category .
21 She smoked her cigarette very slowly , trying not to cough and thinking of all the things she was going to do .
22 Thinking of all the other men who would envy him is they knew .
23 London itself is a great metropolis of half a million residents .
24 Rather it has the magnanimous ambition of offering the public a hands-on experience of the recent computerisation of all the data relating to the excavations .
25 He was a political associate of both the opposition leaders , George Villiers , second Duke of Buckingham , and Anthony Ashley Cooper , first Earl of Shaftesbury [ qq.v . ] .
26 Some of these families may never be able to accept the blackness of such a child , but , at the same time , they know that he or she is not really white .
27 It is this being , the power behind the throne who acts as the unifying force of all the ‘ lesser ’ deities , who would more appropriately be described as the God of Hinduism .
28 I can see the force of such an argument .
29 The Administration of Estates Act 1925 has provided a uniform method for the administration of all the property of a deceased person .
30 In the years after the defeat of 1935 the Party formulated many of the policies on which it was to be returned in 1945 .
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