Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] first " in BNC.

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1 I do not know when this piece of nonsense first became currency but it is as prevalent as ever : a recent poll of literary luminaries in France placed Simenon in the category of most under-valued prose writers of this century .
2 That peal of exile first heard in Hand in Glove still rings true in moments on Viva Hate ! and no doubt always will , no matter what follows , in the same way that traces of wantonness persist in Jagger 's voice , beneath all the mannered overlay of time .
3 When I visit a city , I visit the older part of town first , as I have the greatest chance of finding good material there .
4 When I visit a city , I visit the older part of town first , as I have the greatest chance of finding good material there .
5 We shall look at the reduction of limitations first .
6 I go to the Prince of Vales first .
7 Streamline English Directions is for upper intermediate students , such as those approaching or at the level of Cambridge First Certificate .
8 The rising level of poverty first affected ethnic minorities , leading to migration of whole families to Budapest and other big cities , and a rise in homelessness .
9 You got a bit of training first and the adventure took a whole afternoon .
10 The pupil who says ‘ Grace ’ earns for his or her table the privilege of being first in the queue .
11 By the middle of the eighteenth century the Parliament of England first and then Great Britain had established de facto control over all aspects of government .
12 However , with some simplification and the elimination of multiple choice , success can be achieved in the majority of cases first time around .
13 a University of CNAA first degree
14 ANIMALS in dispute over some valuable resource , like food or mates , should behave like rational humans playing games , John Maynard smith of the University of Sussex first suggested in the early 1970s .
15 We have encouraged those who introduced local management of schools first to look again at their schools , and to ensure that the right balance exists between the funding of secondary schools and that of primary schools .
16 BREAD made from spelt , a type of grain first grown in the late Stone Age , is poised to become a new ‘ health-food ’ , a miller of organic flour forecast yesterday .
17 BBC Radio Five recorded an infant science programme to encourage young children to learn about how products are made with the help of Barlaston First School pupils .
18 This is a modification of depth first search which avoids finding all children of N straight away .
19 Substantial supplies had to wait on the mining of reefs first found as late as 1880 outcropping on the Tawmaw plateau .
20 And I think as far as the critics are concerned , John Maynard-Smith may allow me to adapt erm the critical misjudgement of all time , which was made by a Dublin Professor when The Origin of Species first came out , which you will remember no doubt
21 The range of SDLP first preferences was fairly close , that is , from 6,657 to 9,730 which suggests that steps may have been taken to persuade SDLP voters to spread their first preference votes as nearly equally as possible between the three candidates .
22 ( d ) Action on receipt of replies First peruse each reply carefully , consider its significance ; and if the reply is benign , pass on to the next , but before you do , tick the answer in the margin , or if it calls for clarification or action , put a cross in the margin , so that when you have considered every reply , you can go over them all comprehensively , and take whatever action is called for .
23 The theology of liberation first developed in the 1960s as a Christian Socialist philosophy which holds that it is the duty of the Catholic Church to work for social and economic reforms , particularly in the Third World , and to adopt the cause of the oppressed , These positions were approved at a meeting of Latin American bishops in Medellin , Columbia , in 1968 and represented a watershed for the church in Latin America , The Medellin documents openly denounced the poverty and brutality of the relations of production in Latin America : withdrawing support from the classes in power the bishops called , most significantly , for agrarian reforms , The documents proposed programmes , based on the method of Paulo Freire 's " education for liberation " , which were designed to promote a new sense of community action for change among the poor .
24 It was , much to Francis Thomas ' consternation , a question of building first , seeking permission later .
25 Furthermore , President Nixon misguidedly instructed his cabinet to appoint on the basis of ability first and loyalty second .
26 The claims of democracy would never have been admitted in the present liberal democracies had those countries not got a solid basis of liberalism first .
27 I derive untold pleasure from looking at buildings , but not just as objects which please the eye , nor just as works of art , as you would look at pictures in a gallery ; I also like imagining who commissioned them , who built them , what sort of person first lingered on their balcony or opened their casement window .
28 What sort of thing first ?
29 There was the satisfaction of being a survivor , the morbid distinction of being first about with the news .
30 One such band was St Patrick 's Annsboro from outside Castlewellan , who had the joy of victory first time round when they collected the trophy and gold medals .
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